毒舌派美國專欄作家評湖人第六戰表現 - NBA

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-06-19T16:07

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Celtics sublime in season finale

by Charley Rosen
Charley Rosen is FOXSports.com's NBA analyst and author of 14 books about
hoops, the current one being No Blood, No Foul


Pau Gasol played like a man against Big Baby but like an infant against
everybody else.
Pau Gasol在對上Big Baby時,打的像個男人,不過對上其他人卻像個小娃兒。

Although he played with great energy, Lamar Odom played like he was made out
of straw.
雖然Lamar Odom活力十足,不過打起來像是稻草做的一樣。

Derek Fisher was tough but not tough enough to spit against a hurricane.
Derek Fisher是很悍沒錯,不過沒悍到可以向颶風吐口水。

Vladimir Radmanovic forced several shots, passes and dribbles; played his
usual invisible defense; and otherwise skittered his way through the game
lost, as frightened and as confused as a lamb in a lion's den.
Vladimir Radmanovic 勉強做出幾次投射、傳球和運球,一如往常看不見的防守,要

Sasha Vujacic played defense as though he'd never been confronted with a
screen before.
Sasha Vujacic的防守看起來好像他從來沒面對過掩護一樣。

Jordan Farmar, Luke Walton, Trevor Ariza and Ronny Turiaf played out the
Jordan Farmar、Luke Walton、Trevor Ariza 和 Ronny Turiaf 打的荒腔走板。

And what about Kobe?

He was completely flummoxed by the Celtics defense — everywhere he turned
there was a belligerent player in a white shirt waiting for him. Kobe managed
to get to the hoop only once in the first half — and missed a layup.
Otherwise, he was reduced to being a long-distance jump shooter. After a
flurry of makes to start the game, Kobe finished shooting 7-for-22, including
4-for-16 on his jumpers.
他淪落成一個長距離跳投射手,在開賽後的幾波攻勢後,Kobe 最後22投7中,包括16

Indeed, Kobe spent most of his time trying to force the action, as attested
to by his four turnovers and lone assist.

For a player who is universally celebrated as being the best hooper on the
planet (and rightly so), Kobe was the sixth-best player in Game 6 — behind
Garnett, Allen, Pierce, Rondo and Posey. One-against-five is always a losing
對一位普遍被認為是地表上最好的籃球員而言(確實也是),Kobe 是第六戰裡表現第六
好的球員,排在Garnett、Allen、Pierce、Rondo 和 Posey 的後面,一打五永遠是敗

Even so, the Lakers also deserve credit for surviving the Western Conference
playoffs so easily. The latest finals competition between Los Angeles and
Boston was certainly in the continuum of previous matchups between these two
storied franchises in that, no matter which team happened to win in any given
season, power always triumphed over finesse — and great defense always
overcame great offense.

So it is, was, and always will be.

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2008-06-19T21:34
這樣有很毒舌嗎 跟大鳥的垃圾話比還差遠了XD
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-06-23T18:28
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-06-26T17:36
KOBE是打的第六好的球員 XD
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-07-01T12:03


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-06-19T10:41
綜藝天王:乃哥 SBL三分球優質脫衣灌籃王:蕾哥~ 包皮長過膝的皇者:包皮哥 難怪會得總冠軍 - ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2008-06-19T02:10
http://0rz.tw/aa4hT 即使面對全盛期的大鯊魚也不手軟,禁區殺進殺出~ 不像有人遇到乃哥手就軟了 - ...

[閒扯] 軟豆的暑假大冒險(?)

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-06-18T23:34
※ [本文轉錄自 Celtics 看板] 作者: AngeLucifer (A.L.) 看板: Celtics 標題: [閒扯] 軟豆的暑假大冒險(?) 時間: Wed Jun 18 23:09:56 2008 大家常常抱怨軟豆的中距離及外線能力不足, 那麼在今年暑假, CELTICS優秀的得分手們究竟 ...

6呎8會比6呎9來得高?(T-MAC VS BooZER)

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-06-18T17:29
小麥身高聽說是足高6呎8 而小布身高是6呎7又3/4英吋 但是一個穿鞋量 一個脫鞋 造成球員資料上6呎8比6呎9吋還高的錯覺 請問一下 有沒有球員不穿鞋量的身高資料? 不然這樣看球常常有錯覺 謝謝 PS:有沒有大陸籃球隊的身高資料(大陸應該也是不穿鞋量吧) 歐尼爾身高7呎1 到底有沒有比王治郅還高?? ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-06-18T12:00
個人推活塞對上賽隊的系列, 活塞應該是賽隊一路打來遇到最大的敵人吧~ 雖然前面都是打滿七場, 但是看過東區總冠軍系列戰, 發現這兩隊實力真的是在伯仲之間, 互有往來,反倒是總冠軍系列就比較讓我失望了。 - ...