歷年來較長的禁賽場次 - 丹佛金塊 Denver Nuggets

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2006-12-20T00:26

Table of Contents

Longest suspensions in NBA history for on-court incidents:

72 games: Ron Artest, Indiana, suspended the remainder of the season for
fighting with fans in the final minute of a game at Detroit on Nov. 19 (Nov.
21, 2004).

68 games: Latrell Sprewell, Golden State, one year after "physically
assaulting" coach P.J. Carlesimo during a practice (Dec. 4, 1997). Arbitrator
John Feerick overturned the Warriors' termination of the Sprewell's contract
and reduced his one-year suspension by five months, ending July 1, 1998.

30 games: Stephen Jackson, Indiana, for fighting with fans in the final
minute of a game at Detroit on Nov. 19 (Nov. 21).

26 games: Kermit Washington, L.A. Lakers, 60 days for punching Houston's Rudy
Tomjanovich (1977).

25 games: Jermaine O'Neal, Indiana, for fighting with fans in the final
minute of a game at Detroit on Nov. 19 (Nov. 21, 2004). Was reduced by an
arbitrator to 15 games.

15 games: Carmelo Anthony, Denver, for punching New York's Mardy Collins in a
game on Dec. 16 (Dec. 18).

11 games: Dennis Rodman, Chicago, and fined $25,000 for kicking a courtside
television photographer (Jan. 17, 1997)

10 games: Nate Robinson, New York, for fighting in a game against Denver on
Dec. 16 (Dec. 18, 2005).

10 games: J.R. Smith, Denver, for fighting in a game at New York on Dec. 16
(Dec. 18).

10 games: Vernon Maxwell, Houston Rockets, for going into the stands and
hitting a fan (Feb. 6, 1995).

7 games: Nick Van Exel, L.A. Lakers, and fined $25,000 for shoving a referee
(April 9, 1996).

6 games: Mardy Collins, New York, for his hard foul on Denver's J.R. Smith
and sparking a brawl on Dec. 16 (Dec. 18).

6 games: Ben Wallace, Detroit, for shoving Indiana's Ron Artest after a foul
led to the 5-minute fracas in the final minute of a game against the Pacers
on Nov. 19 (Nov. 21, 2004).

6 games: Dennis Rodman, Chicago, and fined $20,000 for head-butting a referee
(March 18, 1996).


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-12-20T23:00
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2006-12-21T21:34
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2006-12-22T20:09


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2006-12-20T00:03
又開張了 最近三場比賽平均5個火鍋 大師兄真的很厲害呀 前陣子五大好球還硬生生的把一個單手飛身灌籃的球 單手貓下來.... 希望zo可以一直這樣打下去,重回2000年的顛峰狀態 - ...

Re: AI新消息:只肯去強隊,若被交換至弱隊將拒絕報到

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2006-12-19T22:03
(前文恕刪) 看了很多人的文章,我們可以回想一下AI在七六人的時光,還有知道Billy King到底做過 哪些交易,他的生涯大概可以從他拿了MVP那一年後分為前後期,我只關心了他的後期 ,所以我也只敢,說說他的後期,從他拿了MVP的那一年開始講起好了,當然這是很簡略 的只是想讓大家知道一些七六人和AI ...

We Still Believe!! 獻給尼克迷們

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2006-12-19T20:51
這幾天尼克發生的鬥毆事件我也相當關注 唉~飽受輿論之苦阿!有的甚至是以訛傳訛~ 令人痛心 但是今天對爵士的比賽 有種不一樣的感覺 那就是熱血! 八人應戰是相當辛苦! 尼克新人們表現不俗共搶了45顆籃板球 尤其在最後關鍵時刻天下第一後衛發飆簡直是仙道 在終場前0.X秒硬是拿下兩分 逆轉比賽 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2006-12-19T19:58
沒錯.我真的認為只是暫時脫離而已.因為這場比賽雖然贏了.不過還是有些問題 首先內線的Krstic這場表現很優秀.或者該說前兩場他都有在內線表現出很好的狀態 不過要在高興之餘知道這兩場的內線雖然不算很差.不過頂多也中等左右吧 所以Krstic還需要繼續保持.也不用等太久.下一場騎士的內線就幾乎算東區優質的 ...

easy chat......

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2006-12-19T19:48
如果以目前的狀態, 先發和替補來場練習賽 先發:隊長、VC、樹樹、RJ、小克 第六人:大叔(他還無法上場..只是假設..XD 替補:小馬、AW、Adams、AW、Mikki 第六人:奶爸 以最近的表現看來..... 似乎替補隊不會輸給先發隊多少耶.....XD 另外,Mikki自從上個 ...