武漢肺炎相關 - NBA

By Caitlin
at 2020-11-27T12:07
at 2020-11-27T12:07
Table of Contents
1. Rick Bonnell: Heard something interesting about training camp rosters: There are NBA teams not planning to bring the maximum number of allowable players to camp, on the reasoning that adds to potential COVID risk/complications. That means some teams would not have any more players than available roster spots. The downside: Fewer bodies to scrimmage, particularly if you have nagging injuries holding out rotation players.
2. 魔術師Maas死於武漢肺炎
RIP Maas
Liz Mullen: NBA Commissioner Adam Silver tops the list of @SBJSBD’s reader survey on the question: Which professional sports league commissioner/top executive was most effective at navigating the challenges of 2020? SBJ: bit.ly/3kYJzBE pic.twitter.com/00lO8Qz32c
毫無疑問的 NBA主席阿銀用48%支持率屌虐第2-5名總和
4. Marc Stein: NBA teams have been notified that no more than 50 people at one time will be allowed in practice facilities this season, @NYTSports has learned The full range of health and safety protocols for the coming season, sources say, are still being finalized by the league and union
Marc Stein: The league has also mandated that, as part of its attempts to reduce COVID-19 risk, teams will be required by Wednesday to place players, coaches, basketball staffers and other team personnel in three defined “tiers” to determine access to the practice facility and for traveling
5 多倫多疫情爆炸
Chris Mannix: In what reinforces why the Raptors won’t play in Canada, at least to start the season: Toronto is going into a 28-day lockdown, effective Monday. COVID-19 infections have been on the rise.
補充: 包含不能4人以上集會,餐廳不能內用,所有演出、表演與展覽暫停
Chris Haynes: Yahoo Sources: Players who choose to participate in individual workouts beginning Dec. 1 (and staff who would supervise) must return to home market and begin PCR testing by Nov. 29.
4. NBA可能只公布半季時程,方便檢視與補賽
5. NBA季後賽球隊可能沒辦法支援奧運 ,考慮到訓練營無限期停擺,明年的夢幻隊會相當艱難。
6. 一個很早就被否決的概念是在東西岸各設2座泡泡球場。
7. 勇士隊努力的目標是50%球迷可以在他們的新球場開放當天入場,勇士預計砸3000萬預算對所有球迷篩檢
8. 據傳火箭、小牛還有灰狼是被允許球迷入場的候選球團。
All Comments

By Puput
at 2020-11-30T05:33
at 2020-11-30T05:33

By Edward Lewis
at 2020-11-30T15:27
at 2020-11-30T15:27

By Ingrid
at 2020-12-01T17:41
at 2020-12-01T17:41

By Selena
at 2020-12-03T00:16
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By Zanna
at 2020-12-06T08:07
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By Joe
at 2020-12-07T20:16
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By Odelette
at 2020-12-09T06:02
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By Carol
at 2020-12-12T16:03
at 2020-12-12T16:03

By Audriana
at 2020-12-12T22:46
at 2020-12-12T22:46

By Quintina
at 2020-12-15T11:15
at 2020-12-15T11:15

By Gary
at 2020-12-19T00:48
at 2020-12-19T00:48

By Connor
at 2020-12-21T01:09
at 2020-12-21T01:09

By Tracy
at 2020-12-21T03:08
at 2020-12-21T03:08

By Quanna
at 2020-12-22T13:41
at 2020-12-22T13:41

By Rebecca
at 2020-12-25T09:41
at 2020-12-25T09:41

By Ophelia
at 2020-12-29T13:57
at 2020-12-29T13:57

By Jacob
at 2020-12-30T04:41
at 2020-12-30T04:41

By Isla
at 2020-12-31T03:51
at 2020-12-31T03:51

By Ethan
at 2021-01-03T10:35
at 2021-01-03T10:35

By Kristin
at 2021-01-06T15:30
at 2021-01-06T15:30

By Callum
at 2021-01-07T21:16
at 2021-01-07T21:16

By Lydia
at 2021-01-09T00:59
at 2021-01-09T00:59

By Bethany
at 2021-01-11T02:52
at 2021-01-11T02:52

By Ingrid
at 2021-01-11T11:33
at 2021-01-11T11:33

By Faithe
at 2021-01-16T11:15
at 2021-01-16T11:15

By Ingrid
at 2021-01-21T07:42
at 2021-01-21T07:42

By Linda
at 2021-01-24T07:07
at 2021-01-24T07:07

By Selena
at 2021-01-28T02:52
at 2021-01-28T02:52

By Christine
at 2021-01-29T03:26
at 2021-01-29T03:26

By Cara
at 2021-02-01T09:12
at 2021-02-01T09:12

By Iris
at 2021-02-02T21:56
at 2021-02-02T21:56

By Catherine
at 2021-02-04T08:56
at 2021-02-04T08:56

By Hedda
at 2021-02-07T12:03
at 2021-02-07T12:03

By Harry
at 2021-02-12T05:18
at 2021-02-12T05:18

By Joe
at 2021-02-14T19:53
at 2021-02-14T19:53

By Frederica
at 2021-02-17T05:22
at 2021-02-17T05:22

By Anonymous
at 2021-02-20T00:03
at 2021-02-20T00:03

By Donna
at 2021-02-21T15:47
at 2021-02-21T15:47

By Catherine
at 2021-02-26T15:06
at 2021-02-26T15:06

By Jacky
at 2021-02-27T05:29
at 2021-02-27T05:29

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at 2021-03-02T16:03
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at 2021-03-04T16:18
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