歐冠四強戰20人大名單飛往馬德里 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-04-22T02:48

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Posted on: Mon 21 Apr 2014

A squad of 20 players is travelling from England to Madrid this afternoon

Samuel Eto'o is not included, he has a minor knee irritation. Eden Hazard
does travel. He has not played since a calf problem forced his early
withdrawal from the previous Champions League game, the home win over
Paris Saint-Germain earlier this month.

There are no other absentees due to injury and Petr Cech is in the squad
having missed Saturday's game against Sunderland due to a minor illness.

Branislav Ivanovic serves a one-match suspension for collecting three
bookings in the competition. Nemanja Matic and Mohamed Salah are
ineligible having played in the Champions League this season for their
previous clubs.

The travelling squad is:

Petr Cech, Mark Schwarzer, Hilario,

David Luiz, Gary Cahill, John Terry, Ashley Cole, Nathan Ake,
Cesar Azpilicueta, Tomas Kalas,

Marco Van Ginkel, Ramires, Frank Lampard, Oscar, John Mikel Obi,

Eden Hazard, Willian, Andre Schurrle, Fernando Torres, Demba Ba.

Jose Mourinho and one of the players will be speaking to the media at the
Vicente Calderon Stadium at approximately 6.45pm UK time. The conference
can be followed via our @chelseafc Twitter account.

The squad's final training session before the game took place this morning
at Cobham.


PTT Chelsea 名言錄


Tags: 足球

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2014-04-24T04:12
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2014-04-26T05:37
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2014-04-28T07:01
Eto'o: minor knee irritation
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2014-04-30T08:25
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-05-02T09:50
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2014-05-04T11:14
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2014-05-06T12:38
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2014-05-08T14:03
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-05-10T15:27
沒愛偷 = =
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-05-12T16:52


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2014-04-22T02:44
http://sports.163.com/14/0421/19/9QCLQNCJ00051C8V.html 2014-04-21 19:41:21 來源: 網易體育 馬競門神庫爾圖瓦接受了國際足聯官網的專訪,談到與切爾西的歐冠半決賽,庫 爾圖瓦表示非常渴望幫助馬競取勝,寧願這兩場不做藍軍球迷, ...


William avatar
By William
at 2014-04-22T00:12
只是想問問 足球應該很難有這樣的球員吧 能夠勝任多個位置 我只知道奧謝算吧 拉莫斯可以踢中後衛和邊後衛 以前的芙瓊也是多功能後場球員 除了上述幾個例子以外 還有其他人嗎 - ...

足球小將作者自曝最愛巴薩 稱梅西是大空

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-04-21T09:54
小弟本來還以為大空翼是以魔獸「德羅巴」作為樣板的呢 理由: ‧都作為前場攻擊型球員。 ‧都曾經當過國家隊隊長。 ‧都能夠開無雙一騎當千。 還有一個最重要的理由:都有著以足球消弭戰爭的堅定信念!! 這個理由是小弟最近才發現高橋似乎把這兩個人的關係在漫畫裡埋了梗: Golden-23第12話,大空翼如是 ...

土超 加拉塔薩雷 Drogba球衣

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2014-04-20T22:11
我在2012年去上海交換學生才開始接觸足球, 香港交換生會找我們去酒吧一起看, 介紹他最愛的看車路士,剛好那年Drogba到中國踢球 他還去買了一件作紀念,不過是假的印的很醜XD 現在陸陸續續有跟著MOD的轉播看歐冠杯及德甲 但是認識的還不多,準備要踢四強了, 切爾西加油!! --------- ...

英超-埃托奧進球舊將爭議絕殺 切爾西1-2負墊底隊

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2014-04-20T18:46
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2014-04-20/01217127082.shtml 2014年04月20日02:23 新浪體育   北京時間4月20日00:30(英國當地時間19日17:30),2013/14賽季英格蘭足球超級 聯賽第35輪一場焦點戰在斯坦福橋球場展 ...