東奧美洲區資格賽 因疫情延期 - 棒球

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2020-03-13T09:59

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Americas Olympic Baseball qualifier postponed

東京奧運棒球項目美洲區資格賽 延期

New dates for the America’s Qualifier in Arizona will be announced in due


PHOENIX (AZ), USA -- The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC),
together with host USA Baseball, today announced the postponing of the WBSC
Baseball Americas Qualification Event for the Games of the XXXII Olympiad
Tokyo 2020 due to player, personnel and spectator health and safety measures
to counter the spread of the coronavirus.

WBSC與主辦美洲區資格賽的美國棒協 今天宣布
東京奧運棒球項目美洲區資格賽 因新型冠狀肺炎疫情與球員健康與安全著想

The Americas qualifier was set to place in Surprise and Tempe, Arizona, from
22-26 March. After consulting with medical and governmental authorities, a
joint decision by the WBSC and the Local Organising Committee was taken to
postpone the event.

但在諮詢過美國政府後 WBSC與當地主辦單位決定延賽

New dates for the America’s Qualifier in Arizona will be announced in due


The eight national teams set to compete in the WBSC Baseball Americas
Qualifier include host USA, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic,
Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and Venezuela.

美洲區資格賽將有加拿大 哥倫比亞 古巴 多明尼加 尼加拉瓜 波多黎各 委內瑞拉
以及主辦國美國 八國參賽

The winner from the WBSC Baseball Americas Qualifier will earn a berth into
the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, while the second- and third-place finishers
will have a second chance to qualify for Tokyo 2020 at the Final Qualifier in
Taichung and Douliu, TPE, which has been rescheduled from 1-5 April to 17-21
June due to the coronavirus.

六搶一最終資格賽也因疫情 已從4/01-05延到6/17-21

The winner of the Final qualifier will earn the sixth and final berth into
the Tokyo 2020 Olympic baseball tournament.


Four nations have already qualified for baseball at the 2020 Olympics: host
Japan, Israel, Korea and Mexico.

東京奧運棒球項目已確定有四國參賽:以色列 韓國 墨西哥 與主辦國日本

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2020-03-13T11:46
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2020-03-13T20:30
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2020-03-15T15:34
奧運8成會延賽了 全世界爆爆樂到變這樣

中職》若有球員、職員感染肺炎 最壞打算

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2020-03-13T09:46
※ 引述《wahaha23 (請勿拍打餵食)》之銘言: : 中職》若有球員、職員感染肺炎 最壞打算停賽 : https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200312005481-260403?chdtv : 今早NBA球員確診新冠肺炎,因此NBA全面停止賽事,中職引以為 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2020-03-13T09:38
這情況很像蔡仲南2008.2009年兩年完全沒有一軍出賽的紀錄,興農也沒有打算砍他,不過 阿甘迷還是嗅到退休的味道,二軍最後一場不少球迷到場想看蔡仲南投球,最後一場都沒登 板,自己球季結束後就拿著一手啤酒跟領隊說要退休繼續進修,之後跑回興農當投教又是另 一個故事.. - ...

兒子為確診NBA球星 大都會職員隔離檢測

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2020-03-13T08:23
兒子為確診NBA球星 大都會職員隔離檢測 NBA爵士隊米契爾(Donovan Mitchell)確診新冠肺炎,觸動大都會神經,因為他的父親、 老米契爾(Donovan Mitchell Sr.)目前就任職於大都會球團,且3月5日才剛到現場觀戰兒 子的比賽。 老米契爾在大都會球團內擔任球員關係與社區投入部門 ...

全新打線太暴力 白襪可望重返季後賽

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2020-03-13T07:27
新聞來源:聯合 新聞標題:全新打線太暴力 白襪可望重返季後賽 新聞內容: 2020-03-13 07:00 聯合新聞網 / 蔡政益 已連續11年沒進季後賽的白襪隊,意外成為今年季前最積極補強的球隊。他們不但砸大錢 簽下多位明星球員,還做了有效的交易,同時也對自家球員延長合約,且農場新秀也培養 有成。他們 ...

SPC-MLB》比下190勝名投? 達比修坦言:

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2020-03-13T07:22
新聞來源:自由 新聞標題:SPC-MLB》比下190勝名投? 達比修坦言:我會很驚訝 新聞內容: 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕達比修有昨天先發3局僅掉1分,還狂飆158公里,賽後小熊總教 練羅斯(David Ross)明言,開幕戰投手將從達比修和韓德瑞克斯(Kyle Hendricks)中 擇一,讓達比修坦言很 ...