杜拜男網賽 - 網球

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2005-02-27T03:51

Table of Contents

First Round-
(4)Andre Agassi def. Radek Stepanek 6-4, 7-5

Second Round-
(4)Andre Agassi def. Feliciano Lopez 6-1, 6-3

Quarter Final -
(4)Andre Agassi def. Nikolay Davydenko 6-4, 7-6

(1)R Federer def. (4)A Agassi 63 61




沒關係 35歲的他能打進準決賽已經讓人非常感動

加油吧 阿拉斯加的孩童們還要靠你呢!!!

No one can tell me
why I'm breathing
Confusing everything
Life is boring
What's real to me???

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2005-02-25T09:08
2005/2/25 蘋果日報 阿格西戰術得宜晉8 圖:阿格西寶刀未老,杜拜出賽格外帶勁。法新社 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/News/dsp_Image.cfm?Path=/images/twapple/ 640pix/20050225/SN02/SN02_007.jpg ...

Agassi, Federer enjoy unique experience

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2005-02-24T12:46
Agassi, Federer enjoy unique experience ESPN.com news services Imagine playing tennis 692 feet in the air. The Burj Al Arab hotel was designed to look ...

〈杜拜公開賽〉Agassi首輪淘汰Stepanek 奪中東首勝

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2005-02-23T12:09
〈杜拜公開賽〉Agassi首輪淘汰Stepanek 奪中東首勝 路透迪拜電---Andre Agassi週一在杜拜公開賽首輪6-4、7-5擊敗Radek Stepanek, 這位34歲的美國老將首度在中東賽場出戰即迎來開門紅。 全場爆滿的5,000名觀眾目睹四號種子Agassi在他的發球局前14分無一失手 ...

杜拜網賽》中東球迷捧場 阿格西揮拍晉級

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2005-02-23T12:07
杜拜網賽》中東球迷捧場 阿格西揮拍晉級 照:有伊朗血統的阿格西第一次到杜拜參加網賽,受到當地球迷熱烈歡迎, 簽名應接不暇。http://udn.com/NEWS/MEDIA/2523150-1017753.jpg 【編譯林滄陳/綜合外電報導】 有中東血統的美國名將阿格西21日在杜拜網球公開賽揮拍,進行他 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2005-02-23T11:56
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/News/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Articleandamp;loc=TPandamp;sec_id =10andamp;NewsType=twappleandamp;showdate=20050223andamp;ShowCat=a ...