有關於王 - 棒球

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-05-22T12:48

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One more start in Minors set for Wang

By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com

05/21/09 8:00 PM ET

NEW YORK -- Yankees right-hander Chien-Ming Wang will make a third Minor
League rehabilitation start, taking the ball for Triple-A
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre on Friday at Pawtucket.

Wang has thrown 13 scoreless innings over his previous two starts in the
Minors, though the Yankees have been looking to see more consistency from his
sinker. He showed flashes of regaining that command in a bullpen session on
Tuesday at Yankee Stadium.

"We want to see what we saw in the bullpen," Yankees manager Joe Girardi
said. "We want to see him take that into the game. That will tell us a lot."

Wang has been on the disabled list since April 19 with weakness in the
abductor muscles of both hips. He spent time performing strengthening
exercises at the Yankees' training complex in Tampa, Fla., before pitching in
Minor League games.

Wang hurled seven scoreless innings on Sunday in a 3-0 victory over Columbus,
where his velocity was clocked between 88 mph and 92 mph. Wang, who did not
speak to the media Thursday, said after his bullpen session that he felt he
was ready to rejoin the Yankees.

"We all know that he wants to be here, and we want him to," Girardi said.
"But he understood where we're coming from. We want to see that stuff he had
in the bullpen in the game."

Additionally on Thursday, outfielder Johnny Damon was not in the Yankees'
starting lineup, as Girardi said the veteran had a "wrenched back" from
hitting the outfield wall in pursuit of Adam Jones' solo home run off starter
Phil Hughes in the fifth inning on Wednesday.

Girardi said that he was not sure if the Yankees would have Damon's services
in any capacity on Thursday. Brett Gardner, who missed three games with a
jammed right shoulder incurred on Sunday, returned to the lineup as New
York's center fielder, with Melky Cabrera shifting to left field.

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-05-25T18:26

快訊 快訊

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-05-22T12:43
因張伯倫膝傷? 王建民明不去3A小聯盟 (中央社記者黃兆平紐約21日專電)根據美國職棒紐約洋基隊最新消息,原本明天將到3A 小聯盟再投一場的台灣投手王建民,暫時繼續留在洋基隊,不去了,等待球團進一步指示 。980521 洋基隊五大先發投手之一的張伯倫,今天出賽遭一記強襲球擊中膝蓋受傷,王建民的留隊 是否 ...

[麗台] 吉拉迪:王建民還要再投一場小聯 …

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-05-22T12:30
現在看到的小王再一場復健賽大多引用美東時間 5/21 6:45 PM 的報導 像是這一則 http://blogs.nypost.com/sports/yankees/archives/2009/05/wangs_next_star.html 但是這個時候Joba還沒受傷,也沒有人會知道會需要牛棚吃下八局 ...

〈快訊〉張伯倫挨球吻 建仔轉入牛棚暫中繼

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-05-22T12:12
最新消息,洋基球團原先決定讓王建民在23日,留在3A再投一場。 但是最新情況是,由於洋基投手張伯倫今天比賽,被球打到退場,洋基隊動用不少中繼投 手,為了維持投手戰力,洋基臨時決定,讓王建民隨隊比賽入牛棚,並可能擔任中繼的角 色,同時調整自己的情況。 - ...

[麗台] 吉拉迪:王建民還要再投一場小聯盟復健賽

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-05-22T11:16
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板] 作者: Yangyihsin (歆) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [麗台] 吉拉迪:王建民還要再投一場小聯盟復健賽 時間: Fri May 22 09:41:32 2009 MLB》吉拉迪:王建民還要再投一場小聯盟復健賽 記者 劉祥航/綜 ...

[中央] 重返大聯盟且慢 王建民小聯盟再投一場

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-05-22T11:16
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板] 作者: Yangyihsin (歆) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [中央] 重返大聯盟且慢 王建民小聯盟再投一場 時間: Fri May 22 09:58:41 2009 重返大聯盟且慢 王建民小聯盟再投一場 中央社記者黃兆平紐約21日專 ...