最新世界排名 (3/19 女子部分) - 高爾夫球

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2012-03-21T22:41

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buteo:官網常常來這招 點開球距離排名就知道 雅妮連前30都排不上 03/20 20:08
buteo:就是因為把四場的開球距離除以五... 03/20 20:09
denychen:開球距離應該是297.66排第一,但平均桿數會降到69.31排第3 03/20 22:22
denychen:所有人的創始杯都被加兩次@@,Ai68.5,Yani69.31,Choi69.5 03/20 22:28
denychen:Yani平均桿數還是排第2... 03/20 22:28
denychen:英文好的大大寫信去跟LPGA說一下吧,[email protected] 03/20 22:32

平均開球距離的錯亂不是因為把 Founders Cup 資料輸入兩次, 而是來自澳洲公開賽。

早就注意到有錯, 今天忍不住終於寫信去 LPGA 問, 很快得到回應。他們正在處理中。


On LPGA website, there must be something wrong to the Avg Driving Distance
of "Stats and News".

Yani Tseng's Ave Driving Distance was ranked #1 as 269.2 last year, also
greater than 260 yards in 2010.

So far, Yani Tseng was ranked #114 as 238.1 yards this year. It can not be
right, because her drives reached 260 consistently in all four LPGA events.


Thank you for your interest in the LPGA. The issue lies with what was
calculated in Australia. Her drives were marked really low for that
tournament. It could've been an error and it could be right. We don't
know. We just have to go by with the data that we were supplied by the
person measuring the drive.

Stacy Shanks
Manager, Digital Media

100 International Golf Drive
Daytona Beach, FL 32124


Dear Stacy,

Thank you for the prompt response. Here is Yani's record in Australia Open:


Her drives in four rounds are 290, N/A, 252, 274 respectively, and the
total is 276.

I guess in your system, Yani's 2nd-round drive is counted as ZERO.
That's where the problem arises.


Thank you for this. I'll have them look further into it.

Stacy Shanks
Manager, Digital Media

100 International Golf Drive
Daytona Beach, FL 32124


All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-03-26T11:35
官網常常來這招 點開球距離排名就知道 雅妮連前30都排不上
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2012-03-26T17:57
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-03-29T13:02
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-04-01T19:58
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-04-05T16:58
英文好的大大寫信去跟LPGA說一下吧,[email protected]
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-04-09T03:06
推 大大辛苦了
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2012-04-10T04:51
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2012-04-10T06:56
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-04-12T13:35
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-04-13T15:29
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-04-16T02:21
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2012-04-19T19:33


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-03-21T17:00
小弟之前在便利商店裡看到雅妮的雜誌 好像是台灣的雜誌 不知道是youwork還是哪一本 封面是雅妮 感覺好像那一本都在寫雅妮 那時候竟然沒有買... 現在好後悔喔 大概是幾個月前吧 不知道有沒有前輩知道是哪一本的哪一期呢? 好想要一本啊~ 感謝大家 - ...

KIA Classic ~ 起亞菁英賽 ~ Day 1

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-03-21T10:45
KIA CLASSIC 起亞菁英賽 比賽日期:March 22 - 25, 2012 比賽場地:La Costa Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-03-21T00:21
高爾夫》南非雙雄可能打不進名人賽,馬納塞羅本週最後一搏 羅開Golf 頻道 – 2012年3月20日 上午10:30 【羅開新聞中心UlyWeng綜合報導】 Transitions Championship(全視線錦標賽)上演大混戰,決賽日一度出現八人並列領先 的局面,其中包括目前還在爭取奧古斯塔入場 ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2012-03-21T00:17
高爾夫》同一亞洲開幕戰,本週印尼開打 羅開Golf 頻道 – 2012年3月20日 下午12:46 【羅開新聞中心Thomas綜合報導】 由中高協、韓國與澳洲巡迴賽共同推動的同一亞洲(OneAsia),週四將在雅加達的 Emeralda Golf andamp; Country Club(艾美拉達高爾 ...

妮名人堂候選 只差5積分

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2012-03-20T10:37
妮名人堂候選 只差5積分 【黎建忠╱綜合報導】 曾雅妮拿下LPGA創建者盃高球賽冠軍後,距離高爾夫名人堂又更邁進1步,根據規定,妮 妮已經獲得22分的積分,只要累積滿27分,就可獲得高爾夫名人堂的候選資格。 根據世界高爾夫名人堂規定,LPGA成員想要入選名人堂需「同時」符合3個條件,一、要 成為LPG ...