最後的場邊訪問 - 網球

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-09-04T07:27

Table of Contents

Andre是我的偶像,I've followed his career.
He's one of the kind.
It was a great honor to play with him.
I know he's going to be happy in life.
I wish him all the best.

The scoreboard said I lost today.
But what the scoreboard doesn't say is what it is I have found.
Over the last 21 years, I've found loyalty.
You've pulled for me on the court and also in life.
I've found inspiration. You have willed me to succeed.
Sometimes even in my lowest moment.
I've found generosity. You've given me your shoulders to stand on...
To reach for my dreams. Dreams I could never be reach without you.
Over the last 21 years, I've found you.
And I will take you and the memory of you with me....
For the rest of my life. Thank you.

另外,在隔壁的Safin vs. Nalbandian的觀眾,

A chapter is folded....

ps. 據說Jaz和Jaden很高興老爸要退休了。

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2006-09-05T22:33
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-09-07T15:25


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2006-09-04T03:15
21年 我也才剛滿十九歲 如果人生可以有一次選擇 那我要早個十五年出生 從頭親身參與這偉大的世代 CBS繼續播著Safin跟Nalbandian的比賽 眼睛盯著螢幕 腦中想都卻都是以後再也看不到如此誠摯的飛吻該怎麼辦 再也看不到他小孩般的神情 他的笑他的淚 雀躍的蹦蹦跳跳下球場 這幾年 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2006-09-04T03:01
我仍然不相信 21年就這樣結束了 已經不會再有飛吻 已經不會再在場上見到你滿場飛奔 任何一個比賽 球員名單已經不會有Andre Agassi了 你說你不想步履蹣跚 可是你連跑動都勉強 你說你不會為了一場網球毀了自己的健康 可是你還是打了止痛針 從沒有看一場球看得如此揪心過 既希望你贏球 ...

36, like 86

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2006-09-04T02:54
剛剛插播了 Andre 換了便服步行的畫面 跛得非常嚴重 連 CBS 主播都說了 Oh, look at his walk. Heand#39;s 36 but like 86. --- 真心碎 andgt;and#34;andlt; --  ◢██◣██▉█◣◢█◢██◣█◣ ▊◢██◣◢◢ ...

再見了 AA

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2006-09-04T02:51
※ 引述《hibernate (Celtic Tiger)》之銘言: : 前一場五盤大戰可以贏就很感動了 : 贏一場是一場了 看到你背部的傷 : 心中真是有不忍 好想看你一直贏下去喔 : 可惜 還是止住了 : 再見了 飛吻 : 再見了 光頭 : 我會想念你的 : 掰掰 Benjamin Becker ...

再見了 AA

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2006-09-04T02:49
前一場五盤大戰可以贏就很感動了 贏一場是一場了 看到你背部的傷 心中真是有不忍 好想看你一直贏下去喔 可惜 還是止住了 再見了 飛吻 再見了 光頭 我會想念你的 掰掰 -- 假如它可以晚點天亮,我就會比較喜歡早晨。 ...