星媒對於新加坡隊在亞洲盃資格賽表示樂觀 - 足球

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-06-10T23:07

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Taiwan are easy to beat, or should be, even if this minnow has grown a little
in recent years. The danger for Singapore is that they may become frustrated
with a big fat Taiwan bus parked in front of the goal



※ 引述《Seiran (它它)》之銘言:
: Sundram's scowl should now be a smile, thanks to Asian Cup draw
: 感謝亞洲盃抽籤,新加坡總仔的皺眉如今應該是微笑了
: By John Duerden, Published: January 29, 2017 https://goo.gl/bQbiLM
: -----
: (快速翻譯,如有錯誤懇請海涵)
: At last Monday’s draw for the final round of qualifying for the 2019 Asian
: Cup finals, Singapore found itself in the same group with Bahrain,
: Turkmenistan and Taiwan. TODAY’s guest writer John Duerden reckons this is
: the best opportunity for embattled Singapore head coach V. Sundramoorthy to
: send the Lions into their first Asian Cup finals since 1984...
: SINGAPORE — Even veteran defender Daniel Bennett struggles to remember the
: last time Singapore appeared at the Asian Cup — after all, it was back in
: 1984.
: It takes fans of a certain vintage to remember that the country’s last
: meaningful action in the quadrennial tournament came as defender Razali Saad
: scored a second-half equaliser against Iran.
: That was Singapore’s first and only appearance to date in the competition,
: and it came because Singapore hosted the event. To put it simply: the Lions
: have never qualified for the Asian Cup. But that could be about to change.
: 新加坡在亞洲盃資格賽最終輪的抽籤,和巴林、土庫曼與台灣同組,客座作者John
: Duerden 認為新加坡總仔V. Sundramoorthy有最好的機會,將新加坡繼1984年首次在亞洲
: 盃登場後,再次於會內賽亮相。
: 就算是新加坡的老將,也很難記得上一次新加坡在亞洲杯的登場,畢竟那是1984年的往事
: 有點年紀的球迷才會記得後衛 Razali Saad在下半場進球追平了伊朗的比賽;這是新加坡
: 唯一在亞洲盃的亮相,因為新加坡是主辦國。簡單來說,新加坡從未靠自己的力量晉級過
: 會內賽,但這可能即將改變。
: The expansion of the tournament from 16 in 2015 to 24 in 2019 opens up the
: tournament to a lot more teams. The draw, held in Abu Dhabi on Monday, has
: opened the 2019 edition to the Lions.
: Bahrain, Turkmenistan, Taiwan and Singapore. You would struggle to find a
: group that better represented the different regions of Asia than this. There
: is an Arabian nation from the west, one from the central region with
: South-east and East Asia also represented. It means plenty of travel but it
: also means plenty of opportunities.
: Especially for coach V. Sundramoorthy.
: 亞洲盃的擴編,讓更多球隊有機會參與,也開啟了新加坡的晉級之路。
: 你很難找到比巴林、土庫曼、台灣與新加坡更好的分組,能呈現亞洲的不同區域;從西邊
: 的阿拉伯國家到中亞國家、東南亞國家與東亞國家在同一個分組中。這代表了許多的旅程
: ,也意味著許多的機會。
: 特別對於總教練V. Sundramoorthy來說
: It is only two months since I sat just a couple of metres away from the
: former Tampines Rovers boss in Manila after the Lions had been ejected from
: the group stage of the AFF Suzuki Cup by Indonesia.
: It was raining outside and the mood inside was equally gloomy. The last
: question from a reporter was about whether the coach thought his job was
: safe. Sundram’s last word was to turn it around and ask the reporter whether
: his job had been in doubt after just six months, before standing up and
: walking out.
: The scowl from November may have turned into a January smile. Sundram's
: contract expires on May 31 but a good start and the job could be his for some
: time to come.
: 去年十一月兵敗東南亞盃時,我在馬尼拉看到總仔的心情鬱悶,飯碗能否保住都是問題。
: 但當時的皺眉,現在可能轉成微笑,在今年5月31日合約到期前,有個好機會來大展身手
: That comes on March 28 when it all kicks off. If Singapore can get a result
: in Bahrain, then the whole group opens up and Sundram’s position is looking
: good.
: The men from Manama are not of the class as the team that came close to
: reaching Germany in 2006 and South Africa four years later. Political
: upheavals led to the team losing some of its best players and the current
: squad is aging somewhat.
: Heart can be taken from the Philippines. In the second round of qualification
: for the 2018 World Cup, Bahrain lost in Manila and finished behind the Azkals
: in the group and did not impress. Of the top seeds among the six groups,
: Bahrain are one of the weaker nations.
: The Middle Easterners could be the perfect team for the Singapore coach.
: Criticised at the AFF Suzuki Cup for focusing too much on defence and
: counter-attack, that could be exactly what the team needs in Manama. Bahrain
: are under pressure after a series of indifferent tournament performances.
: Recent World Cup qualification campaigns have ended prematurely and after a
: last-four place at the 2004 Asian Cup, the last three tournaments resulted in
: first-round exits.
: Bahrain are good enough to expect to beat Singapore and to attack
: aggressively but not good enough to automatically win. A point for the
: visitors in the first game is a realistic target, and would send a signal to
: the rest of the group. Bahrain are not easy to beat but they are beatable.
: 新加坡3月28日首戰對手是巴林,如果在巴林能取得積分,對於晉級的情勢一片大好。
: 巴林隊不再是那隻曾在2006年與2010年差點進入世界盃的那支球隊,政治動盪流失了一些
: 好手,同時陣容老化。菲律賓就曾在2018年世足賽亞洲區第二輪擊敗過巴林,而且最終巴
: 林在小組賽的排名也是落後菲律賓,這次資格賽抽籤的第一檔次中,巴林是屬於較弱的國
: 家之一。
: 巴林也是新加坡總仔心中的完美對手,正如同他在兵敗東南亞盃時,被批評過於重視防守
: 與防守反擊,這正是面對巴林時所需要的部分。巴林在一系列的賽事敗北後正承受著壓力
: ;自從巴林在2004年亞洲盃得到第四名之後,連續三屆的亞洲盃都是一輪遊。
: 巴林好到可以預期擊敗新加坡,但絕對不是穩贏。首戰在客場逼和巴林是一個合理目標;
: 這同時能給小組其他球隊一個信號:巴林雖不容易打敗,卻是可擊敗。
: Taiwan are easy to beat, or should be, even if this minnow has grown a little
: in recent years. The danger for Singapore is that they may become frustrated
: with a big fat Taiwan bus parked in front of the goal.
: Assuming he is still in place, can a fairly defensive-minded coach like
: Sundram get the wins – and they may have to be big ones given that goal
: difference could be crucial in the end – against a team that may well be set
: up to spoil? Assuming his contract lasts that long, Sundram will need to show
: some flexibility.
: 台灣輕易就能取勝,或應該如此,即是他們在過去幾年有著些微進步。但對新加坡危機在
: 於,要是台灣在球門前停大巴,可能會令人感到挫折。
: 假設次戰在主場面對台灣的比賽(6/13),總仔還在任的話,這位著重防守的教練,需要多
: 一點變通來獲得大勝,好取得淨勝球數以備萬一。
: Turkmenistan are the second seeds in the group but will set their sights on
: top spot.
: In the second round of qualification for the 2018 World Cup, the Central
: Asians finished third, just a point behind Oman after beating the team 2-1, a
: result that saw Oman fire Paul Le Guen. The highlight, however, was a 1-1
: draw with winners Iran and praise from Carlos Queiroz for their effort.
: Hard-working and well-organised, and capable of generating a hostile
: atmosphere in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan have plenty of experience.
: For a number of the team’s big names such as Nazar Bayramow, Yagmyrmyrat
: Annamyradow and Artur Geworkyan, the 2019 Asian Cup is going to be the last
: chance they have at a major tournament though Bayramov did make it to the
: 2004 Asian Cup, the country’s only appearance on the continental stage.
: It is the back-to-back games against the Turkmen, at home in September and
: then away the following month that will make or break the Lions’ campaign.
: Scouting and researching will be crucial as the Emeralds don’t play that
: many friendly games.
: The Football Association fo Singapore (FAS) will have to help the coaching
: staff and put in some calls to India, Guam, Iran and Oman to get their hands
: on some tapes.
: 土庫曼是小組中的第二種子,但他們把目標放放在奪得首位。在2018年世界盃亞洲區資格
: 賽第二輪中,土庫曼僅以一分之差後於阿曼,排在分組第三。在世界盃資格賽中土庫曼曾
: 以2-1擊敗阿曼,也以1-1逼和分組第一的伊朗,獲得伊朗總教練Carlos Queiroz的稱讚。
: 土庫曼有著豐富的經驗能下苦功與良好組織,並在主場營造敵對氣氛。
: 對於陣中的幾位王牌而言,2019年亞洲盃是他們最後一次能在大賽出場的機會,雖然
: Nazar Bayramow曾在2004年,土庫曼僅有的亞洲盃之旅亮相過。
: 對決土庫曼的比賽剛好是「背靠背」,九月在主場、十月在客場;土庫曼不太常踢友誼賽
: ,因此球探和研究工作至關重要。新加坡足協必須要協助教練團取得當時土庫曼面對印度
: 、關島、伊朗與阿曼的比賽資料。
: A well-prepared, organised and focused Singapore team can go all the way in
: this group. Much depends on the coach but this group may be better suited for
: the conservative Sundram than November’s AFF Suzuki Cup pot.
: If he starts well, then he may not only get the job long-term but he could
: become the first man to lead Singapore through Asian Cup qualification.
: 一個準備充分、有組織且專注的新加坡隊可以在這組取得一帆風順。總仔保守的風格恰好
: 適合這個分組,而不是去年東南亞盃的那個分組。
: 如果開局順利,總仔不僅能拿到長期飯票,更能成為帶領新加坡闖過資格賽的第一人。

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-06-12T02:01
James avatar
By James
at 2017-06-13T18:15
把對台灣視為必勝 而且還要進補進球數的一場XD
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-06-16T16:28
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2017-06-18T13:50
好感人 終於贏球了 讚
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2017-06-18T15:09
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2017-06-20T06:43
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-06-23T14:47
他們媒體覺得我們很廢是拿分的啊 XDDD
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-06-24T17:36
下一場9月初 可以好好備戰
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2017-06-25T01:31
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2017-06-26T10:45
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2017-06-29T09:54
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2017-06-29T13:35
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-07-03T09:29
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-07-06T13:56
中間還有國際日嗎 希望能再多排一場友誼賽
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-07-07T17:53
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-07-12T09:16
哈哈哈哈 爽拉
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2017-07-14T10:33
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2017-07-14T19:40
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-07-18T00:15
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-07-18T12:53
牛皮吹破了 哈哈
Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-07-18T20:05
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-07-23T08:13
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2017-07-28T01:28
還認為我們還在玩大巴 輸了剛好啦XD
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-07-30T05:19
大家先積點人品啊 如果按照分組檔次贏新加坡是要預料內
的XDD 跪求在巴林手上拿分
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-07-30T22:15
停大巴就是9 1陣。防守變成10 0 0
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2017-08-04T19:19
擺大巴 哈哈哈
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2017-08-09T08:17
http://bit.ly/2r5Yzm5 大巴示意圖
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2017-08-13T11:48
謝謝各位回答 小弟足球菜逼八
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-08-17T06:58
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2017-08-19T02:20
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-08-19T15:55
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-08-21T18:40
台灣足球很弱+1 人口2300萬的國家還沒有像樣的足球聯賽
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-08-22T12:43
2014W杯 伊朗VS尼德蘭不是也擺出鐵桶陣?
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2017-08-25T10:14
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-08-25T14:37
短傳,因為前場只有一個人,全部在後面 @@
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2017-08-28T06:39
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2017-09-01T12:38
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-09-02T01:43
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-09-06T23:19


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2017-06-10T21:12
漫畫中常常描述某某球員從多遠的距離長射 或是遠距離穿越傳球、超長盤球... 請問足球風雲這部漫畫在它日本國內的賽事 採用的足球場地尺寸是多少? 看維基,好像是限制一個尺寸範圍 但漫畫裡的日本高中比賽 到底是採用哪個場地設定? 謝謝 維基: 足球場的標準由國際足總訂定。 舉行賽事 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-06-10T19:59
【亞洲盃資格賽最終輪-先發名單】 今晚九點台星大戰中華隊先發名單 GK 18邱育宏 MF 4洪子貴 8陳昌源 12溫智豪 17陳柏良 DF 3陳庭揚 5殷亞吉 15陳毅維 FW 9陳浩瑋 10陳昭安 20朱恩樂 網路直播 https://www.elevensports.tw https://m. ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2017-06-10T18:14
西甲-內馬爾戴帽 巴薩4-1 奪6連勝領跑http://t.cn/RaqL0dA
西甲-內馬爾戴帽 巴薩4-1 奪6連勝領跑http://t.cn/RaqL0dA
西甲-內馬爾戴帽 巴薩4-1 奪6連勝領跑http:// ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2017-06-10T11:18
小弟住新加坡,網路上買了global ticket 的away fan ticket 。想知道有人晚上會趣現 場嗎? 也想知道領票所啥時開... - ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2017-06-10T08:59
OMG pk勝6倍多 這…威剛是有多不看好台灣 把新加坡賠率用的跟強隊一樣,少了主場魔咒,中華隊客場都打得比較好 。 http://i.imgur.com/R1Sd9La.jpg - ...