施瓦澤爾:哈扎德有自信,會繼續罰點球 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2014-11-08T19:43

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Mark Schwarzer backs Chelsea's Eden Hazard to take another penalty despite
Maribor miss

Last Updated: 06/11/14 8:02am

Mark Schwarzer insists Chelsea team-mate Eden Hazard will continue
stepping up to take penalties, despite his failure at Maribor.

The Belgian playmaker couldn't convert his 86th-minute spot-kick when his
calmly-taken effort was saved by Jasmin Handanovic, meaning Chelsea had to
settle for a 1-1 draw in Slovenia.

Schwarzer, Chelsea's third-choice goalkeeper, was watching the game in the
Sky Sports studio and believes the miss will not dent Hazard's confidence
when he next receives a chance from 12 yards.

"He'll definitely step up and take the next one," the veteran Australian
said. "I would back him every other time to score. He's got a lot of
self-belief, he's got that ability, but he'll pick himself up again. He'll
be disappointed of course.

"His ability on the ball is phenomenal. Very few players have the touch
and control that he does. He's a fantastic penalty-taker but that can
happen. Time and time again he does step up because he's that confident
but on this occasion he missed – it was a good save.

"Eden Hazard was unbelievable. When he has the ball at his feet it's
almost impossible to get it off him. We lifted it to another gear and on
another night would have won the game more comfortably."

== Feeling blue ==

Schwarzer also said that failing to defeat Maribor - who were thrashed 6-0
in the reverse fixture at Stamford Bridge a fortnight ago - will delay
Jose Mourinho's plan to finish top of their group.

He continued: "Mourinho will be very disappointed, I know what he's like.
He'll come away thinking 'okay any other occasion we'd win the game with
the chances we had in the second half'. Tonight [Maribor] played the
game of their lives.

"In the first match, every chance we scored. Tonight was one of those
nights. The first 45 minutes wasn't good, the second 45 minutes was much

"They scored a very good goal, I felt sorry for Petr Cech who had very
little to do all night but conceded a goal.

"Top spot is a priority. The manager was always adamant, and again this
season he's said the same thing, that he wants to finish top to make sure
you're in the right side of the draw."


Tags: 足球

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