[新聞] 美: 美台關係密切 王建民是明證 - 棒球
![Blanche avatar](/img/cat2.jpg)
By Blanche
at 2010-03-19T17:00
at 2010-03-19T17:00
Table of Contents
China-Taiwan: Recent Economic, Political and Military Developments Across
the Strait and Implications for the United States
David B. Shear
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Testimony Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission
Washington, DC
March 18, 2010
Commissioners Molloy and Wortzel and other members of the Commission, thank
you for inviting me to appear before you today. I appreciate the opportunity
to discuss recent economic, political and military developments across the
Taiwan Strait and review the implications of those developments for the
United States.
Before I begin my formal remarks, I’d like to let those of you who may not
have heard know that the Los Angeles Dodgers, with their two Taiwan-born
players, pitcher Kuo Hong-chih and shortstop Hu Chin-long, have just finished
a hugely successful exhibition series in Taiwan in which the Dodgers and the
local all-stars split the series. Back home, the fate of our Washington
Nationals depends in part on the return to form of Taiwan pitcher Wang
Chien-ming, who won 19 games for the Yankees only two years ago. I think the
fact that the U.S. and Taiwan are interacting at this level demonstrates,
in a small but telling way, the strong, unshakable ties between our two
※ 引述《kof7495 (星光)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板]
: 作者: mineco504 () 看板: Gossiping
: 標題: [新聞] 美: 美台關係密切 王建民是明證
: 時間: Fri Mar 19 14:35:45 2010
: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100319/1/22c2q.html
: 美國主管兩岸事務的副助理國務卿施大偉今天在國會指出,王建民、郭泓志、胡金龍等好
: 手加盟美國職棒大聯盟,是美台關係密切的明證。
: (劉芳報導)
: 施大偉在「美中經濟暨安全審議委員會」的聽證會上,首先提到美國職棒道奇隊和隊中的
: 台灣選手郭泓志、胡金龍訪問台灣,然後提到王建民加入華府「國民」隊。施大偉說,這
: 幾個例子證明了美國與台灣間的互動,也證明雙邊人民強固、不可動搖的關係。施大偉的
: 證詞,被認為是美國官員首次拿棒球為例說明台美雙邊關係。
: 施大偉重申美國的一貫立場,包括一個中國政策、不支持台獨等。他同時指責中共在台海
: 情勢緩和之際,卻持續增加軍力部署。
: 聽證會上,有人問起兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),施大偉說,美國沒有看到ECFA的條文
: ,無法確定美台間的經貿會受到什麼影響,所以他暫時不予評論。不過他說,一般而言,
: 美國歡迎台海兩岸之間擴大經貿合作。
: 中廣記者劉芳美國華盛頓報導
China-Taiwan: Recent Economic, Political and Military Developments Across
the Strait and Implications for the United States
David B. Shear
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Testimony Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission
Washington, DC
March 18, 2010
Commissioners Molloy and Wortzel and other members of the Commission, thank
you for inviting me to appear before you today. I appreciate the opportunity
to discuss recent economic, political and military developments across the
Taiwan Strait and review the implications of those developments for the
United States.
Before I begin my formal remarks, I’d like to let those of you who may not
have heard know that the Los Angeles Dodgers, with their two Taiwan-born
players, pitcher Kuo Hong-chih and shortstop Hu Chin-long, have just finished
a hugely successful exhibition series in Taiwan in which the Dodgers and the
local all-stars split the series. Back home, the fate of our Washington
Nationals depends in part on the return to form of Taiwan pitcher Wang
Chien-ming, who won 19 games for the Yankees only two years ago. I think the
fact that the U.S. and Taiwan are interacting at this level demonstrates,
in a small but telling way, the strong, unshakable ties between our two
※ 引述《kof7495 (星光)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板]
: 作者: mineco504 () 看板: Gossiping
: 標題: [新聞] 美: 美台關係密切 王建民是明證
: 時間: Fri Mar 19 14:35:45 2010
: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100319/1/22c2q.html
: 美國主管兩岸事務的副助理國務卿施大偉今天在國會指出,王建民、郭泓志、胡金龍等好
: 手加盟美國職棒大聯盟,是美台關係密切的明證。
: (劉芳報導)
: 施大偉在「美中經濟暨安全審議委員會」的聽證會上,首先提到美國職棒道奇隊和隊中的
: 台灣選手郭泓志、胡金龍訪問台灣,然後提到王建民加入華府「國民」隊。施大偉說,這
: 幾個例子證明了美國與台灣間的互動,也證明雙邊人民強固、不可動搖的關係。施大偉的
: 證詞,被認為是美國官員首次拿棒球為例說明台美雙邊關係。
: 施大偉重申美國的一貫立場,包括一個中國政策、不支持台獨等。他同時指責中共在台海
: 情勢緩和之際,卻持續增加軍力部署。
: 聽證會上,有人問起兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),施大偉說,美國沒有看到ECFA的條文
: ,無法確定美台間的經貿會受到什麼影響,所以他暫時不予評論。不過他說,一般而言,
: 美國歡迎台海兩岸之間擴大經貿合作。
: 中廣記者劉芳美國華盛頓報導
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