[新聞] Lester completes no-hit feat! - 美國職棒

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-05-20T22:59

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Lester completes no-hit feat

Southpaw becomes 18th Red Sox pitcher to seal the deal

By Ian Browne / MLB.com

"It's something that I'll remember forever, a lot of excitement. I think I
had more adrenaline going in the ninth inning than I did in the first inning,
which I guess is normal for that situation. It was great. The fans were
great; they're on their feet yelling and screaming. It was probably one of
the loudest times I've heard Fenway when I've been out there pitching."


-- Jon Lester

BOSTON -- If only all the spectators and teammates who reveled in Jon
Lester's magical Monday night at Fenway Park could have seen the way it


There the left-hander was in the bullpen warming up with catcher Jason
Varitek, and he had nothing. How was he going to thrive against the Royals
when it seemed like all his pitches had stayed home?


As it turns out, Lester knows a thing or two about perseverance. And on this
night, he stayed the course well enough to throw a no-hitter, the 18th in the
history of the Red Sox.

"If you all saw my bullpen [session] today, it wasn't pretty," said Lester.
"You would have thought I wouldn't have gotten out of the first inning. It
was terrible. I got out in the game and I've always been a slow starter. If I
can get through the first, second, third, sometimes the fourth inning and be
doing all right, then usually I can do all right into the game and get
stronger. That was the case. I just felt more comfortable with my delivery,
more comfortable with the stuff I was throwing."


With each passing inning, Lester (two walks, nine strikeouts) became filthier
and filthier.


It all came to a jubilant end when Lester blew a 94-mph heater -- his 130th
pitch of the night -- by Alberto Callaspo. Just like that, the 7-0 victory
was complete, so was Lester's no-no, not to mention the first complete game
and the first shutout of his career.

當Lester向Alberto Callaspo投出第130球--一顆94麥火球後,全場陷入瘋狂。

Varitek lifted his pitcher off the ground as if the Red Sox had just won the
World Series. From there, a mob of white jerseys mobbed Lester.
喔,當然還有一群白衣暴民也跑過來搥打小將Lester XD

The joy couldn't have been any more genuine considering how tough it was on
Lester, his teammates and the entire organization when the lefty was
diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma some 20 months ago. As if
winning Game 4 of the World Series last fall wasn't enough of a fairy tale
for Lester, now he has a no-hitter under his belt.


"It's something that I'll remember forever, a lot of excitement," said
Lester, who is 3-2 with a 3.41 ERA. "I think I had more adrenaline going in
the ninth inning than I did in the first inning, which I guess is normal for
that situation. It was great. The fans were great; they're on their feet
yelling and screaming. It was probably one of the loudest times I've heard
Fenway when I've been out there pitching."


It was every bit as loud as Sept. 1, 2007, when another homegrown product of
the Red Sox organization named Clay Buchholz reeled off a no-hitter against
the Orioles.

Clay Buchholz,大聯盟第二次登板面對金鶯就投出無安打比賽。

"I was trying to think along with him," said Buchholz. "But I think I was a
little more nervous for his than I was for mine, because I had more time to
think about it."


It was the fourth no-no of the 21st century for the Sox, as Lester joined
Hideo Nomo (2001), Derek Lowe ('02) and Buchholz. By catching all four of
them, Varitek went into the Major League record books on Monday, surpassing
several receivers who caught three no-hitters.

、2002的Derek Lowe、還有去年的Buchholz。隊長Varitek拜一也因此被寫進大聯盟紀錄

"I'm very fortunate," said Varitek. "It's so exciting to be a part of one as
a catcher."


Speaking of fortune, Lester got some in the fourth, when center fielder
Jacoby Ellsbury went on a full-out sprint before making a diving catch to rob
Jose Guillen of a hit.

說到幸運,Lester第四局可得好好謝謝同是紅襪魚塭出身的中堅手Jacoby Ellsbury,
他的全速衝刺加上魚躍撲球硬是沒收了Jose Guillen的安打。

"After the catch, I actually realized he had a no-hitter going," said


In a way, Lester's performance was a matter of routine dominance. He was
mowing hitters down with such smooth precision that Varitek actually lost
track of the type of history that was unfolding.


"I didn't even really know we had a no-hitter until after the seventh,"
Varitek said. "I kind of looked up in the seventh and saw he was around 100
pitches and thought, he did his job. And I kind of glanced in the bullpen and
saw nobody warming up and thought, 'That's kind of weird.' Then I looked back
and saw [the zero]. It was good."


Lester's only early blemish was a walk to Billy Butler with one out in the
second. There wouldn't be another baserunner until the ninth when Lester
walked Esteban German to lead off the inning. A groundout by Tony Pena served
as the first out. David DeJesus put Lester on the precipice with a groundout
to first baseman Kevin Youkilis.

Lester可惜第二局一出局時保送了Billy Butler,而直到第九局一開始又保送了Esteban
German壘上才有第二名跑者,接下來Tony Pena打出滾地形成一出局、而David DeJesus一

And then, the grand finale against Callaspo. By the time Lester held court
with the media, the final sequence was all but a blur.


"It really hasn't sunk in," said Lester. "Right now, it feels like I pitched
and we won the game. I think it's like the World Series. It takes a while for
this to set in and give you time to reflect on it. I guess it's one of those
things you get to enjoy later."


Lester didn't need much in the way of offensive support, but the Red Sox gave
him plenty to work with by breaking out for five runs in the bottom of the
third. They scored two more in the sixth.


From there, the game's only drama revolved around Lester.


"At first, I didn't think he was really feeling it until the third, fourth,
fifth inning when he started going. Then his breaking balls and everything
else started coming along for him," said Royals second baseman Mark
Grudzielanek. "He's one of those guys who just doesn't throw a straight ball.
His cutter and his curve and he goes in and out. He and Varitek were in sync
today, obviously."

一切情況越來越順手,」皇家二壘手Mark Grudzielanek表示「他也是那種不丟直球的投

By the ninth inning, manager Terry Francona was trying to keep it together in
the dugout. He admitted it wasn't easy.


"I looked up in the ninth, and you're trying to keep your emotions in check
and I went to say something to [pitching coach] John Farrell, and he was
being a big baby next to me. It made me feel a little bit better," said

「已經到了第九局,我嘗試安撫自己緊張的情緒,跟投手教練John Farrell說說話,但在

Though he's just 24 years old, Lester has already experienced more highs and
lows than most 15-year veterans. A cancer recovery followed by a World Series
clincher and a no-hitter?


"It's hard to describe," Lester said. "I think they're both definitely up
there. I can't tell you which one means more to me than the other. The World
Series is obviously the World Series. How many people get to say they won
that. A no-hitter is a no-hitter. How many people can say they've done that?
They're both up there. They both mean a heck of a lot to me. It's something
I'll cherish for a long time."


And Lester's teammates -- particularly his closer ones -- will enjoy it every
bit as much.


"It's like divine intervention," said Red Sox ace Josh Beckett. "I know it's
been two years since the whole cancer thing, but it's pretty cool to watch
something like that, and I know he kind of had that last year winning the
final game of the World Series, but this is another feat, more personal one
that maybe winning the World Series. It's great. He's always had the talent
and now it's starting to show."

「這就像是神蹟,」紅襪王牌Josh Beckett表示「他光兩年光陰擺脫癌症,但看到這項

雜詩 十四首其一 清‧龔自珍
年少無端愛令名 也無學術誤蒼生
白雲一笑懶如此 忽遇天風吹便行


All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-05-23T16:34
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-05-27T02:38
老大不在場上,不然北極說不定又:He is better than you
John avatar
By John
at 2008-05-27T06:33
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-05-28T21:38
連兩次雜魚無安打都有跟到 真爽!!!
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-05-31T17:38
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-06-02T09:54
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2008-06-02T20:54
雜魚魂!! 順驗推白衣暴民XD..
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-06-03T12:45
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-06-04T07:28
William avatar
By William
at 2008-06-04T17:19
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2008-06-07T17:04
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-06-08T11:17


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-05-20T20:56
不知道大家看了的感覺是什麼? 我看到新聞的時候居然有點想哭的感覺 Lester耶?那五顆零? 老實說看球看了幾年下來對農場裡面傳聞將是未來的棟樑、砥柱 這一類的球探報告都變得只是看看、現在我幾乎不會把球探報告看的太重 除非我親眼看到比賽內容,用自己的眼睛去確認某投手有沒有迷人之處 幾年前Lester還是 ...

Mike Lowell 新書發表

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-05-20T17:09
http://0rz.tw/d946a 其實重點是................. 旁邊照片點閱可以看到 賣肉和他老婆 寶貝碰和他老婆 的照片 -- ╴ B 2007 MLB 另類傳奇 年度最佳中繼 紅襪出賽最多投手 ╭ ╮◥▄ 投球不看捕手手套 讓每個播報的MLB主播嘖 ...

05/19 精華影片

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-05-20T16:19
http://0rz.tw/944bv 3下滿壘船長獲得保送 http://0rz.tw/5846Q 3下賣肉內野飛球造成失誤 http://0rz.tw/8d49D 3下光頭場地二壘安打 http://0rz.tw/87487 4上小帥哥美技飛撲 http://0rz.tw/e745g 6下隊長兩 ...

Carlos Triunfel is suspended

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-05-20T15:29
前幾天不是有提到Triunfel回Peoria去了? 原因出來了 他被球隊罰停賽 似乎是違反了球隊的內規 不過詳細的內容就沒有公佈了 如果從他離開High Desert那天來看 已經持續9天了,所以似乎不是小事情 謠言是說跟青少年球員常犯的錯差不多(他才18歲) - ...

Roster Move

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-05-20T15:18
Reed officially been called up. 除此之外又從藍鳥那邊撿來一個RP Tracy Thorpe,27歲右投 用前水兵來形容的話,就是Matt Thornton的右手版 不過他會先去Tacoma報到 - ...