教授該用主力來對抗聯賽盃的對手熱刺嗎? - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Jacob
at 2010-09-21T13:55
at 2010-09-21T13:55
Table of Contents
Should Wenger field a full-strength team against Spurs?
by Gooner Chris
Goonertalk http://goo.gl/dG44
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger will again use the Carling Cup to give the world a
glimpse of the club’s future by blooding his youngsters. The competition has
been used by the Frenchman in the past to educate the likes of Theo Walcott
and Jack Wilshere on the demands of first-team football.
Arsenal 總教練 教授 再次藉由《聯賽盃》並使用小槍手們,向全世界展示俱樂部的未來
。法國人過去藉由這些競賽以及一線隊足球的要求,來教育 Theo Walcott 和
Jack Wilshere 之類的球員。
The Gunners’ youngsters have certainly excelled in the past but face stiff
competition in the third round in the form of arch-rivals Tottenham Hotspur.
槍手小將們在過去有很棒的表現,但這次第三回合要面臨一場硬戰,對上死敵 Tottenham
Jay-Emmanuel Thomas, Henri Lansbury, Craig Eastmond and Kieran Gibbs are just
a select few who are expected to be involved in Tuesday’s tie, although
Arsenal striker Marouane Chamakh has revealed that he could be in for a
surprise start.
Jay-Emmanuel Thomas、Henri Lansbury、Craig Eastmond 以及 Jieran Gibbs 都是被
認為會參與今晚的淘汰賽,而 Arsenal 射手 Marouane Chamakh 表示自己也願意被安排
“With the injuries we have, it might be I’ll play. If the coach wants me
to, I’ll do so willingly,” Chamakh told Mirror Football.
Chamakh 回應《鏡報足球》。
“I know what the match with Tottenham means to the players and to the fans.
『我知道,與 Tottenham 的比賽對槍手們以及槍迷的意義。』
“It is very important to win. I am happy to play and ready to play if I am
selected. And I know it will be a tough game. Tottenham have some very good
players like William Gallas, Sebastien Bassong and Benoit Assou-Ekotto.”
場硬戰。Tottenham 有著優秀的球員,像是:William Gallas, Sebastien Bassong 和
Benoit Assou-Ekotto。』
However, many Gooners have suggested that fielding a weakened side at White
Hart Lane will play into the hands of Spurs manager Harry Redknapp, who is
expected to start with a mix of fringe players and senior stars.
然而,許多槍迷認為使用較弱的陣容來應付在 White Hard Lane 的賽事,無異於給 Spurs
的總教練 Harry Redknapp 奪勝的機會,且外界認為他會使用一些球星和其他球員。
What kind of team do you want to see Arsenal start with on Tuesday? Should
Wenger rest the first teamers and blood the new breed of young talent? Or
should he field a full strength side due to the nature of the game?
您會希望週二(今晚) Arsenal 以什麼樣的陣容出賽?教授 真的該讓一線球員休息並使用
頗希望 JET(Jet Emmanuel-Thomas) 能上,而 恰恰 就好好休息吧
門將不知道會不會大膽採用 Szczesny (心裡很清楚不太可能輪到他)
實自己不願看到 Fabianski 來鎮守球門 ....
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
※ 編輯: changyg 來自: (09/21 14:24)
by Gooner Chris
Goonertalk http://goo.gl/dG44
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger will again use the Carling Cup to give the world a
glimpse of the club’s future by blooding his youngsters. The competition has
been used by the Frenchman in the past to educate the likes of Theo Walcott
and Jack Wilshere on the demands of first-team football.
Arsenal 總教練 教授 再次藉由《聯賽盃》並使用小槍手們,向全世界展示俱樂部的未來
。法國人過去藉由這些競賽以及一線隊足球的要求,來教育 Theo Walcott 和
Jack Wilshere 之類的球員。
The Gunners’ youngsters have certainly excelled in the past but face stiff
competition in the third round in the form of arch-rivals Tottenham Hotspur.
槍手小將們在過去有很棒的表現,但這次第三回合要面臨一場硬戰,對上死敵 Tottenham
Jay-Emmanuel Thomas, Henri Lansbury, Craig Eastmond and Kieran Gibbs are just
a select few who are expected to be involved in Tuesday’s tie, although
Arsenal striker Marouane Chamakh has revealed that he could be in for a
surprise start.
Jay-Emmanuel Thomas、Henri Lansbury、Craig Eastmond 以及 Jieran Gibbs 都是被
認為會參與今晚的淘汰賽,而 Arsenal 射手 Marouane Chamakh 表示自己也願意被安排
“With the injuries we have, it might be I’ll play. If the coach wants me
to, I’ll do so willingly,” Chamakh told Mirror Football.
Chamakh 回應《鏡報足球》。
“I know what the match with Tottenham means to the players and to the fans.
『我知道,與 Tottenham 的比賽對槍手們以及槍迷的意義。』
“It is very important to win. I am happy to play and ready to play if I am
selected. And I know it will be a tough game. Tottenham have some very good
players like William Gallas, Sebastien Bassong and Benoit Assou-Ekotto.”
場硬戰。Tottenham 有著優秀的球員,像是:William Gallas, Sebastien Bassong 和
Benoit Assou-Ekotto。』
However, many Gooners have suggested that fielding a weakened side at White
Hart Lane will play into the hands of Spurs manager Harry Redknapp, who is
expected to start with a mix of fringe players and senior stars.
然而,許多槍迷認為使用較弱的陣容來應付在 White Hard Lane 的賽事,無異於給 Spurs
的總教練 Harry Redknapp 奪勝的機會,且外界認為他會使用一些球星和其他球員。
What kind of team do you want to see Arsenal start with on Tuesday? Should
Wenger rest the first teamers and blood the new breed of young talent? Or
should he field a full strength side due to the nature of the game?
您會希望週二(今晚) Arsenal 以什麼樣的陣容出賽?教授 真的該讓一線球員休息並使用
頗希望 JET(Jet Emmanuel-Thomas) 能上,而 恰恰 就好好休息吧
門將不知道會不會大膽採用 Szczesny (心裡很清楚不太可能輪到他)
實自己不願看到 Fabianski 來鎮守球門 ....
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
推 Nvboy:結果很有可能還是Fabianski 09/21 14:00
推 h3po3:希望恰恰能好好休息 週末的比賽才不會太累...... 09/21 14:07
推 willkill:不是聯賽盃嘛? 標題足總盃? 09/21 14:18
修改了,謝謝。 ※ 編輯: changyg 來自: (09/21 14:24)
推 willkill:好像有傳言說足總盃用法比 聯賽盃不知道是某斯還某馬? 09/21 14:34
推 DonDonbye:Eastmond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/21 15:50
→ tellmetruth:讓年輕人上場吧 有時後純年輕人的陣容長長踢出水準來 09/21 18:15
推 nphard:總不能讓某刺每年都出DVD吧XD 09/21 19:51
推 tliu223:我是覺得應該用部分主力 不希望看到死敵氣焰再高漲了 09/21 20:31
→ tliu223:沒有好的結果 練年輕人也只會半途而廢 09/21 20:31
推 eleec:管他什麼盃,我現在只想要一個冠軍... 09/21 20:47
→ eleec:要讓小將上場可以,但希望不要再派個平均20歲以下的陣容了 09/21 20:47
推 fukunmin:我也認為全部都上小將並不是真的有練到 09/21 23:53
→ fukunmin:應該要搭配部份有經驗的主力坐鎮 09/21 23:53
推 fukunmin:話說 Nordtveit今年有租出去嗎? 09/21 23:57
推 Lifehouse:Nordtveit目前沒有租出去 09/22 00:02
推 tellmetruth:我印象中混搭陣容小將常踢得綁手綁腳 印象中啦 09/22 00:03
推 tliu223:要適應大場面當然要學會跟主力配合 09/22 00:41
推 fukunmin:推樓上 如果不是自己預備隊隊友就搭不起來 09/22 00:55
→ fukunmin:那怎麼進的了一隊XD 09/22 00:55
→ tellmetruth:也是 也是 09/22 01:48
→ Nvboy:先發出來了 Fabianski-Gibbs Koscielny Djourou Eboue- 09/22 01:58
→ Nvboy:-Wilshere Denilson Nasri-Rosicky Vela Lansbury 09/22 02:00
→ Nvboy:Subs: Al S3 C22 A23 C29 Eastmond JET 09/22 02:01
推 fukunmin:哦哦還可以啦!!算是半主力了!! 09/22 02:01
→ fukunmin:不過居然Lansbury先上而不是JET 09/22 02:02
推 tellmetruth:看來很認真想贏呦 09/22 02:11
推 willkill:@@安心了一半 09/22 02:16
推 fukunmin:後衛線還是有點擔心就是了 09/22 02:18
→ fukunmin:對面那邊其實也有輪換 09/22 02:19
推 Lansbury:開始了 veetle 09/22 02:42
→ Lansbury:R7隊長 09/22 02:44
推 HEPTA:這篇直接Live文? 09/22 02:45
推 kevinsyc:sorry我算錯時間 我以為是三點45 09/22 02:45
推 thomas34:準備開始囉!! 09/22 02:46
→ thomas34:R7今天要加油呀!!!! 09/22 02:47
推 tellmetruth:HD的好清楚喔98701 09/22 02:47
推 thomas34:溫格今天在觀眾席~~~ 不知道會不會攤手呢XD 09/22 02:49
→ h3po3:下面有LIVE文~ 09/22 02:49
推 thomas34:Vela沖天炮~~ 09/22 02:52
All Comments

By Todd Johnson
at 2010-09-21T17:07
at 2010-09-21T17:07

By Cara
at 2010-09-21T20:19
at 2010-09-21T20:19

By Wallis
at 2010-09-21T23:31
at 2010-09-21T23:31

By Agatha
at 2010-09-22T02:43
at 2010-09-22T02:43

By Agatha
at 2010-09-22T05:55
at 2010-09-22T05:55

By Carol
at 2010-09-22T09:07
at 2010-09-22T09:07

By Hedy
at 2010-09-22T12:19
at 2010-09-22T12:19

By Bethany
at 2010-09-22T15:31
at 2010-09-22T15:31

By Mason
at 2010-09-22T18:43
at 2010-09-22T18:43

By James
at 2010-09-22T21:55
at 2010-09-22T21:55

By Selena
at 2010-09-23T01:07
at 2010-09-23T01:07

By Jack
at 2010-09-23T04:19
at 2010-09-23T04:19

By Frederic
at 2010-09-23T07:31
at 2010-09-23T07:31

By Dinah
at 2010-09-23T10:43
at 2010-09-23T10:43

By Mia
at 2010-09-23T13:55
at 2010-09-23T13:55

By Gilbert
at 2010-09-23T17:07
at 2010-09-23T17:07

By Wallis
at 2010-09-23T20:19
at 2010-09-23T20:19

By Mia
at 2010-09-23T23:31
at 2010-09-23T23:31

By Kumar
at 2010-09-24T02:43
at 2010-09-24T02:43

By Quintina
at 2010-09-24T05:55
at 2010-09-24T05:55

By Carol
at 2010-09-24T09:07
at 2010-09-24T09:07

By Victoria
at 2010-09-24T12:19
at 2010-09-24T12:19

By William
at 2010-09-24T15:31
at 2010-09-24T15:31

By Ivy
at 2010-09-24T18:43
at 2010-09-24T18:43

By Freda
at 2010-09-24T21:54
at 2010-09-24T21:54

By Suhail Hany
at 2010-09-25T01:06
at 2010-09-25T01:06

By Jessica
at 2010-09-25T04:18
at 2010-09-25T04:18

By Belly
at 2010-09-25T07:30
at 2010-09-25T07:30

By Gary
at 2010-09-25T10:42
at 2010-09-25T10:42

By Belly
at 2010-09-25T13:54
at 2010-09-25T13:54

By William
at 2010-09-25T17:06
at 2010-09-25T17:06

By Charlotte
at 2010-09-25T20:18
at 2010-09-25T20:18

By Dora
at 2010-09-25T23:30
at 2010-09-25T23:30

By Regina
at 2010-09-26T02:42
at 2010-09-26T02:42

By Jake
at 2010-09-26T05:54
at 2010-09-26T05:54
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