教授的賽後訪談 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-08-10T03:31

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‘We have to be on our toes very quickly’


Arsène Wenger says his side must be “on their toes very quickly”
if they are to respond positively to their opening-day defeat
to West Ham United.

在這場比賽當中,槍手被視為毫無懸念的一方,但是 Cheikhou Kouyate
和 Mauro Zarate 的雙雙入球,讓槍手吃下了主場的敗仗。

The Gunners went into the game as favourites, but goals from
Cheikhou Kouyate and Mauro Zarate condemned them to a home loss.


Wenger was frustrated with the display, but says the squad must
react in the right way before next weekend’s clash at Crystal Palace.

“我知道在比賽前,事情總是很微妙的,”教授這麼和 Arsenal Player 說,
“ 不論是在進攻端或是防守端,我們的表現都無法讓人信服 ”

“I knew before the game that it would be tricky,” the manager told
Arsenal Player. “We were not convincing going forward or defending.


“On top of that we were very naive. With the experience we have
in our defence and our goalkeeper, the way we have given
the goals away means that we can only blame ourselves.


“In a way that is difficult to understand because if you don’t
win a game, you don’t want to lose it the way we lost it
- just before and just after half-time.

“在如此的困境下,我們想說至少想要來個 2-1 的反擊,但我們沒能做到,

“After it was difficult because we had to come back to 2-1 at least
and we couldn’t because it was laboured, it was not sharp,
it was not agile, it was not quick.


“I knew we had a very difficult schedule from the start,
especially with West Ham playing Europa League for their preparation
and that is why we have to be on our toes very quickly and respond
very well now.”

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-08-12T11:04
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-08-14T18:37
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-08-17T02:10
逆境開局中 檢點整軍 再出擊!!
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2015-08-19T09:43
球迷表示:Spend some f**king money
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-08-21T17:16
星期天那樣,應該不是花錢能夠解決吧~ 是要11人全換嗎XD
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2015-08-24T00:50
今天花太少,球迷看不下去 哈
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-08-26T08:23
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2015-08-28T15:56


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-08-10T03:25
嗨,大家好久不見,這裡是 Yaya,希望颱風大家都很平安的度過了 來分享一下本輪心得~ 好讀讀文網誌版這邊請:http://0rz.tw/HmAaD 全場槍手有 22 次的射門,僅有 6 次射正,西漢姆全場 8 次射門, 就有 4 次射正。喔對了,近 6 次在聯賽中對上錘子幫,不論是主場 還是客場,槍手 ...

2015 first game vs West Ham 下半場轉運篇!!

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-08-09T20:12
既然這樣...記得我們的傳統嗎!你一球,我三球!!~這樣可以喔 GOGO~Gunner!!!~ ---------------------------------------------------------- 大家晚安,好久不見了= =and#34;,今年的第一場比賽即將開始!! 因為太開心了很早 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2015-08-09T14:07
由 Trophy Network 製作的衝啊台灣!八月號熱騰騰上架 線上觀看連結 https://issuu.com/trophynetwork/docs/_______________0808-______/3?e=0 以下內容轉自TN臉書 一整天的風勢雨勢,大家有安然度過嗎?若是還有點心驚膽跳的話, ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-08-09T00:11
地點:南港誠正國中 性質:室外非正式平地五人制 時間:8/9星期日下午 3點 到 天黑(想提早到場的也可) 聯絡:小伍0935-963918 備註: 星期日下午在南港誠正國中, 有一群叫做nice shot的隊伍固定在這邊踢, 平常大約只有10人踢而已, 颱風已經過後, 下午也應該不會下雨, 可出來 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2015-08-08T17:16
版上有沒有大大訂了今年的PLP季票呢 去年看了一季覺得雖然有時卡卡的 但至少比賽完整 沒電腦時還可以用手機看 可是今年的季票價格硬是漲到了99鎂 去年好像是$49的樣子 使用促銷碼PLPTAIWAN 會折扣到$74.25 有點心痛但為了能看到心愛的Arsenal還是不爭氣的刷下去了 還有大大也 ...