挑戰賽年終? - 網球 Tennis

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-06-06T12:46

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Sao Paulo To Host ATP Challenger Tour Finals


The city of Sao Paulo was chosen by the ATP to host the first edition of the
ATP Challenger Tour Finals. The event will bring together the best players of
the ATP Challenger Tour of the season in the week of November 14-20 at the
Ginásio do Ibirapuera.

11月14日這一週在大型室內場館Ginasio do Ibirapuera進行。

This first edition in Sao Paulo will feature the seven best players of the
season on the ATP Challenger Tour and one wild card invited by the host
country. The tournament will offer $US220,000 and South African Airways ATP
Rankings points. The ATP Challenger Finals will precede the ATP World Tour
Finals in London.


Tags: 網球

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法網後ATP排名 (2011.6.6)

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-06-06T12:35
Cur +/- Name (Country) Rank Pts Tours 20 +14 Juan Ignacio Chela (ARG) 1475 25 22 +2 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-06-06T04:42
昨天在德國的Gerry Weber Open賽前的一場表演賽 我剛好在現場 票已經是兩個月前就買好的 這已經是第二次在德國看葛拉芙現場打球 雖然都是慈善表演性質 但還是非常感動 可以明顯感受到德國觀眾對葛拉芙的喜愛 現場一萬多人擠爆中央球場 就是為了等待她 比賽內容我就 ...

法網 Women's Doubles 照片

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-06-06T04:35
from Flickr (有原始大小可下載) 6/4 Hingis/Davenport VS Temesvari/Testud http://www.flickr.com/photos/tennis-buzz/sets/72157626785118544/with/5800292992 公主變好瘦, ...

AEGON Classic - 06/06 - 凱貞單打

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-06-06T01:16
AEGON Classic Birmingham - 伯明罕女子單打賽程 2011/06/06 COURT 2 二號球場 Starting at: 11:00am 當地時間早上十一點開打 After 2 Singles 再兩場單打比賽後開始「約當地時間下午四點開 ...

網協盃 Week 1 ($10,000 Taipei) 會內賽

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-06-06T00:30
2011網協盃國際女子職業網球錦標賽 $10,000 Taipei 2011 [台北天母網球場|Hard(Outdoor)|06/06-06/10] [籤表(單打、雙打)、成績依序排列在本文下方] M ...