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By Ida
at 2011-05-13T19:41

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Nicklas Bendtner:
a perfectly good square peg in a highly unsuitable round hole
by GilbertoSilver

Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2815

Nicklas Bendtner has always been a divisive figure at Arsenal. For some fans,
he represents a much-needed Plan B: powerfully built and good in the air, he
provides an antidote to the tippy-tappy build-up we occasionally over-indulge
in; a bulldozer in the box.
Nicklas Bendtner 在 Arsenal 的定位很模糊。有的球迷認為他能帶來不可或缺的戰術B

For others, he represents all that’s wrong with this Arsenal side:
over-confident and seemingly lazy, his occasional outbursts in the press
suggest a young man who would be better served by showing some humility and
making the most of his limited ability.
對於另一方的球迷而言,只要他在 Arsenal 裡就是個錯誤:過度自信、看起來有點懶散,

The truth is probably somewhere in between. I think those who call Bendtner
lazy are making a misjudgment. His bulk means that he’s never going to
scamper about the pitch like a more sprightly player. However, he does get
through a shift, especially when asked to play wide. Not many centre-forwards
would chase back to support a full-back as often as Bendtner does.
實際上的答案可能就在兩者之間。我認為聲稱 Bendtner 懶散的人太過武斷了。高大的體
跑動,特別是在邊鋒的位置時。沒有一個球員像 Bendtner 一樣,要這麼頻繁地回防來協

When played through the middle, his ‘laziness’ is a misdiagnosis of
something we rarely see at Arsenal: a desire to remain a focal point of the
attack in and around the box.

We have, of course, already stumbled upon the principle problem with
Bendtner: his deployment in the wide positions, to which he is plainly
unsuited. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons that the big man could be on
the move this summer. Speaking to Danish TV station TV2, he said:
當然,我們無意中都能發現 Bendtner 的問題癥結所在:把他放在兩翼,完全格格不入。
事實上,這也是主要的理由使得這名高中鋒今夏可能離去。他接受丹麥電視台 TV2 訪問

“I need to have a talk with him [Wenger] because I’m not satisfied with
playing on the right wing, which I’ve done more or less all season long.
『我必須和 教授 討論一下,因為我不太滿意被安排在右邊鋒的位置,就如過去或多或少

I’m concentrating on getting our Champions League place and then we’ll do
the evaluation at the end of the season.

It’s certainly not the best thing for me but it’s not up to me and
sometimes you have to adapt to what the manager says.”
『這確實非我所擅長的但也輪不到我來決定,而且你得聽命於 教練 的指示。』

It’s unclear as to why Arsene chooses to play Bendtner wide. It doesn’t
seem to be part of a developmental plan, as with Theo Walcott. Arsene is
still insistent Theo will end up as a striker, and that playing on the wing
is in part a ploy to teach him aspects of the game which will benefit him
when he emerges from his right-flank cocoon as a serviceable centre-forward.
就連為什麼 教授 要把 Bendtner 放在邊鋒也同樣令人困惑。看起來不像是有計劃性的策
略,如同在 Theo Walcott 身上一樣。教授 仍堅持 Theo 會成為射手球員,而安排他在

Bendtner, however, is a pure box player. He doesn’t have the pace to beat a
man. He doesn’t have the skill to outfox a defender. What he does have is
the power and presence to make a nuisance of himself and get on the end of
crosses. That is his game. Relative to the rest of the squad, he lacks
finesse. He is, whatever he may think, more Andy Carroll than Zlatan
然而,Bendtner 只是個純禁區前鋒。他沒有速度的優勢,也沒有華麗的腳法來戲耍後衛。
他沒有什麼技巧來對付敵人。無論他認為自己是什麼角色,他更像是 Andy Carroll 而非
Zlatan Ibraimovic。

That’s not to say he lacks ability. I’m always surprised that Bendtner is
considered a bit of a joke by so many fans both within and outside the club.
Perhaps that’s due to a couple of high profile misses, but his goalscoring
record generally speaks for itself. Even this season, when he has struggled
for form and fitness, he is a goal away from double figures. And that’s
having made just 14 starts.
是努力復健才回到狀態的本季,他仍有 9球的進帳。記住,他才先發 14場而已。

So why does he find himself continually out of position? Simple: there are
better players ahead of him. Many scoffed when Arsene identified Robin van
Persie as the man to fill the lone striker role, but he has shown he has the
ability to be devastatingly effective in that position. Crucially, he also
has the immaculate first touch required to bring other players in to the
game. Bendtner doesn’t, and our passing game can occasionally break down
when he is employed as the focal point of the attack.
說,教授 盲目地認為只有 Robin van Persie 才能放在單前鋒的位置,但 RVP 卻有效率
地展現自己的得分能力。更殘酷的是,RVP 還有著超群的射門腳感。Bendtner 沒有,且

Essentially, he’s a square peg in a round hole. He’s a centre-forward in a
team who doesn’t really cross the ball. And when they do cross it, it’s the
6’3” Bendtner doing the crossing. Deploying him on the flank might make
sense if we were to launch raking cross-field passes on to his head. But that
just isn’t our game.
著高中鋒的角色。即使真的有禁區傳中球,也只有 6呎3吋 的 Bendtner 一個人能爭頂。
若是我們經常 45度斜向傳中球給他,在邊鋒位置的他才會有意義。但那不是我們的風格。

For his own sake, it may well be time to move on. For Arsenal too, it makes
sense. At 23, Bendtner is still a promising international striker who could
command a decent fee. With Marouane Chamakh now in the squad, we have another
striker who can be a threat in the air. We might be better off replacing
Bendtner with a pacy forward who can run the channels - and, if really
necessary, play wide.
就他自己的理由來說,或許是時候求去(離開)了。對 Arsenal 也是如此。23歲的Bendtner
依然是個有潛力的國家隊球員,也能爭取體面的轉會費。由於 Marouane Chamakh 已加盟
,我們也有了一名空霸球員。我們或許會更滿意於,用 Bendtner 來換取擅長跑動的前鋒

Bendtner says if he could choose where to go it’d be Barcelona. I’d like to
play for them too, mate, but it doesn’t make it any more likely to happen.
If he wants to fulfill his potential - and, if you listen to him, he’s got
plenty of it - he needs to go to a club where he’ll play regularly. I can
see him doing well in the Bundesliga, or at a mid-level Premier League club
like Newcastle, who certainly need a new number nine.
Bendtner 說若能選擇加盟的球隊,他會選擇 Barca。傻孩子,我也想和他們踢球阿,但
:Newcastle,一個亟需新No.9 的球隊。(因為Carroll離開)

Bendtner has the kind of personality that will enjoy proving his critics
wrong, and I don’t doubt he’s capable of it. Just perhaps not at Arsenal.
And certainly not on the wing.
Bendtner 有著喜歡證實批評是錯誤的特質,我不懷疑他的本事。只是不會發生在Arsenal


堅持 4-3-3,大本 勢必被犧牲...

轉會消息實在擾人,可我們也很清楚 大本 目前的定位很模糊。

Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !


All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-05-18T00:57
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-05-22T06:14
本來還在爭冠的 現在已經要保三了...
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-05-26T11:30
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-05-30T16:47
不要打433不就有解了 多簡單
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2011-06-03T22:03
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-06-08T03:19
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-06-12T08:36
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-06-16T13:52
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-06-20T19:08
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-06-25T00:25
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-06-29T05:41
James avatar
By James
at 2011-07-03T10:57
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-07-07T16:14
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-07-11T21:30
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-07-16T02:47
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-07-20T08:03
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-07-24T13:19
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-07-28T18:36
六年我們這兩個陣形各主踢過3年,另包含4411 451切換,但問
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-08-01T23:52
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-08-06T05:08
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-08-10T10:25
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-08-14T15:41
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-08-18T20:57
另外4411 451甚至433,其實後防的問題仍然在那,這問題
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-08-23T02:14
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-08-27T07:30
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-08-31T12:47
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-09-04T18:03
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-09-08T23:19
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-09-13T04:36
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-09-17T09:52
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-09-21T15:08
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-09-25T20:25
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-09-30T01:41
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-10-04T06:58
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-10-08T12:14
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-10-12T17:30
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-10-16T22:47
傳聞只有兩位,u18主帥Steve Bould 跟 明古屋鯨巴主帥
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-10-21T04:03
最近體週專訪老皮也有不少建議 http://tinyurl.com/3mh9dy5
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-10-25T09:19
1是最主要的原因吧 背後的原因是$$?
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-10-29T14:36
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-11-02T19:52
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-11-07T01:08

5/14(六) 油廠國小 下午4:00

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-05-13T16:53
邀賽人 MF16(阿宗) 聯絡電話及信箱 0921768962 or 站內信 邀賽日期(一定要確定好時間喔) 5/14(六)下午 4:00 邀賽地點(務必將場地確定好,以免到時又換場地,浪費球友的時間) 油廠國小 欲參加的球友(請確定後再填入) 各位球友們,因為天氣實在是太熱了 所以從這禮拜開 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-05-13T15:31
請問新莊地區哪裡有賣室內足球鞋?? 希望知道的大大可以幫助我 謝謝 - ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-05-12T20:46
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1752285095393.93291.1486863462 在09年的五月,我買了我生平第一件足球衣 之後就陸陸續續地買了好幾件@@" 兩年過後,發現買球衣真是無底洞 但是我卻是有無比的爽快啦!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

斯托克城 3:1 阿仙奴

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-05-12T20:11
http://www.arsenal-hkgooner.com/Articles/2011/58.htm 11/5/2011: 紅魔戰勝敵人,槍手敗給自己 eddy chung 終於,一切也塵埃落定,或者說,其實早已經塵埃落定,只是當「數字上」仍有機會,當 一息還是尚存的時候,我 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-05-12T11:53
本期內容: 《社團消息》百齡A球場已經重新開始使用囉!! 足球的愛好者可以在每星期二晚上19:00~21:00重返球場踢球。 《2011士足賽消息》 《2011士足自由時報報導賽、張福記現場實況報導》 閱讀電子報內容請點:http://tvghfootball.blogspot.c ...