我照 - 網球

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2005-08-01T22:18

Table of Contents

● 1 Agassi 球星 ◎這個夏季的第一次悸動的理由 11 youtwo/Chariot


"I'm not trying to hide from Federer. The more we play, THE BETTER."
-Ivan Ljubicic

Tags: 網球

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Tickets For Agassi Grand Slam Benefit On Sale Friday

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2005-08-01T19:48
from: Tennis Week http://tinyurl.com/7lxsa By Tennis Week 07/28/2005 Andre Agassi is hosting the most entertaining Grand Slam event of his career and yo ...

阿加西真情話語答謝觀眾 重新奪冠振奮老天王信心

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2005-08-01T19:41
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年08月01日12:10 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 北京時間8月1日,35歲的老將阿加西在洛杉磯捧起了他個人職業 生涯的第60座冠軍獎盃,這也是他距離上次奪冠11個月後第一次站在冠軍位置上接 受現場觀眾的掌聲與喝彩。   的確,過去一周的比賽中阿 ...

阿加西洛杉磯捧杯 美國老將演繹不凡實力承諾衛冕

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2005-08-01T19:37
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2005年08月01日09:01 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 北京時間8月1日,在洛杉磯舉行的賓士杯網球賽的決賽中,美國 網球傳奇人物35歲的老將阿加西以6-4/7-5擊敗盧森堡選手穆勒,獲得他個人職業 生涯的第60個單打冠軍。   總獎金額為35.5萬美 ...

It's Personal for This Trainer

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2005-08-01T19:29
July 31, 2005 latimes.com : Sports Itand#39;s Personal for This Trainer Agassi works harder than ever after Paris setback so he doesnand#39;t have to reti ...

Agassi Claims 60th Career Title

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2005-08-01T19:22
Mercedes-Benz Cup Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. July 31, 2005 Top seed Andre Agassi captured his 60th career ATP title and fourth in Los Angeles after c ...