戈米將在一月決定轉會或續約 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-12-17T20:35

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Lyon striker Bafetimbi Gomis to sort out future in January

By Giscard Gourizro. Last Updated: December 17, 2012 11:19am

Bafetimbi Gomis has admitted there is set to be a firm decision on his
future in January as he will either leave Lyon or sign a new deal with the
French club.

Reports have suggested that Gomis is attracting interest from England,
with Chelsea in pole position and said to be already in talks with Lyon.
Liverpool have also been linked with a move for the striker as Brendan
Rodgers seeks some attacking support for Luis Suarez.

Gomis believes there will be developments early in 2013, indicating that
he could be moved on if he does not pen a new deal.

Commenting on stories that Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas may sell him
this winter, Gomis said: "I have heard it, the president said I will get
transferred or will renew my contract before the end of the January
transfer window."

Lyon were knocked off top spot in Ligue 1 by Paris St Germain on Sunday
night following a 1-0 defeat at Parc des Princes, but Gomis insists there
were plenty of positives to take. He said: "For the game tonight we showed
we were top on merit, we played well against a top team and produced a
good game."



By Pete O'Rourke - Last Updated: December 18, 2012 3:47pm

"I'm happy, but if it is for my interest, and the three parties are OK and
I can progress, then yes. The interest is flattering," Gomis told Canal+

"These are big names [Liverpool and Chelsea]. But I do not pollute my mind
with the idea of a departure. Anything can go very quickly in football."



Tags: 足球

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-12-22T13:17
這之不行吧 不如鍊好小褲褲
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2012-12-27T05:59
法甲來年輕人的一般都還滿堪用的 可考慮一下
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-12-31T22:42
盧卡庫昨天替補上場看了一下 拿球還不夠穩
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2013-01-05T15:24
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-01-10T08:06
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-01-15T00:48
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2013-01-19T17:30
買一隻可以確定頂上的滿重要的 盧卡庫看明年吧
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2013-01-24T10:12
他現在的優勢就是 年紀跟作弊般的體格..
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2013-01-29T02:55


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-12-17T19:33
http://sports.163.com/12/1217/09/8ITTNLCN00051CCL.html 2012-12-17 09:58:42 來源: 網易體育 世俱盃不敵科林蒂安,切爾西丟掉了今年的又一座重量級冠軍,而且他們的聯賽 盃備戰受到極大影響,由於日本的噪音管制條例,他們今天晚上 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-12-17T17:31
https://sites.google.com/site/s120072014/ 悽悽慘慘戚戚 -- 切爾西~切爾西!永遠支持切爾西!! 2011-2012歐冠杯冠軍切爾西!!! (* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*and#34;`and#39;*-.,_,.-*and#39;`and#34;*-.,_☆,.-*a ...

蘭帕德:繼續向前 卡希爾:對手假摔太誇張

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2012-12-17T06:20
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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2012-12-16T23:08
大家好: 本人是家在台中的清水人 之前踢球是去逢甲,中一中 昨天拜六去逢甲發現操場一堆人再丟飛盤,這..... 於是轉戰中一中,想碰碰運氣之前有來踢中一中的球友有沒有練 可是好像沒有,今天拜日天氣很好又去了一次中一中 然後又落空了 感覺好差XD 想請問中區有沒有固定踢球的地方阿...... 因 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2012-12-16T22:58
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