慈善義演賽消息 - 網球

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2005-06-14T12:23

Table of Contents

06.07.05 -
Andre will be participating in the 5th Annual Andy Roddick Charity
Exhibition on December 11th at the Polo Club in Boca Raton, FL. The
pro-celebrity exhibition, featuring Andy Roddick and special guest,
Andre Agassi, will begin at 1:00 PM and include a world team tennis
format with singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Other top celebrities
currently scheduled to participate are Aaron Krickstein, Sebastien
Grosjean, Chris Evert, Brenda Schultz, Olympic Volleyball Player,
Logan Tom and Olympic Gold Medallist in Figure Skating Sarah Hughes.
For Tickets and information, contact 561-620-9449. For Sponsorship
contact: Doris Porter at 561-392-2652 at the Andy Roddick Foundation.



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2005-06-18T09:44
看到A-Rod都會想到洋基那隻 XD
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2005-06-20T19:07


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2005-06-07T19:01
06.02.05 - Next week at the MGM Grand, Andre will have his likeness on a new video slot machine. If youand#39;re in Vegas, be sure to check ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2005-05-28T10:22
我今年也很想去 怕阿格西打完今年就退休 以後就再也沒機會在現場看他打球 想請問板上去過的板友都是怎麼買票的 是用網路訂票嗎 如果是那要怎麼拿票 我有上過US OPEN的網站去看 但不是很懂上面寫的賣票的規則 又分Day session和Night session 又有幾號到幾號的分別 覺得有些混亂 還有若是 ...

〈法網〉Agassi首輪含淚出局 力不從心仍不輕言掛拍

George avatar
By George
at 2005-05-25T16:29
〈法網〉Agassi首輪含淚出局 力不從心仍不輕言掛拍 路透社 05-25 16:04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 路透巴黎電--- Andre Agassi週二在法 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2005-05-25T12:53
: : 縱使Agassi過往有再多豐功偉業,當他選擇跟Sampras不同的路時, : : 就已經註定他最後必定會輸給歲月洪流。 : : 然而我們這些球迷圖得是什麼呢?不就是能夠一次又一次看Andre在場上飛奔 : : 能夠在贏球時候向四面觀眾道謝獻吻,看他享受一場又一場的比賽,無論輸贏嗎? : : ...

法網賽》阿格西58度參賽 四大賽之最

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2005-05-25T05:42
民生報 【編譯林滄陳/綜合外電報導】 美國老將阿格西24日在法國網球公開賽出戰芬蘭好手倪敏藍,這是他職業生涯第58度參加 網球四大賽,寫下大滿貫賽史上參賽最多次參賽紀錄。可惜歲月不饒人,35歲的阿格西力 拚五盤後,遭倪敏藍以7:5、4:6、6:7(6:8)、6:1、6:0淘汰。 溫布頓冠軍俄羅斯美少 ...