情報數則 - NBA

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-04-18T04:32

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消息來源: The score http://goo.gl/5s8ZyA http://goo.gl/1kC91O

http://goo.gl/7iFCRp http://goo.gl/2uYIDn

籃網教練Hollins: 我們對老鷹完全沒有優勢

"I don't think we have any advantage over the Hawks," Hollins told reporters
in a conference call. "That's why they’re 60-22 and that’s why we're where
we are (38-44)."
Hollins added that the Hawks' ball movement will be very difficult to
contain. "Obviously, we think that starts with the ball handler and the
pick-and-roll, but it really doesn't," he explained. "It starts with them
pushing the ball up the court and moving the ball from side to side and
trying to put you in a disadvantage in certain sets so you have to over-help.
And then they throw it and then they draw and kick.

我們對上老鷹完全沒有優勢, 這也是為什麼他們拿的下60-22, 而我們只有38-44

他補充:"他們對球的轉移將會很難掌控." "我們原以為, 他們只從持球者還有打檔拆以

發動進攻, 但我們錯了," 隨後他解釋. "他們的戰術就是持續的轉移球, 傳到你有破綻


"It's the same system that (the San Antonio Spurs have) run so well in the
last few years.”
"When you say the person that gets paid the most money, that's kinda like the
game is about money," Hollins told reporters. "The game is about teams. And
if we go out there as a team and play well and make plays as a group, we have
a chance."

"他們的系統就跟馬刺一樣, 而這幾年他們將這套戰術做的很好."

Hollins最後說了: "當你們在討論誰在球隊領最多錢的時後, 我就想, 我們的球賽也絕對

與錢脫不了關係." "但是, 籃球是打團隊的." "假如我們打的像個團隊, 做出很好的

小組配合, 那擊敗老鷹絕不是天方夜譚."


Chirs Bosh開始慢跑, 舉重, 但還是得打抗凝血劑

"Maybe this is what I need," Bosh told South Florida media during Miami Heat
exit interviews on Friday. "Maybe I needed to recharge my passion."

"I haven't shot a ball since the All-Star break," Bosh said Friday.

在邁阿密熱火球季結束的記者會上, Bosh表示 "我想我必需重新激起我對籃球的熱情."

"自從明星賽之後, 我就沒再碰過籃球了,"

Bosh's season - and possibly the Heat's as well - ended with a very real
scare on Feb. 21 when he was ruled out for the season after undergoing
emergency surgery on blood clots in his lungs. The life-threatening situation
has kept the 6-foot-11 forward on blood thinners since, but he said Thursday
that he has resumed running and lifting.

The Heat said in February that he would not resume full basketball activities
until September, or just in time for training camp.

Bosh的這一季因肺部血栓被迫賽季報銷, 而他的缺席也許也是熱火這季提早放假的原因.

肺部的傷勢讓他接受抗凝血劑的治療直到現在, 但他在週四後已開始跑步及舉重.

熱火官方表示, Bosh可能會在九月後恢復完整的籃球訓練, 但也可能要等到季前訓練營




The right knee injury that cost him the last six games of the regular season
is the culprit. Point guard Devin Harris, who has a toe injury, is also

因為右膝傷勢的影響, Parsons缺席了例行賽最後的六場, 而除了Parsons以外,

Devin Harris也無法保證能在第一戰上場.



Matt Barnes小兒子倒戈

快艇隊的Barnes在Instagram po了張兩個兒子的照片.



"學校有一個活動要他們穿的像自己最敬愛的人, Carter穿了我的球衣, 但Isaiah....

他穿的竟然是Stephen Curry的球衣. 你們能猜到哪一位下禮拜要等著被認養了嗎?

哈哈, 開玩笑的."

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-04-18T13:37
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-04-21T17:32
勇士 30!
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2015-04-25T08:23
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-04-26T23:46
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2015-04-29T10:44
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-04-30T08:40
小棒子長得不太像老爸 哈
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2015-04-30T23:06
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-05-03T22:37
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-05-04T16:26
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2015-05-08T18:18
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-05-11T04:12
應該是第四則才對 被認養太白爛
David avatar
By David
at 2015-05-14T20:49
Rollins 根本不是籃網救星阿,轉頭看看Kidd & Bucks
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2015-05-19T18:56
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-05-23T06:20
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2015-05-23T14:29
我打錯了,是 Hollins. Sorry
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-05-26T21:22
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-05-28T01:16
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-05-31T06:47
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-06-03T19:55
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-06-08T11:51
...籃網既然這樣季末幹麼拼成那樣 讓溜馬上不就好了
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-06-10T04:58
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2015-06-13T22:49
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-06-16T12:00
有保護 要是中狀元依樣是老鷹的(老鷹再強10年?)
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-06-20T03:17
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2015-06-23T04:45
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2015-06-26T09:52
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2015-06-28T02:48
勇士球衣還是中文的XD 真可愛
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-06-30T19:53
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-07-02T13:10
雖然是實話 但是籃網未打先認輸 倒也少見...
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2015-07-03T01:11
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2015-07-04T10:48
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2015-07-08T00:12
教練這樣講 會被噓到煲吧

NBA 即將與NIKE 簽約!?

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2015-04-18T01:49
http://tinyurl.com/n9gswdl 我流翻譯: 消息指出 Nike 即將與NBA 官方針對新的贊助合約達成協議 根據消息,Nike 是目前所有競爭者中的領頭者,而且還領先不小的距離 因此沒有意外的話,Nike 應該就是在Adidas 之後的正式NBA 官方贊助商 詳細合約的內容仍不清 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2015-04-18T01:35
想到去年決賽前都會有大大評論比賽 三位裁判的喜好及標準,說真的都蠻神準的,除非爆氣表現吹不回來,結果 跟預測的大致都相符,今年這位大大還是會幫我們出ㄧ下裁判文嗎?供我們參考參考聯盟的風向球… - ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2015-04-18T00:43
【好讀版】http://www.dongtw.com/nba/nbaspecial/20150415/000134800.html By Aaron James回家的這個決定立刻讓克里夫蘭騎士在賽季開始前成為混亂東區的熱門。但James在 賽季前段的身體狀態和球隊輪轉陣容的漏洞導致球隊開賽前的戰績疲軟, ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-04-18T00:05
情報來源:NBA官方臉書→ https://www.facebook.com/nba/timeline      NBA推特→ https://twitter.com/nba/media (感謝Norther大大提供) (想直接看的人可以點文中連結,或者進官方相簿,分東西區) 隨著季賽落幕,季後賽的賽 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-04-18T00:03
餓死抬頭 這個賽季的假摔通知只送了30張左右 假摔界出名的cp3 lbj 鬍子都沒有收到假摔警告 鬍子的自摔栩栩如生 摔下去哨聲也響起了 演技也不算差 不過還是看得出假摔的影子 cp3也差不多 假摔界表情最逼真的應該就是他了 至於lbj的演技比起上面兩位真的滿差的 但是摔下去裁判就是會買單 ...