德娃發布會五個不知道草草離場 鬱悶失꜠… - 網球 Tennis

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-10-08T22:16

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可憐的戴娃訪問 他感覺起來越來越沒信心了
每個回答奇短無比 感覺心情很down

A. IVANOVIC/E. Dementieva

7 6, 7 6

An interview with:


THE INTERPRETER: Questions, please.

Q. You were able to hold serve throughout most of the match pretty easily,
especially during the second set, but it was in the tiebreak when you weren't
able to secure more than a few points. I was just wondering what was
happening in the tiebreaks that made you lose?

你整場比賽保發都相當輕鬆 特別是在第二盤

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, first of all, I feel I was a little tired today. I
had a very tough week in Tokyo, and coming to this event I was not really
100%, so I had a really slow start in the beginning of the match.
I was down 5 2, was trying to fight and just, you know, find a way to play.
But, yeah, I was feeling pretty slow today. I did lots of mistakes, and my
reaction wasn't there, so I just gave such a big advantage in the beginning
of the game. I was not able to come back.

首先 我今天覺得有點累 上禮拜在東京打的很辛苦
所以我沒法以100%的狀態來到這裡 在比賽剛開始也很慢熱
我先落後 2-5 然後試著努力扳回 找到自己打球的感覺
但我覺得今天感覺就是很慢 我有很多失誤 也許我在場上的反應並不到位
所以一開始我就送給他很大的優勢 後來也沒能逆轉回來

Q. Do you think you still could qualify for the Doha final the end of this

你覺得你還有可能入圍今年年底的Doha決賽嗎? (大概不是英語母語的記者 用法很怪)

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I didn't understand the question. What was the question?

我不太懂你的問題 你的問題是?

Q. Do you think that you still could qualify for Doha at the end of this year?


ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I don't know. I don't think about it. I don't know what's
the situation for the moment. I don't know.

我不知道 我沒去想這個 我不知道現在什麼情況 我不知道

Q. I have checked the results you had got at the Grand Slams. You actually
made six times semifinals at the Grand Slam, but you were close to winning
the title at the end. What do you think about in the future? Now you are 29
years old now. What do you think about in the future? Maybe you still have
chance to win the Grand Slam?

我查了你的大滿貫成機 你有六次闖進大滿貫四強
也有機會贏得冠軍 你認為未來會如何 現在你已經29歲了
你怎麼想自己的未來 也許還有機會拿到大滿貫?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: No, I don't think so.

不 我不覺得有這機會

Q. Obviously Ana has had her issues obviously being a former No. 1 and had
injury problems. What have you made of it? Obviously today she played pretty
well. What do you think? Is it possible, could she get back to where she was?

Ana對於身為前球后有他自己的問題 也有一些傷勢纏身
你怎麼面對這些問題 顯然今天他打得很好 你有什麼想法?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I have no idea.


Q. No thoughts on her at all?


ELENA DEMENTIEVA: Well, I was not following her career. I'm sorry.

我沒有一直關注他的生涯 抱歉

Q. In terms of your program, what are you going to do now? You're not quite
in Doha. What's the schedule?

關於你的部分 你接下來有什麼打算 你還沒確定入圍Doha 你接下來的行程是?

ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I will just go home tomorrow.


Q. Are you going to pray any tournaments before?


ELENA DEMENTIEVA: I don't know yet.



- 吉米威廉斯 《胖蝴蝶》

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-10-12T14:50
可憐的戴娃 還是早點回家休息吧..
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-10-16T07:23
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-10-19T23:56
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-10-23T16:29
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-10-27T09:03
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-10-31T01:36
不過這些問題大部份都是沒有答案的 當心情不佳時要回答
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-11-03T18:09
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-11-07T10:42
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-11-11T03:16
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-11-14T19:49

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