德大湯普森確定棄學 - NCAA

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-03-31T20:16

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※ 引述《sampsonlu919 (天佑日/台 與我的財/情運)》之銘言:
: Report: Tristan Thompson Signs With Agent
: http://tinyurl.com/6bvjwur
: Via Aran Smith/NBADraft.net
: Texas freshman Tristan Thompson has signed with an agent and will be in the
: 2011 NBA Draft, according to a report from NBADraft.net.
: 因為小湯已經找到經紀人了
: 這也意味著他會投身今年的選秀會

不刪文,但補充較新的消息(雖然也lag幾天了 XDrz)

Tristan Thompson's Mother Denies Agent Report

Via Zags Blog

The mother of Tristan Thompson denied an NBADraft.net report that her son had
signed with an agent.


“I didn’t sign anything,” Andrea Thompson said by phone from Canada. “We
didn’t sign anything. I don’t know where this is coming from. We didn’t
talk about anything yet. He’s going to finish this season. We’re just

Andrea Thompson透過加拿大的電話連線對記者表示

She added: “Tristan can’t sign. I’m his mom. Tristan is not old enough to
sign. He just turned 20. I’m pretty sure you have to be 21.”


Thompson was talking about returning to Texas following their elimination
from the tournament.


Another source close to the situation said, “Not at all,” when asked if
Thompson had signed with an agent.





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All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-04-04T16:15
等early entry出來就知道了
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-04-04T21:16
所以到底要不要棄學= = 會不會媽媽也一起演戲XD
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-04-05T09:17
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-04-08T19:11
如果換成 Kemba Walker... 恩... interesting...
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-04-09T22:58


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-03-31T00:56
If VCU Wins The National Title, One Vegas Bookie Will Lose Big 這比 Bracket 還瘋狂...$10 賺 $50,000.... The Virginia Commonwealth Rams have put a hurting on t ...

Duke vs. UNC: Smackdown

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-03-30T12:33
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3NfE43pofIandamp;feature=feedu 小弟英文爛只聽得懂一點atat 聽他們互嗆還蠻好玩的XD 去年也是哈哈 不過去年是三打一 今年duke人比較多唷~~ 有沒有好心的大大可以稍微翻譯一下 感恩 ! ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-03-30T00:19
加大洛城分校(UCLA)大三後衛馬爾科姆-李(Malcolm Lee)已決定參加今年 選秀 。 他的父親托西歐-李(Toshio Lee),在美國時間週一晚向 NBA Draft.net的羅德尼-郝普林 (Rodney Halprin)透露這一消息,同時他也對UCLA和主教練本-豪蘭德(Ben Howlan ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-03-29T23:39
老鷹 主帥拉里-德魯(Larry Drew)之子,前北卡(UNC)主力控衛拉里-德魯二世(Larry Drew II)已決定轉校至加大洛城分校(UCLA)。 美國時間週一,德魯開始在UCLA上學。 他需要自己付學費,因為UCLA男籃部還沒有空的 獎學金名額。 他將預計參加球隊於淡季的整個訓練,並在下賽季以獎 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-03-29T23:38
今日,加大洛城分校(UCLA)小前泰勒-霍尼 卡特 (Tyler Honeycutt)宣布參加 選秀 ,並 聲稱將要簽約經紀人徹底斷掉打NCAA的後路。 有趣的是,霍尼卡特語出驚人,表示停擺已經阻止不了他了:“我確信會有停擺的。但沒 有人會知道要停擺多長時間。” 在之前云雲“ NBA 停擺對球員有影響”的 ...