復出前的新聞訪問 - 威廉絲 Williams

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2006-07-14T07:50

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"I honestly just needed a mental break. I was going through a lot of stuff in
my life, besides surgery and including surgery," Williams said Thursday,
without going into specifics. "It was a lot — a lot that not everyone will
understand or ever know."

"I needed to take time to clear my mind and get really in shape and realize
what I like to do, which is play tennis. It's what I like to do best," she

"My knee never recovered, because I came back way too fast," she said

"I went to Bollettieri during the French Open," Williams said. "Nick's a good
friend of mine. He's a great guy and a great coach. He did a lot for me and
my game."

"I hope to get a lot of satisfaction out of my game. I hope to go out and
blow the joint up," Williams said. "My goals — I've never said them out
loud. I just expect to do what I do best, and I think I play tennis best."

“I don’t know,” Williams said today. “I hope I’m in good shape. I’ve
been trying to stay well and fit, but I don’t know…I’m not going to come
back and just lose. I don’t want to. But if that’s my best, that’s my best.

“I’ve been going through a lot of stuff in my life,” Williams said. “It
was a lot that I don’t think anyone will understand or will ever know. I
needed to take time to clear my mind.”

“The bottom line is I could be doing other projects outside of tennis,”
Williams said. “Instead, I’m playing here in Cincinnati. Honestly, at the
end of the day, I have to do things that make me happy. Tennis only lasts so
long. Happiness lasts forever.”

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2006-07-19T06:59
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2006-07-24T06:09
超級期待小威復出 加油
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2006-07-29T05:18
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2006-08-03T04:27

Re: 溫網後亞洲選手排名 (女生)

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2006-07-14T05:52
亞洲以前排名最高紀錄是伊達公子嗎? 她的大滿貫紀錄是? : 亞洲女選手在這次溫網上整體表現十分出色 這也可以反映在本週排名上 : 打進八強的李娜跳升八位 不但創下個人與大陸選手歷來新高 : 更進一步威脅小愛亞洲一姐的寶座 : 小愛這次打進第四輪亦加了不少分重回top 20 : 鄭潔與彭帥都打進第三輪排 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2006-07-14T01:31
嗯.... 不知道來這求對不對 我對NADAL的繞頭正手拍有興趣 有沒有版友有慢動作的影片呀??... (版主如果覺得不妥 再自D囉) - ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-07-13T22:57
本來是不想繼續PO的...(因為沒拿到冠軍andgt;and#34;andlt;) 不過剛版主在主版問了,想想應該還是有人要吧 (不過我幾天前在本版問怎麼沒人理我呀?) 想想還是貼出來了 有需要的人請自取 2006 Wimbledon Quarterfinals: Justine Henin-Harden ...

桑普拉斯"復出"首局即發出Ace 與阿加西再交手不遠

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2006-07-13T19:38
桑普拉斯and#34;復出and#34;首局即發出Ace 與阿加西再交手不遠 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina ...