從WSBL到WCBA 潘姿吟走出舒適圈 - 籃球

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-10-23T01:44

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[新聞] 從WSBL到WCBA 潘姿吟走出舒適圈
OEC小編 | 2014/10/13 |

今天的The China Post(英文中國郵報)有接近半版的潘姿吟專訪。


“I choose to take on the challenge in China so that I can meet taller,
strong and faster players. I believe these experience will help me become a
better player,” she noted. (我選擇挑戰WCBA是為了與更高、更強壯、更快的球員學



The China Post新聞連結

Dream Catcher
Young female hoop player aims high in China

By Joseph Yeh, The China Post
October 13, 2014, 12:05 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan's female athletes have very often had more
impressive performances at major sports events compared to their male

A recent example being the just-concluded Asia Games held in South Korea,
during which Taiwanese female athletes won eight out of the 10 gold medals
the national squad clinched in total.

It goes the same with basketball, one of the most popular and most-played
sports in the island country.

At the Asian Games, Taiwan's women's basketball team nearly grabbed a bronze
before it lost to Japan in the semifinals. The No. 4 finish is a lot better
than the men's team, which was kicked out of the event after suffering
consecutive losses to Kazakhstan and China.

Despite its global competitiveness, however, women's basketball in Taiwan,
like many other sports played by female athletes, has enjoyed very little
media spotlight.

There is an existing semi-professional Women's Super Basketball League (WSBL)
that has played for nine seasons now. But with no live-broadcasts, the WSBL
has drawn very little attention.

The poor environment for female hoop players causes many young Taiwanese
players to worry about their future.


Still, one young player has decided to make a difference for herself and for
Taiwan's women's basketball.

Instead of staying in her comfort zone, she decided to challenge herself in
the much more competitive professional hoop league on the other side of the
Taiwan Strait.


Her name is Pan Tzu-yin (潘姿吟), a 22-year-old point guard, who is able to
walk on a road where very few Taiwanese have gone before.

“In Taiwan, you pretty much see the same group of players playing against
each other all the time,” Pan told The China Post during a recent phone

“I choose to take on the challenge in China so that I can meet taller,
strong and faster players. I believe these experience will help me become a
better player,” she noted.


Speaking to The China Post, the 170-centimeter-tall point guard admitted that
it is beyond her wildest dreams to be able to join a WCBA team.

Before Pan, only a handful of local female hoop players had stepped up for
the challenge of the Women's Chinese Basketball Association (WCBA) in China.

The most famous being Wei-Juan “Rosa” Chien (錢薇娟), arguably one of the
few recognizable female athletes in Taiwan.

Youngest Taiwanese Member of WCBA

At the age of 22, Pan became the youngest Taiwanese ever to take on the WCBA.
Pan has recently signed with Shanxi Xing Rui Flame after passing tryouts.

Born and raised in eastern Yilan County, Pan said she grew up playing
basketball with her brothers. What began as a pastime later turned into her

Inspired by Chien, Pan ultimately decided to leave Yilan and move to New
Taipei following junior high school graduation after being recruited to the
traditional basketball powerhouse Hai-Shan High School (海山高中).

The decision, however, was not supported by her family, Pan said. They, like
most Taiwanese parents, only wanted their children to study hard and find a
decent job in the future instead of playing sports.

To fulfill her hoop dream, Pan insisted on moving to New Taipei even though
it meant her mother was so angry about the decision that their relationship
was strained for months, she said.


For Pan, what was even more challenging, however, was the transition from
playing for fun to systematic basketball training at Hai-Shan High School.

Her physical condition and skills were all put to the test in those high
school days. She also had to adjust to her new role of playing point guard
for the team.

At times, she almost gave up. Yet she refused to do so because of the words
her mother told her before she left to chase her basketball career: “My
mother said if I made up my mind to play basketball, then I should never give
up so easily.”


Her hard work ultimately paid off as she became one of the best young hoop
players of her generation in Taiwan.

She later joined National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) while at the same
time serving as a member for the Chunghwa Telecom Women's Basketball Team at
local WSBL.

During her days with NTNU, the team won three consecutive national
championship titles and she was also named MVP at the championship series
this year.

Her signature quick crossovers and finishes with layups drew the attention of
the Chinese league.

She was given the chance to join tryouts held by the Flame recently, which
she passed with flying colors and was ultimately granted a two-year contract
from the team.


Dream Big to Become Better

Commenting on the big decision to leave Taiwan for China, the young player
said she really wants to broaden her horizon by taking on the challenge.

“Taiwan's market is too small and I know I have to go abroad to broaden my
horizon if I want to continue to better myself,” she said.


Before she flew to China, Pan said she had an opportunity to seek guidance
from Chien. The retired basketball legend was the first woman from Taiwan to
try out for the WNBA and later joined the Chinese professional league.

“She told me that I have to learn to protect myself in games because Chinese
players are a lot more physical than their Taiwanese counterparts,” Pan said.


Now Pan has been practicing with the Flame for a week and she said she has
already learned a great deal.

“Many players playing point guard are a lot taller than me. And they are all
equally fast, with precision shooting,” Pan said.

The games in China are also extremely physical and referees will hardly blow
whistle, she said, which is very different from the games in Taiwan.


Somewhat nervous yet excited, Pan said she looks forward to the upcoming WCBA
season kicking off next month.

From humble beginnings to becoming a rising star, Pan encourages all who have
a dream to bravely pursue it and to live in the moment.


She also hopes that one day she will bring what she learned in China back to
Taiwan to help make local women's basketball a better environment.



All Comments

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2014-10-25T07:08
加油 我很欣賞潘~~
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2014-10-29T00:23
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2014-10-30T18:04
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2014-11-01T21:13
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2014-11-06T18:52
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2014-11-07T19:07
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-11-08T06:16
離開comfortable zone我喜歡

女籃選手 潘姿吟 前進WCBA山西隊

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By Leila
at 2014-10-23T01:00
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Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2014-10-23T00:00


Carolina Franco avatar
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Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-10-22T14:12
魯叔最近忙著上班(小店剛開) 前陣子沒有參加到and#34;超我之亂and#34; 24號星期五晚上2200 想再次挑戰雨神傳奇 去年辦兩次球聚都下雨流會 十月初還給我刮颱風 在新北三峽鳶山球場 http://i.imgur.com/R36Z7u1.jpg 拜求各路好手 來慘電魯叔我 在水桶裡的超級我 拜託你 ...