彭帥條款 - 網球 Tennis

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-12-18T23:36

Table of Contents

2012 年 Errani/Vinci 出現同樣的情況但 2013 年 WTA 也沒有調整這個規定。



b. Doubles

When two (2) or more players have the same number of ranking points, the
tie for the ranking position will be decided according to the following

i. If two (2) of the players have the same ranking points and they earned
their 11 best doubles results in the previous 52-week period as a team,
then the players will be tied for the same ranking position based on
those 11 best doubles results in that 52-week period;

ii. The player with the most total points from all WTA Tournaments,
including the Premier WTA Championships;

iii. The player with the fewest number of Tournaments in a 52-week period
(including any Mandatory Tournaments, if the player qualified for
acceptance); and

iv. The highest number of points from one (1) single Tournament, then if
needed, the second highest and so on.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2013-12-20T10:52
這樣就可以同時攻頂了 賽程上應該比較FREE
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2013-12-21T22:07
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2013-12-23T09:23
長期合作雙打夥伴排名相同很公平 除非單打賽程衝突有拆夥
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-12-24T20:39
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-12-26T07:55
反正就計分的11場次若都相同 就排名相同 也不算討好吧 哈


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-12-18T14:52
小弟最近有上網球課,在上課時老師有舉例網球王子中海棠的迴旋蛇球是可行的 不管球的高度有沒有超出網子的高度,打得回去就算你行 小弟心想:那如果網子爛爛的,直接打穿過去,這樣也算嗎? ps:上網球課的女生~~阿斯~~ - ...

2014聯邦盃亞大區一級 代表隊名單

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-12-17T13:26
2014聯邦盃亞大區一級 代表隊名單 【賽事時間】:2014年2月3日至2月9日 (實際出賽2/5-2/8) 【賽事地點】:哈薩克Astana (National Tennis Centre, Astana, Kazakhstan) 代表隊教練:王思婷 代表隊選手:李亞軒、阮庭妃、楊佳賢、詹謹瑋 htt ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-12-17T03:56
穆雷獲BBC年度最佳運動員大獎 自嘲低沉聲音太難聽 新浪體育訊 北京時間12月16日消息,現世界第四、新科溫網冠軍穆雷獲得了BBC(英國廣 播電臺)第60屆年度最佳運動員大獎。他也成為自1997年魯塞德斯基獲得該獎項以來,首 位獲得此項榮譽的網球運動員。 今年蘇格蘭人穆雷結束了英國人 ...

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2013-12-16T20:07
2013費德勒從巨頭行列掉隊溫網美網釀重大悲劇 http://sports.21cn.com/integrate/tennis/a/2013/1215/09/25541628.shtml 《網球》雜誌文/劉彤   隨著倫敦年終總決賽第32次“費納決”的落幕,費德勒全年的戰績被定格 ...

===== 本週排名 13/12/16 =====

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-12-16T14:03
單打世界排名 Cur Prv Name Rank Pts Tours Career-High ─ 86 (86) HSIEH SU-WEI 謝淑薇 750 26 23 ↓ 254 (25 ...