康洛伊續租,羅德里格茲和貝克斯特外租 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

By Catherine
at 2017-01-17T20:13
at 2017-01-17T20:13
Table of Contents
Defender, striker and goalkeeper loan updates
Mon 16 Jan 2017
Chelsea Academy defender Dion Conroy has had his loan at Aldershot Town
extended until the end of April.
The 21-year-old, who won the FA Youth Cup and Under-21 Premier League with
Chelsea, has helped the Shots up to seventh place in the National League
this season.
Colombian striker Jhoao Rodriguez has switched loan clubs in his homeland
from Santa Fe to Cortulua.
Last season's FA Youth Cup-winning goalkeeper Nathan Baxter, who was
previously on loan with Met Police, has joined Solihull Moors in the
National League until May 14.
"We believe the same thing."
"Maybe there is hope."
- 9x20 The Truth
Defender, striker and goalkeeper loan updates
Mon 16 Jan 2017
Chelsea Academy defender Dion Conroy has had his loan at Aldershot Town
extended until the end of April.
The 21-year-old, who won the FA Youth Cup and Under-21 Premier League with
Chelsea, has helped the Shots up to seventh place in the National League
this season.
Colombian striker Jhoao Rodriguez has switched loan clubs in his homeland
from Santa Fe to Cortulua.
Last season's FA Youth Cup-winning goalkeeper Nathan Baxter, who was
previously on loan with Met Police, has joined Solihull Moors in the
National League until May 14.
"We believe the same thing."
"Maybe there is hope."
- 9x20 The Truth
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