庫迪奇尼:切赫的處境比我當初更艱困 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2014-09-02T20:57

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Petr Cech won't accept being Chelsea's No2 - Carlo Cudicini

Nik Simon - Updated: 12:48, 30 August 2014

Carlo Cudicini was prepared to play second fiddle when Petr Cech joined
Chelsea in 2004 but the Italian believes his former team-mate will not be
so accommodating in his battle with Thibaut Courtois.

Jose Mourinho kept his goalkeepers guessing this summer who would be his
No1 and Cech learned he had lost out only an hour before Chelsea kicked
off their season at Burnley.

Cech will be the back-up to the 22-year-old Belgian again at Everton
tomorrow and Mourinho's decision has left him facing some difficult
questions about his future.

Cudicini thinks the 32-year-old will not hang around to spend his weekends
on the bench, especially as Paris St Germain, Monaco and Real Madrid are
all keeping a close eye on him.

"I decided to stay but that doesn't mean Petr will do the same," Cudicini
told Standard Sport. "Every situation is different. I was the No1 for
three years when Petr arrived but I didn't have the same pedigree Petr has
now. He can go anywhere; any team in the world will take him but it was
different for me.

"A goalkeeper of his calibre will try to win the No1 jersey back but if
Courtois does his job well and keeps it, then I don't think that Petr will
stay. It might be in January, it might be the end of the year but I don't
see him staying. That's my idea but I might be wrong."

Cech's arrival a decade ago left Mourinho facing a similar dilemma during
his first spell as Chelsea manager. Cudicini had been one of the club's
most consistent performers and was named Player of the Year in 2002.

It is difficult to rotate keepers without losing consistency and the
Italian spent more than four years as support to Cech before joining
Tottenham in 2009.

The scenarios are similar but, while Cudicini accepted his lesser role, he
believes his former team-mate is in a more difficult position.

"We're good friends and recently went out for dinner together," said
Cudicini, 40. "I probably know how Petr is feeling but it is difficult to
compare with my situation. The manager is the same and the ages of me and
Petr were similar to the ages of Petr and Courtois. But Petr has been
among the best three goalkeepers in the world for the last 10 years — he
has won everything at Chelsea. Courtois is a young goalkeeper but he has
already played in a Champions League Final and is a well-established
player in his national team.

"You can't really say one keeper is better than the other. They are both
fantastic and similar in style. Mourinho made the right decision 10 years
ago and I hope for the club it works out now."

Mourinho has described Cech and Courtois as two of the world's three
leading goalkeepers. Should Cech stay, Mourinho will make every effort to
keep him happy without compromising the future of Courtois, who made huge
strides during three years on loan at Atletico Madrid.

Speaking about his years as the No2, Cudicini said: "Mourinho would
challenge me. He wanted to keep me on my toes and he also wanted to keep
Petr on his toes. Maybe Petr performed fantastically well because I was
right behind him and I kept pushing every single day in training. Petr
could not make a wrong step because he knew I was right behind him.

"I knew I was highly respected by Mourinho. Although I was No2, I always
ended up playing 12 or 13 games a year. That's not common for a second

"I played mainly cup games but Mourinho would also pick me for some
Champions League games when Petr could have played. Things were different
after Mourinho left and I ended up leaving.

"I feel for Petr on one side but I understand Jose's decision. Knowing him
personally, I know that he is very competitive. He now has 10 years of
Premier League experience behind him and I'm pretty sure he will try to
win his position back. But it's difficult to say what will happen in the
future. Ten years ago I decided to stay and I don't regret it at all."



Tags: 足球

All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2014-09-04T17:10
庫哥中肯啊 每當到世代交替的時候 心情就沈重而矛盾啊
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2014-09-06T13:22
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2014-09-08T09:34
庫瓦7.9M 考慮到通膨的話更賺 就看他能不能先發十年了

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