巴里離開愛爾蘭,改兼任比利時國家隊助教 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2022-02-05T14:10

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Chelsea coach Barry swaps Ireland for Belgium

04 Feb 2022

Anthony Barry, an assistant coach at Chelsea, has left his dual role with
the Republic of Ireland men's international team to take up a similar
position within the Belgium set-up.


The 35-year-old, who joined the Blues in the summer of 2020, initially
took up his part-time role with Ireland a year ago. He will now take up a
new coaching role with the Belgium national team with immediate effect
ahead of the World Cup in Qatar later this year.

'I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with the team and really enjoyed working
with Stephen [Kenny, the head coach] and the entire backroom staff and
players,' said Barry. 'I've been fortunate to work with some outstanding
managers in my career and Stephen certainly falls into that bracket.

'The opportunity to move on to Belgium and to have the chance to take part
in the World Cup finals was one I felt I couldn't turn down. Of course, I
wish all of the team the very best of luck for the future.'

Barry will remain in his existing position at the club and link up with
the Belgium squad in the international windows.


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Tags: 足球

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Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2022-02-07T01:19

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Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2022-02-05T05:00
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Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2022-02-05T04:38
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