巴舒亞伊:承認表現很糟,但賽季還長 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

By Odelette
at 2017-08-15T10:33
at 2017-08-15T10:33
Table of Contents
上午5:30 - 2017年8月13日
Terrible performance today & a lot of things to work on, i wont hide...
but its just day one & the journey to the title is long
上午5:36 - 2017年8月13日
回覆給 @SpartacusFrank (嗆說 you shouldn't have tweeted today Mitchy.)
Easy to tweet when all goes ok and your champ, not when U had a bad day
and lost.. That's how it works #chinup
上午5:31 - 2017年8月13日
Thx to those who support despite everything, we will fight and make it up
soon #BlueSpirit #KTBFFH
.... 另外有時會聽到的噓聲其實是叫球員射門 "Shoot"
"We believe the same thing."
"Maybe there is hope."
- 9x20 The Truth
上午5:30 - 2017年8月13日
Terrible performance today & a lot of things to work on, i wont hide...
but its just day one & the journey to the title is long
上午5:36 - 2017年8月13日
回覆給 @SpartacusFrank (嗆說 you shouldn't have tweeted today Mitchy.)
Easy to tweet when all goes ok and your champ, not when U had a bad day
and lost.. That's how it works #chinup
上午5:31 - 2017年8月13日
Thx to those who support despite everything, we will fight and make it up
soon #BlueSpirit #KTBFFH
.... 另外有時會聽到的噓聲其實是叫球員射門 "Shoot"
"We believe the same thing."
"Maybe there is hope."
- 9x20 The Truth
All Comments

By Hedda
at 2017-08-18T07:46
at 2017-08-18T07:46
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