巴克:阿布依然熱情、我們堅決反種族歧視 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

William avatar
By William
at 2019-04-07T00:57

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來源:天空體育 2019-04-05 06:03:00

Roman Abramovich remains committed to Chelsea, despite missing games at
Stamford Bridge, according to club chairman Bruce Buck.

The club's owner is not believed to have attended any Chelsea games since
being denied a visa in May 2018 and subsequently sought Israeli
citizenship, moving to Tel-Aviv. Buck says Abramovich still plays a big
role in running the club he purchased in 2003.


Abramovich has made a donation to the Imperial War Museum's new Holocaust
Galleries, which will open in 2021, and at the Chelsea Foundation's event
'Light From The Dark', Buck spoke of Abramovich's desire for Chelsea to
try and combat anti-Semitism.




"I think the Chelsea supporter base is reflective of society generally and
I think we've seen in the last few years a rise of incidents relating to
anti-Semitism and that's reflected in our fan base. That's the main reason
why we have this project. We've got to do our share to do something about

Buck also condemned the incidents of racism seen in football in the last
few weeks. Chelsea's Callum Hudson-Odoi was among the players subjected to
racial abuse in Montenegro during England's 5-1 win in Euro 2020

"We've got to investigate all of these issues and punish and deal with
people appropriately," Buck said.

When asked whether he would support Chelsea players, should they choose to
walk off the pitch in response to racist abuse, Buck said: "I would
support that. I think we need some guidelines on how to deal with these
situations, but yes I would definitely support that."



Roman Abramovich still committed to Chelsea, says chairman Bruce Buck

Last Updated: 05/04/19 10:04am



heavygauge:我媽站在電視機前說 費雷拉好帥 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD01/13 00:42

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2019-04-09T22:14
我媽站在電視機前說 費雷拉好帥 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2019-04-06T23:49
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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-04-06T21:51
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