就是那支! 2018美網小威打爛的球拍要拍賣 - 網球 Tennis

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2019-11-18T12:29

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來源: New York Times
網址: https://tinyurl.com/qrxqy5y

For Sale: Serena Williams’s Broken Racket. Yes, That One.
拍賣品:Serena Williams打爛的球拍。是的,就是那支

Tennis players have long broken rackets in anger, but no smashed racket has
reverberated more than the Wilson Blade that Serena Williams wrecked during
her United States Open final against Naomi Osaka in 2018.
網球選手有時會因為生氣打爛球拍,但是,沒有一支球拍可以像Serena Williams在2018年

The outburst cost Williams a point, which ignited an argument with the chair
umpire and eventually prompted a game penalty. Soon after, she lost the
match, starting a cascading controversy about sexism, racism and rules
enforcement in tennis.

Now, that racket has become an unusual piece of sports memorabilia. It will
be up for sale starting Monday, by Goldin Auctions. The opening bid is
$2,000, but the price is expected to reach five figures by the time the event
closes on Dec. 7.
現在,那支球拍成為運動界裡不尋常的紀念品。星期一的時候會在Goldin Auctions拍賣,

“I think the low end would be $10,000, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it
goes to $25,000 or $50,000,” said Ken Goldin, the founder of Goldin Auctions.
Goldin Auctions的創始人Ken Goldin說。

The racket is one of 1,600 items in the auction, which includes one of Jesse
Owens’s Olympic gold medals. How did a racket that might have ended up in
the trash get to an auction house?
這支球拍只是這次拍賣裡面1600件物品的其中一件,裡面還包括了Jesse Owens(美國田徑

In September 2018, Williams, who was playing her second Grand Slam final of
the year after returning to the tour following her daughter’s birth, broke
the racket in the second set against Osaka.

She had lost the first set, 6-2, and in the second game of the second set,
she received a code violation for illegal coaching. She disputed the charge
and seemed not to realize that she had been given an official warning.

When Williams frittered away a brief advantage a few games later with sloppy
play, she bashed her racket on the court — earning a second code violation,
which cost her a point.

But she was not aware of that as she sat down in her chair for a changeover.
Williams initially put the racket on the ground, according to Justin
Arrington-Holmes, a U.S. Open ball boy since 2013. He picked it up and moved
it out of the way.
的Justin Arrington-Holmes的說法,Williams一開始是把那支球拍放在地上。他把它撿起

那支打爛的球拍: https://imgur.com/r8I9r5j.jpg

It was not until Williams took the court and was told again that she had lost
the point that the argument with the chair umpire Carlos Ramos escalated. She
eventually called him a “thief,” earned another code violation and a game
penalty, and called tournament officials to the court to plead her case.
等到Williams回到場上被告知她被罰一分後,她與主審Carlos Ramos的爭論愈演愈烈。她

The match’s chaotic ending suddenly imbued the broken racket with

Holmes said he spoke to Williams after the match and took a picture together.
She told him he could keep the racket.

Williams and her sister Venus Williams have gone out of their way to be
friendly to him over the years, he said.

“A lot of players are nice, but some, like Serena and Venus, care a little
more and say hello and make an effort to learn your name and create a
relationship,” said Holmes, a pre-med biology major at Boston College who
turns 22 this month.

Tennis has long been a part of his life. He learned the sport at the Harlem
Junior Tennis and Education Program, then played in tournaments and for
Trinity School. He is a practice player for the Boston College tennis team.
(Playing full time would conflict with his studies, he said.)

After the Open, Holmes put the racket in his closet and left for Boston. This
past summer, he spotted the racket while cleaning at home. A friend suggested
he sell it to Brigandi Coins and Collectibles in Manhattan. A little extra
money was appealing to a college student, so Holmes took it to the store,
where, he said, the buyer told him that he knew little about tennis
memorabilia and was unsure how much resale value it might have.
的時候發現了這支球拍。一個朋友建議他可以賣給一家在曼哈頓的收集商Brigandi Coins
and Collectibles。一點外快對大學生來說是很有吸引力的,他說當他拿球拍到店裡的時

Offered $500, Holmes accepted without bargaining; he provided a letter
certifying the racket’s provenance, saying Williams “gifted” him the
racket during their postmatch conversation.

He did not really think about the racket again until being contacted for this
article, when he was shocked to discover that it was being auctioned off for
far more money.

“Looking back I wish I’d had someone help me with the process,” he said. “
I was not familiar with how any of this works. I just wanted to get rid of it.


Chris Brigandi, who handled the racket for the store, could not be reached
for comment. But an employee said the store sold the racket and was not the
party putting it up for auction. Goldin said the seller wished to remain
老闆Chris Brigandi則是聯絡不到,但是雇員說這支球拍後來賣掉了,而且不是現在要拍

Sports items with such negative connotations are rare at auctions, Goldin
said. Notable exceptions have been memorabilia from the 1919 “Black Sox”
World Series fixing scandal, the broken bat Roger Clemens fired at Mike
Piazza in the 2000 World Series and Tom Brady’s “Deflategate” football.
世界大賽"黑襪"打假球醜聞,2000年Roger Clemens丟向Mike Piazza的斷棒,以及Tom

Goldin’s house previously auctioned off the glove worn by Bill Buckner when
he failed to field Mookie Wilson’s grounder in the 1986 World Series and the
agreement signed by Pete Rose when he was banished from Major League
Baseball, which sold for $86,000 in 2016.
Goldin公司之前拍賣過Bill Buckner在1986年世界大賽時漏接了Mookie Wilson滾地球時所
戴的手套,以及Pete Rose被判終身水桶所簽的同意書,賣了86000鎂。

The auction house does not contact athletes to confirm an item’s
authenticity — with 1,600 objects for this auction that would be
logistically overwhelming, Goldin said, adding that athletes sometimes become
upset when they learn something of theirs is being sold. (Williams and her
representatives did not respond to multiple interview requests for this

In addition to Holmes’s letter, Goldin added, his company hired a company
that uses high-density, high-resolution photo matching to determine the
authenticity of the racket.

While Holmes no longer has any rights to the racket, he said he hoped that if
it did sell for tens of thousands of dollars, the current owner does not
pocket all of it.

“They could give a few thousand to a charity or a place like Harlem Junior
Tennis,” he said. “I just hope they are looking out for the greater good.”
「他們可以給慈善單位幾千鎂或是給像Harlem Junior Tennis這樣的團體,」他說。「我

年輕人終究是年輕人 太性急了

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2019-11-19T05:55
球球之前也只是想賺錢而已 現在希望拍高價捐款給公益單位也只是眼紅罷了 話說這種負面新聞球拍 球迷會
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2019-11-19T23:21
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2019-11-20T16:47
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2019-11-21T10:13
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2019-11-22T03:39
對於有錢人來說 一切都只是數字
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2019-11-22T21:05
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2019-11-23T14:31
樓上圭圭 粗 乃 打 球

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