小威首度公開解釋腳傷原因 - 網球 Tennis

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-09-02T23:39

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※ [本文轉錄自 Williams 看板 #1CVyK1GM ]

作者: VWilliams (VStarr) 看板: Williams
標題: [小威] 小威首度公開解釋腳傷原因
時間: Thu Sep 2 23:38:38 2010


For first time, Serena Williams reveals details of her foot injury
By Christine Brennan, USA TODAY

NEW YORK — In her first public comments about the mysterious injury and
surgery that forced her to miss this year's U.S. Open, Serena Williams told
USA TODAY on Wednesday evening that she had surgery to repair a lacerated
tendon on the top of her right foot July 15 at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic
Clinic in Los Angeles a week after receiving 12 stitches in one foot and six
in another when she was cut by glass at a restaurant in Munich.
The torn tendon, known as the extensor hallucis longus, was causing her right
big toe to "droop," Williams said in an exclusive telephone interview from
Los Angeles, where she is receiving physical therapy and resuming training.

他在星期三告訴USA TODAY關於修復撕裂肌腱的手術細節
他在德國一家餐廳被玻璃割傷 兩腳各縫了12針與六針
一周後的七月十五日 他在Kerlan-Jobe外科診所接受手術修復右腳的肌腱
撕裂的肌腱是所謂的伸姆長肌 導致了他右腳拇指的"無力"
他在電話洛杉磯接受讀家的電話專訪 他目前正在當地進行物理治療與恢復訓練

"I came back to the United States from Germany and knew something was not
right," Williams said. "My big toe was drooping, and I thought, 'My toe
shouldn't be hanging like this.' I saw a specialist in New York and had an
MRI, and he said I had a tendon that was torn. He said I didn't necessarily
have to fix it, but I'd have a droopy toe the rest of my life. I thought it
over and decided it was better to have the surgical procedure, for my career
and for my life."

"我從德國回到美國 開始知道事情不對勁了 我的腳拇指開始沒力
我心想'我的腳趾不該是這種感覺才對' 我去紐約給了一個專家看診 還照了MRI
他說我的腳趾肌腱斷裂 我可以不用特別修復它 但我會一輩子腳趾都使不上力
我想那太誇張了 我決定為了我的職業生涯跟我的日常生活 我要進行手術療程"

Williams, 28, the world's top-ranked women's tennis player, said she does not
know exactly how she was injured the evening of July 7 in Munich.

Serena現年28歲 是世界第一的女網選手

"We were walking out of the restaurant and, all of a sudden, I felt pain,"
she said. "The pain felt like kind of a stubbed foot, like 'Ow,' and I
thought, 'Wow, I stubbed my foot.' Then in 20 seconds, or a minute, I started
walking again. And it hurt some more. So we looked down and there was glass
all over the floor. I was standing, recovering, thinking I got a little cut
and telling my nephew, who was with us, to be careful. Then my practice
partner put a cellphone down to the floor so we could see, and there was a
huge puddle of blood. I said, 'OMG, I don't think this is good.' "

"我們在餐廳裡走著 突然我就覺得疼痛了 就像踢到了腳一樣
我心想'唉呀 我踢到腳了'然後過了二十秒或一分鐘我又開始繼續走 好像傷得更多了
我們看到地板上都是碎玻璃 我還站著等不痛 我想我也許有點割傷
我跟我的外甥說要小心點 然後我的練球搭檔把手機掉到地上
我們看到我的腳上流了一堆血 我說'天啊 看樣子情況不妙了'"

They went to an emergency room in Munich where Williams said she had X-rays
and received 18 stitches: six inside the cut on her right foot and six on top
of that foot, she said, and six stitches on the bottom of her left foot.
"That one really hurt," she said, "it was right in the arch area. I don't
know how it happened. Honestly, I think someone may have dropped something,
which is how I got cut on both feet.

他們後來去慕尼黑當地的一個急診 Serena說他照了X光
緊急縫了18針 六針在他右腳的傷口內 六針在右腳上 然後六針在左腳腳底
"真的很痛 剛好就在足弓的地方 我不知道到底怎麼發生的
我想也許有人把東西摔到地上 然後我剛好雙腳都割傷了"

"I was planning to wear really high boots that night, and instead wore
sandals. I'm trying to figure it all out, but what happened was a
one-in-a-trillion chance, and unfortunately, I was the one in a trillion."

"我本來那天晚上是要穿高筒靴的 但後來我決定穿涼鞋

Still, Williams traveled to Brussels, to play an exhibition with Kim
Clijsters the next day. "I had a lot of pain in Belgium and was getting
nervous because that was when I noticed my toe was drooping," Williams said.
"I got a shot and then played, and at the time, my left foot hurt way more,
but I thought the pain and swelling would go away and that I'd probably be
all right in a week."

"我在比利時的時候覺得傷口非常痛 我也覺得越來越緊張了
因為我的腳趾開始覺得沒力 我打了針 然後上場比賽
那個時候我的左腳傷的比較嚴重 但我想這點痛跟腫也許在一周內就會沒事了"

Then she returned to the USA, and things did not get better, she said. After
seeing the specialist in New York, she flew to Los Angeles to host a
housewarming party at her new home July 12. She was photographed at the party
wearing high heels with a small bandage on her right foot.

接著他回到美國 但傷好像沒有好轉 在紐約給一個專家看診後
他飛回洛杉磯 七月十二日時在自家開了一個Party
他當時穿著高跟鞋 右腳上貼著繃帶拍了照

Asked how she could fit her swollen, painful feet into high heels three days
before surgery, Williams said, "I was bummed about wearing the Band-Aid at my
party, you know me, but there were six stitches under there, so I didn't want
those to show. I love heels, I'm a sucker for heels, so if I have to get the
(surgical) procedure anyway, at that point, the doctor told me I needed to do
it, so I took the pictures with those shoes, then wore flats the rest of the
night. I couldn't have worn heels the whole night."

Serena說"我當時在派對上需要貼護創膠帶 因為我的傷口縫了六針 我不希望被拍到
我愛高跟鞋 我愛死高跟鞋了 既然我不管怎樣都得接受手術
我就想說穿上高跟鞋拍個照就好 拍完照我就整晚都穿著平底鞋了"

That photo has led some members of the news media to wonder about the
veracity of Williams' story. If this bothers Williams, she didn't let on.

這照片讓媒體們質疑Serena的故事的真實性 但Serena不會讓這些評論困擾他

"Honestly, I don't read the press," she said. "I don't know what they're
saying. I just look at the pictures, the photo shoots. I heard just recently
that there had been doubt, but at the end of the day, I have to answer to me.
It's unfortunate I had to have surgery, but I'm not lying or denying, because
it is what it is."

"坦白說 我沒有看那些媒體報導 我不知道他們說了什麼 我只看照片而已
但我最近聽說了有很多人都在懷疑 但我只需要對自己負責
很不幸的我真的必須動手術 我沒說謊也不必否認 因為這就是事實"

Williams said Kenneth Jung performed the surgery on her right foot at
Kerlan-Jobe. She then wore a walking boot for several weeks. "I'm out of it
now," she said. "I hated that boot. I plan to use it for target practice for
my serves."

Serena說Kenneth Jung在Kerlan-Jobe醫療中心對他的右腳動了手術
"我現在不用穿那防護靴了 我痛恨那防護靴 我準備拿它來當作我練發球的標靶"

She said she plans to come to the Open on Friday to watch her sister Venus
play. "It will be hard to be there watching and not playing," she said, "but
this whole experience will make me stronger. I plan to come back better than

"只能看不能打感覺很難受 但整次經驗會讓我變得更堅強 我會用更好的狀態復出"


- 吉米威廉斯 《胖蝴蝶》

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-09-07T16:02
囧 以後網球選手不該穿涼鞋.... 謝謝分享
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-09-12T08:24
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-09-17T00:46
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-09-21T17:08
昨天看到這報導 小威一直用drooping這個字 看得頭皮發麻
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-09-26T09:31
"I plan to use it for target practice for my serves." XD
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-10-01T01:53
小威不能參賽 Oudin似乎相當開心
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-10-05T18:15
我覺得小威應該趕不上泛太平洋女網賽了 直接打年終賽好了
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-10-10T10:37
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-10-15T03:00
Oudin:"This year, I'm the one to see at U.S.
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-10-19T19:22
tournaments because Serena is not playing"
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-10-24T11:44
屋頂也掛了 開心的太早了吧
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-10-29T04:06
我覺得Oudin的原意是大家都在關注他 壓力很大
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-11-02T20:29
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-11-07T12:51
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-11-12T05:13
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-11-16T21:35
大威被丟在路邊 哭哭
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-11-21T13:58
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-11-26T06:20
相信這是黎明前的黑暗 像Sampras拿下了第十三座大滿貫之後
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-11-30T22:42
也是低潮兩年多才拿下第14座大滿貫 成為當時男單最多大滿貫
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2010-12-05T15:04
得主 而Federer在拿下第13座大滿貫之後 澳網失守 Fed王朝
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-12-10T07:27
一時之間搖搖欲墜 不過之後就拿下法網成為GOAT 所以小威目前的厄運應該是上天一時給她的考驗

美網 第四天賽程

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-09-02T23:09
Singles 2nd Round Arthur Ashe Stadium 不早於1點開始 [1]Caroline Wozniacki(DEN) def. 張凱貞(TPE) 60 60 Court 7 第一場 11點開始 詹詠然(TPE) def. Tamira Paszek(AUT) 63 63 Doub ...

找到一個左右顛倒的影片~今天的Tips VS A-Rod

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-09-02T22:46
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q65W2g6hPg 好酷喔 都變成Nadal了 滿想看Nadal那種正拍大對角如果是右撇子打起來的感覺atat 應該還是很威 - ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-09-02T22:42
我到昨天才發現原來官方有提供免費的streamatat 雖然限制美國區域才可以看 但我來做點教學:p 我要先感謝uforock大之前教我外掛port看Tennis channel的法網轉播 首先先到這個網站 http://nntime.com/proxy-country/United-States-01. ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-09-02T19:42
Womenand#39;s Singles - 2nd Round Elena Dementieva RUS (12) d. Sybille Bammer AUT 6-3 6-4 Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova RUS (20) d. Sania Mirza IND 6-2 6- ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-09-02T19:25
Menand#39;s Singles - 1st Round Mikhail Youzhny RUS (12) d. Andrey Golubev KAZ 6-2 6-3 6-3 Youzhny三盤輕鬆過關 狀態不錯 Menand#39;s Singles - 2nd Round Gael Mo ...