小威重奪年終第一寶座 - 威廉絲 Williams

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-10-29T15:45

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自2002之後 小威第二度登上年終球后寶座

Serena Williams assured of world No 1 position as Dinara Safina pulls out

Even before Serena Williams played her group match against her sister, Venus,
at the Sony Ericsson Championships, it was guaranteed that the Californian
would finish the season as the world No 1.

在小威昨天上場打小組賽之前 就已經確定會以世界第一的身分結束本賽季

By then Dinara Safina had retired from her round-robin contest and also
withdrawn from the tournament because of a back injury. Safina's season ended
with the Russian seated on her chair at the Khalifa Tennis Complex, and
crying into a towel, as she had completed just two games, or 12 minutes,
against Jelena Jankovic.

Dinara Safina因背傷在他的第一場小組比賽中退賽 並且退出整個年終賽
他對上Jankovic的比賽只打了兩局 12分鐘

For the first time since 2002, Williams, this season's Australian Open and
Wimbledon champion, will be the year-end No 1. Here in the desert, on what
was her first competitive meeting with Venus since the Wimbledon final, Serena
staved off a match point and then scored the decisive tiebreak, which was
interrupted by a cat running across the court, to win 5-7, 6-4, 7-6 for her
second victory from two appearances in the Maroon Group, while Venus, last
year's champion in Qatar, has lost both her matches so far.

自從2002之後 Serena將以現任澳網溫網雙料冠軍身份重奪年終第一
他挽救了一個賽末點並且拿下了決勝盤搶七 中途還有隻貓闖進場中
他目前在小組中兩戰全勝 但去年冠軍Venus卻是兩戰全敗

"It's such a great feeling to finish the year as the world No 1," said Serena,
who added that she was "sorry" about Safina's back condition.

"能以世界第一結束這個賽季真是太棒了" 他接著還說他對於Safina的背傷感到很遺憾

Venus, speaking after the match about Andre Agassi’s drugs admission, said:
“His book will probably sell. It seems very interesting, to say the least.”

"他的書也許會熱賣 感覺上是本很有趣的書"

Though Safina had started the tournament as the world No 1 with a small lead
over Serena in the rankings, she had also arrived in the Middle East with pain
in her lower back, having suffered with the injury for three months, and at
1-1, 15-40, she was in so much discomfort that she felt that she could no
longer continue in her White Group match, or in the tournament.

他帶著已經承受三個月的背傷來參賽 在1-1 15-40時他說他已經無法撐下去

"My body just gave up," said Safina, and there is now a possibility that she
could skip the first grand slam of next season, January's Australian Open.

"我的身體放棄了" 他甚至還說自己可能會退出一月的澳網

The news that Serena will end the year as the No 1 means that there will be
even greater interest in the findings of the grand slam coordinator, who is
investigating her behaviour at the US Open, where she swore at a line-judge
during her semi-final defeat to Kim Clijsters. An alternate, Russian
Vera Zvonareva, will replace Safina here in the Middle East.

他在美網四強對上Kim Clijsters的比賽中對著線審罵髒話
另一方面 第一遞補的Vera Zvonareva將取代Safina參賽


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-11-02T19:44
恭喜小威 ^^
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-11-06T23:43


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-10-29T15:18
睽違已久的瑪吉斯盃,浴火重生了. 以扶輪社主辦,瑪吉斯贊助的方式 還記得大專乙組就報名了99隊,挑燈夜戰至午夜12:10才正式結束 歡迎大家再度來挑戰 ********************************************************************** 執行長:賴宗 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-10-29T15:13
歡迎ptt的朋友組隊報名參加公開團體組 *************************************************************************************** 一、宗旨:為積極配合100年全運會在彰化舉行暨推展全民體育,培養國民規律運動習慣, ...

2009海碩盃 Entry List (Freeze Deadline)

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-10-29T14:44
OECCUP Taipei Ladiesand#39; Open 2009 Entry List Last Update: 09.10.29. 22:00 伊達公子獲得Bali外卡(http://0r ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-10-29T11:37
恩這次全運會在台中 剛好在網球場當志工 所以看了不少場比賽 對八強男單楊宗樺對李孟樺這場印象很深刻 因為說真的我以前都沒聽過這個選手 不過他跟小胖打起來感覺實力很不錯 來網球板找發現都沒他的資料 像這次八強好像只有他在網球板沒有資料 有沒有對網球很有研究的人可以稍微介紹一下呢? 謝謝 老實 ...

阿格西自傳 坦承曾服冰毒!!

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-10-29T08:53
昨天在CNN新聞看到,阿格西的自傳在網壇投下震撼彈! 因為他曾在事業最低潮、婚姻告急的1997年(真是痛苦的1997年),曾經服用甲基苯丙胺 俗稱冰毒,會上癮的一種興奮劑。 當時有被ATP驗出,只好辯稱誤食助理飲料,才會有毒品反應,並表示已將助理開除, 才使協會撤銷其吸毒紀錄。 新聞如下:http://tw ...