小威再度訪非洲 - 威廉絲 Williams

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-02-27T02:57

Table of Contents

I Found Something I Love Even More Than Tennis
Serena Williams Shares With Us Her Inspiring Story Of Opening A New School in

by Serena Williams

I don't know who was more nervous, the kids staring at some strange woman
that came from far away or me, never having teaching experience teaching
these adolescents life lessons. "Hello Class! I am Miss Williams and I am
here to teach your first class in your new school! "

我不知道是這些看著從遠方來的陌生女人的孩子比較緊張 還是我比較緊張
"Hello 我是威廉絲小姐 我來這裡替你們上新學校的第一堂課!"

Just a half hour ago we officially opened my 2nd secondary school in as many
years in Africa. And here I am here to teach these kids one of my favorite
life lessons. My goal is simple. Give these kids something to hope for and
smile about. Something that they can believe in without fear. Give them a
chance they would have never had. Give them an education.

半小時前我的第二間中學才正式開幕 我來這裡教他們我最喜歡的生活科目之一
我的目標很簡單: 讓這些孩子們有希望 給他們微笑的理由
給他們一些不必存在恐懼的信念 給他們他們之前從來沒有的機會 給他們教育

I decided to open up the new school in Wee (pronounced Way), Kenya about 3
hours away from the nearest city in Nairobi. 3 hours away from electricity,
showers, and everything we would consider normal.

我決定在Kenya的Wee (發音是Way) 這個地方開新學校

This secondary school will cater to about 250 to 300 students of boys and
girls, ages ranging from 15 to 18 years old. It will have 3 bathroom
facilities. Mostly everyone in the village have none. This school will help
many to become somebody. This school will help kids who thought that leaving
their hut and village was a myth, a legend.

這間中學可以招250到300個學生 年紀約在15到18歲 會有三間浴室
大多數在這個小鎮生活的人都沒有浴室 這間學校會幫助很多人成為一個有用的人
這間學校會幫助這些認為離開這個地方 這種生活是個神話.傳奇的孩子們

When we first arrived to the Wee village there were ladies there to greet me
with traditional song. I danced with them trying to feel the rhythm with my
hips and shoulders. As I danced they crowded around me draping me with
African cloths, and showering me with home made bags.

當我們一開始抵達Wee的時候 有些婦女們來歡迎我們
他們唱傳統歌曲 我跟他們一起跳舞 試著用我的身體感覺他們的節奏
我跳舞時他們幫我裁了一些非洲服飾 並且給我一些手工包包

Kids ran in the streets with palm branches chanting my name saying "Yes we
can Serena, Yes we can!" Thousands of people have traveled 15miles by foot -
most without shoes. One girl said it was 2 weeks before it was her bath day.
But she cleaned up and took a bath 2 weeks early. This was an occasion for
them. This was also an occasion for me.

孩子們手上拿著樹枝在街上跑著說"是的 Serena 我們可以! 我們可以!"
有上千人步行走了15里 大多數人都沒有穿鞋子
但他兩週前就已經梳妝整齊了 這對他們是個特別時刻 對我也是

This time for this school we added more. We added a hearing impaired class
with a teacher to work with the deaf students. My heart was moved, and my
eyes became swollen with tears when one boy named Maythia as he frantically
signed to me. "I will finally be able to talk and speak all the things that
are in my head!!" He will be able to do this because the secondary schools
are all equipped with the latest HP computers and printers. These kids have
only heard of "machines that show bright colors" called computers, but now
they have one to pursue every goal in their lives.

這次我們為這個學校增加了一些新的東西 我們增加一些給耳聾的學生的課程
當有個叫做Maythia的男孩說 "我終於可以講出我腦中想的事情了!"
我感到很感動 眼眶也忍不住泛著淚
他之所以夠辦到這件事 是因為HP提供的電腦和印表機

As I stand to cut the official ribbon of the school opening I think "Wow we
did it- again!" Never have I felt this excitement- this tingle in my belly…
not even while holding up the Wimbledon crown. I found something I love even
more than tennis - helping kids.I asked the class- "How many of you have a
dream?" No hands shot up. Fear was holding them from speaking. I asked them
if they new what a dream was. Again silence filled the room.

當我剪綵的時候我想著"哇 我們又開了一間學校!"
我從來沒有這麼興奮過 即使是在溫布頓奪冠
我找到了我比網球更愛的東西 - 幫助孩子們
我問全班學生"你們有多少人擁有夢想?" 沒有人舉手
恐懼使他們不敢發言 我問他們是否知道夢想是什麼 房間再度鴉雀無聲

Finally I relate to them a story of a poor girl who once had a dream. A wild
dream to everyone around her and her community, but her dream was to become a
tennis player. This girl achieved her dream, and the same young girl is
standing before you asking you your dream. One girl finally lifts her hand
and in a nearly inaudible voice says, "I dream of being a doctor".Slowly more
hands raise. The voices are low, but they get higher and more excited. They
had dreams of being doctors, dentists, pilots, nurses, even a minister! I
tell them "if they can dream it, than they can believe it, than they will
become it."

但他的夢想是成為一個網球選手 這個女孩實現了夢想
終於有個女孩舉手了 他用幾乎無法聽見的聲音說"我想成為一個醫生"
慢慢的更多人舉手了 聲音都很小 但聽起來越來越大聲 越來越興奮
有人想做醫生 想做牙醫 想做飛行員 想做護士 甚至想當部長!
我告訴他們如果能擁有夢想 就有辦法相信 最終實現夢想

After an hour with the kids my lesson is over and the room is still shy and
quiet, but it also has something new - Hope. Soon these children can reach
their dreams of being doctors, and curing their village of very curable
diseases, they can travel, they can learn languages, they can be doctors,
pilots and more.

在一小時的課程過後 整個班上還是很害羞 很安靜
但出現了一個新的東西 - 希望
很快的他們會達成他們的夢想成為醫生 幫助這裡解決疾病
他們可以旅行 他們可以學不同語言
他們可以當醫生 當飛行員 還有更多

They can have a positive influence on the world. Before the school was built,
most of these kids were using a stick as their pencil and dirt as their paper
to write on. Now to see the change is so inspiring and to see how eager they
are to learn, how fast they learn!! The school I opened up last year with the
new HP technology is now scoring the highest in their area.

他們可以對這個世界有正面影響 在這間學校成立之前
大多數這裡的孩子用樹枝當作鉛筆 用泥土當作紙來寫至
現在能看見這些改變 太讓人激動了
我可以看到他們有多渴望學習 學習的有多快

There is no greater victory than watching the reaction, and seeing the
fruitage of the kids we get to help. My goal is to continue opening up new
schools with the help of Build Africa Schools to build them, and HP computers
to configure them. I know no matter what we do, the kids have already made up
their minds that they can do and achieve anything.

我的目標是繼續跟Build Africa Schools合作.搭配HP電腦的裝備
我知道不管我們做什麼 這些孩子都已經篤信他們可以辦到任何事情

And now they have the means! - Yes you can children!!! Yes you can!!!

現在他們的生活有了意義 - 是的孩子 你們可以! 你們當然可以!

To learn more and read more bout my Africa trip and opening up my secondary
school and more visit : www.theswf.org

要知道更多關於這次非洲行的故事 可以去www.theswf.org看看


- 吉米威廉斯 《胖蝴蝶》

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-03-02T08:14

杜拜網賽大威奪冠 生涯42座金盃創紀錄

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-02-27T02:19
(路透杜拜20日電)美國好手大威廉絲(Venus Williams)今天在杜拜網球公開賽( Dubai Open)決賽以6-3、7-5直落二打敗白俄羅斯選手艾薩蘭卡(Victoria Azarenka) ,封后成功,締造女網紀錄。 這位大會第3種子拿到生涯第42座單打冠軍,領先艾寧(Justine Hen ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-02-27T02:15
(費德勒)與(納達爾)將與已經退休的球王(山普拉斯)及(阿格西)聯手,為海地地 震災民舉行募款表演賽。 (為海地而賽)的活動,訂三月12號在印地安那泉舉行的巴黎銀行公開賽舉行,目標是至 少籌募一百萬美元善款,上個月澳洲公開賽期間舉行的類似活動,籌募到六十萬美元。 巴黎銀行公開賽的表演賽,將由費德勒和山 ...

杜拜網賽 喬科維奇擊敗巴達提斯挺進4強

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-02-27T02:15
(路透杜拜25日電)男網世界排名第2的喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic),今天在杜拜錦標 賽8強落後一盤下,以2-6、6-4、6-0逆轉擊敗克羅埃西亞的盧比西奇(Ivan Ljubicic) ,成為挺進4強的第2位種子選手。 喬科維奇獲勝讓這場賽事恢復一些光彩,之前有5位種子先後遭淘汰出局,而球王費 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-02-27T02:11
(費德勒)與(納達爾)將與已經退休的球王(山普拉斯)及(阿格西)聯手,為海地地 震災民舉行募款表演賽。 (為海地而賽)的活動,訂三月12號在印地安那泉舉行的巴黎銀行公開賽舉行,目標是至 少籌募一百萬美元善款,上個月澳洲公開賽期間舉行的類似活動,籌募到六十萬美元。 巴黎銀行公開賽的表演賽,將由費德勒和山 ...

吉隆坡女網賽第六天 詠然雙打SF

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-02-27T01:01
Malaysian Open 2010 ORDER OF PLAY Saturday, 27 February 2010 CENTRE COURT (Starting at: 2:00 PM) 1.Alisa KLEYBANOVA (RUS) vs Ayumi MORITA (JPN) 2.El ...