小威 16強賽訪 - 網球 Tennis

By Edith
at 2013-01-23T02:38
at 2013-01-23T02:38
Table of Contents
第一次翻 但覺得太有趣了XD 所以獻醜
Q. Is the word 'mentor' accurate to define that relationship with Sloane, or
is that overstated?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I don't know. I mean, I would need a better definition of
the word 'mentor.' I just feel like being the older one, I definitely
probably maybe some of the younger players look up to me.
Yeah, so it's interesting. It's hard to be a real mentor when you're still
in competition. So I think it's a little bit of everything.
Q. Do you feel a responsibility at all towards her?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No. I feel no responsibility. I doubt she has any
expectations of me to be responsible for anything. Maybe she does. I don't
But, you know, I'm here to compete and do the best I can, as well as she.
And she's been doing really amazing. I'm really happy.
I have a tough match, so we'll see.
S: NO.我無事一身輕。我猜想他是否有這樣對我的期許,需要為她負責(?)
也許他有,我不知道。 但你知道老娘來這是打仗的,盡全力拼搏,我想他也是。
他已經做到了不起的事了。我真的很開勳~^^ 我會有一場艱困的挑戰 請拭目以待!
Q. Did you actually tell her that she's not loud enough and she needs to
grunt more? That's what she said.
SERENA WILLIAMS: No, because we were the other day in the locker room. She
said, I grunt. I said, No, you don't. You're so calm. I'm like loud and
outrageous. She's incredibly calm.
I think that's such a great thing to have. Like you look at some of the
great players like Roger, he's so calm out there. That's what she has.
She's like, I'm grunt. I'm like, You don't grunt. What are you talking
I think she was maybe joking because she definitely doesn't grunt.
S:沒有啦。因為我們在休息室 她說:她有叫! 我說:不!你沒叫! 你太冷靜!!
她那樣說"我有叫!!" 我就想"你沒叫 你在講蝦米碗糕?"
Q. If you would have a second life, would you love to be a tennis ball?
SERENA WILLIAMS: A tennis ball? Absolutely not. I have no desire to be hit
around. No pun intended.
We should probably end this. It's late and my mind is not clear right now.
Q 如果你有來世,你會想當一個網球嗎?
Q. Might you have a little bit of a passing interest in Jeremy Chardy's
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah. I was really happy for Jeremy. I was definitely
interested. I was watching with absolutely everything. I was really, really
happy for him. I thought he did a really good job. He beat Del Potro. He
won today. So now we're both in the quarters.
I always say it's because he hit with me. We hit together in Mauritius.
Q我想你會有點興趣想要觀賞Jeremy Chardy的比賽?
Q. He said you did, yeah.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I think obviously I'm the reason why he's doing really well
Q. What would your impression be of his match against Murray?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I don't have a good record against Murray myself,
I think he can do well. I mean, he has such a big serve and such a big
forehand. I'm a big Murray fan, as well. I mean, the guy is awesome. He's
running everything down.
I don't know. I'm definitely not a coach. But just hang in there, can do
it. Why not?
我想他可以做很好。他的發球很棒! 我的意思是他有個很棒的發球 強大的正拍
All Comments

By Irma
at 2013-01-25T03:47
at 2013-01-25T03:47

By Jacob
at 2013-01-27T04:56
at 2013-01-27T04:56

By Faithe
at 2013-01-29T06:05
at 2013-01-29T06:05

By Andy
at 2013-01-31T07:14
at 2013-01-31T07:14

By Andy
at 2013-02-02T08:23
at 2013-02-02T08:23

By Sierra Rose
at 2013-02-04T09:32
at 2013-02-04T09:32

By James
at 2013-02-06T10:41
at 2013-02-06T10:41

By Tracy
at 2013-02-08T11:50
at 2013-02-08T11:50

By Genevieve
at 2013-02-10T12:59
at 2013-02-10T12:59

By Heather
at 2013-02-12T14:08
at 2013-02-12T14:08

By Steve
at 2013-02-14T15:17
at 2013-02-14T15:17

By Olga
at 2013-02-16T16:25
at 2013-02-16T16:25

By Sarah
at 2013-02-18T17:34
at 2013-02-18T17:34

By Elma
at 2013-02-20T18:43
at 2013-02-20T18:43
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