對弗萊堡賽前 - 多特蒙德足球俱樂部 Ballspiel-Verein Borussia

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-09-27T23:45

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Klopp pins hopes on Schmelzer - Gundogan has to be patient over return

Borussia Dortmund could have Marcel Schmelzer available again for the
Bundesliga home fixture against SC Freiburg on Saturday. The Germany
international has already returned to training but is still not certain to
play. "We’ll have to wait until Saturday and see how it pulls up," said BVB
coach Jurgen Klopp.

Free-kick specialist Schmelzer, who has set up many goals with his crosses,
is set to return against a Freiburg side that has looked vulnerable at set
pieces. For Ilkay Gundogan, however, Saturday’s game will come too early.

"You can’t talk away an inflammation. It needs time to heal, and Ilkay needs
to be patient," said Klopp, explaining that the healing process should not
be accelerated at all costs. "This kind of injury heals itself. But not in
time for this weekend - or the following one, for that matter." Meaning, the
Dortmund boss is only expecting his playmaker to return after the international


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9/29 高雄新手團 in 高應大

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-09-27T23:27
邀賽人 GTA 崔佛˙藤木 聯絡電話及信箱 站內信 邀賽日期(一定要確定好時間喔) 9/29 下午三點半 邀賽地點(務必將場地確定好,以免到時又換場地,浪費球友的時間) 高應大 欲參加的球友(請確定後再填入) 崔佛、麥克、法蘭克林 9/29 踢球時間改成下午三點半!!! 因為天色差不多六點就暗了!!! ...

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Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-09-27T22:51
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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-09-27T22:22
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By Madame
at 2013-09-27T21:14
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By Sierra Rose
at 2013-09-27T20:49
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