官網的Agassi訪談 - 網球

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2003-06-05T01:39

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Coria flies past Agassi By Matthew CroninTuesday, June 3, 2003

The beloved 1999 King is gone. Long live 'The Kid'.

In an amazing display of retrieving, Argentine Guillermo Coria ran
past secondseed Andre Agassi 4-6 6-3 6-26-4 to gain the semi finals on

The puma-like Argentine took1999 Roland Garros titlist Agassi's
biggest blasts and sentthem flying down the lines. He made theeight-time
Grand Slam champion look silly by drawing him into the netwith dropshots
and then passing him, and had little troubleattackingAgassi'sserves.

"It is incredible,a dream come true to be here in the semi finals,"the
21-year-old said. "Agassi was my hero when I was growingup. This is

The No7 seed rarely became unglued by Agassi's shifts in strategies
and was soeffectivein counterpunching the American's hard groundstrokes
that he turned dozens of rallies around in hisfavor.

Coria zeroed in onmaking Agassi sprint wide to his forehand side and
at one time hit a remarkable16 backhand winnersdown-the-line in a row
. Coriafinished the contest with 32 winners from the baseline to 28
from Agassi, brokehim nine times and won 11 of his 17 forays to thenet.

"Andre'sa warrior, but I thought I was playing very strong," Coria
said. "I went after every balland made him run tohis rightbecause it's
his weaker side.I was able to see after the second set that I hadhim.

"I didn't try to change muchthen, just go afterevery stroke. Everything
wentmy way today. I knew he was alittle worried and that boosted my
confidence. I never thought I would lose anddidn't look at who I was

While Agassi played a more than respectable contest, he only took 14
of his 29 net approaches and committed 75 unforcederrors to63 from

"He's a good mover, there's no question about it," Agassi said. "It
gives him a lot of options. And he's a good decision-maker who knows
the court well. Todayhe hit a wide variety of shots and executed real

Coria (who is named after Argentine great Guillermo Vilas)said that
the 33-year-old Agassi was hisidol growing up, but he wasn't
star-struck on court.

"I'd rather not behis idol and play him on a hard court than on clay
, becauseon this surface he poses a tremendous threat to everyone,"
Agassi said. "I couldn't play today's match on my terms and that had
nothing to do with anything butthe way he was hitting the ball."

Coria, who was once banned from the tour for testing positive for
performance enhancing drugs, is now reaching the potential that he
showed as a teenager. Thechampion on Hamburg's clay last month and a
runner-up in Monte Carlo in April, Coria has the look of a Roland-Garros
champ in themaking.

"With a strong heart and mind, he's inthe semi finals here," Agassi
said. "He's two matches away from a major dream for him. If he can come
that close, he cando the rest."

不過我覺得好用唷 ^^

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2003-06-05T15:40
非也 是要在interview裡的那個才是 謝


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2003-06-04T16:44
如果有空可以去看看 由於是最後一次訪問了吧 問題很詳細也很全面 問了Agassi對Coria的看法 對以後比賽的想法啦 叫球童拿一堆拍子的原因啦 天氣因素對場地對他打球的影響啦 比較去年輸給果醬和今年輸球的原因和心情啦 也問了Roddick跟Brad合作的看法 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2003-06-04T15:43
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: maria08452 (巴西月~!) 看板: Tennis 標題: [新聞]法網半準決賽落馬,阿加西期待捲土重來 時間: Wed Jun 4 15:33:00 2003 [路透巴黎電]阿加西(阿加斯/阿格西)周二在法國網球公開賽半準決賽中失利,這是他 連續 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2003-06-04T15:07
輸了,2003年的法國公開賽. 我永遠都記得1998年,我13歲,第一次看到阿格西打球. 那時候他世界排名是在那谷底的百名外, 怎麼看就是無法聯想他曾高掛世界第一. 98年一開始,我從報上看到阿格西放話他要重返世界第一, 荒謬! 是我唯一的想法. 但是我永遠都記得他在某場比賽後說的話, and#34;我是阿 ...

Re: 剛從Tavern回來

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2003-06-04T13:14
※ 引述《cypres (好想游泳....好想)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Chariot (以簡馭繁三少爺)》之銘言: : : 無話可說 : : 幹幹幹幹幹!!!!!!!! : : 請言諒偶舒態了 : 第一次跑到bar去看轉播... : 就看到阿格西輸了..... : 難道是我帶賽嗎.... : 對了...我 ...

Re: 剛從Tavern回來

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2003-06-04T03:12
※ 引述《Chariot (以簡馭繁三少爺)》之銘言: : 無話可說 : 幹幹幹幹幹!!!!!!!! : 請言諒偶舒態了 第一次跑到bar去看轉播... 就看到阿格西輸了..... 難道是我帶賽嗎.... 對了...我也是去Tavern喔... - ...