安床武士Interview: Inline Vert - 極限運動 X-sports

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2003-06-09T22:54

Table of Contents

Q: What made you decide to start skating?
A: Parents

Q: At what age did you start?
A: 6

Q: When did you turn pro?
A: 1995

Q: How many years have you been skating?
A: 10 years

Q: As you kept progressing at your sport, what made you
think that you can turn it into a profession?
A: I was good

Q: Did it take a lot of hard work and time to become go
od, or did it come natural to you?
A: Natural

Q: Do you like the direction your sport is headed in?
A: Yes

Q: What do you love most about your sport?
A: It came natural

Q: What sport other than yours do you enjoy to watch th
e most?
A: Baseball, Basketball

Q: Was there anyone who you looked up to as a kid, and
if so did it have any effect on your pursuing of you
r sport?
A: Parents

Q: Do you have any favorite bands?
A: Japanese Rock

Q: Is this the biggest competition you have been in, if
not what was?
A: Yes and the X-games

Q: What do you like most out of everything in the extre
me sports business…like do you like the money, frie
nds etc…
A: Friends

Q: How do you like the crowd here in Cleveland(克利夫蘭)?
A: Yes

Q: How do you like the city of Cleveland and the area in
which the games are being held?
A: Its hot!



Q: What made you decide to start skating?
A: Parents

Q: At what age did you start?
A: 2

Q: When did you turn pro?
A: 1995

Q: How many years have you been skating?
A: Everyday

Q: As you kept progressing at your sport, what made you t
hink that you can turn it into a profession?
A: I love it

Q: Did it take a lot of hard work and time to become good
, or did it come natural to you?
A: Natural, started early

Q: Do you like the direction your sport is headed in?
A: Yes

Q: What do you love most about your sport?
A: I dont know, i just cant stop skating

Q: What sport other than yours do you enjoy to watch the
A: None

Q: Was there anyone who you looked up to as a kid, and if
so did it have any effect on your pursuing of your spo
A: Father, was a great skater

Q: Do you have any favorite bands?
A: No

Q: Is this the biggest competition you have been in, if n
ot what was?
A: Big, but X-Games is huge

Q: What do you like most out of everything in the extreme
sports business…like do you like the money, friends e
A: Go anywhere, can get more expierence and friends

Q: How do you like the crowd here in Cleveland?
A: Its good

Q: How do you like the city of Cleveland and the area in
which the games are being held?
A: Its good, and i like the halfpipes



第二章 卑怯な男


All Comments


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2003-06-09T19:35
可愛娃娃臉 17歲 Inline 戴小蛙眼鏡 今天在EXPN第一次看到 今天看到的份應該是2002年亞洲賽他們兄弟倆包辦一二名 不過不確定 待查證 安床兄弟 超怪的姓 -- 戀愛文書 第二章 卑怯な男 ...

Re: 這個板好可憐...

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2003-06-07T12:40
※ 引述《Noel0905 (最愛~陳綺貞~)》之銘言: : 滑板其實不怎麼and#34;慢and#34;,去試試看吧! : 我個人喜歡滑板飛起來的感覺,很讚! : 每種運動都有它的刺激性,有它吸引人的地方,不然它就不會被推崇了,不是嗎? : ※ 引述《birdo (百廢待興)》之銘言: : : 衝浪其 ...

Re: 這個板好可憐...

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2003-06-02T00:51
滑板其實不怎麼and#34;慢and#34;,去試試看吧! 我個人喜歡滑板飛起來的感覺,很讚! 每種運動都有它的刺激性,有它吸引人的地方,不然它就不會被推崇了,不是嗎? ※ 引述《birdo (百廢待興)》之銘言: : 衝浪其實超棒的... : 玩過就知道... : snowboard不 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2003-06-01T11:56
※ 引述《okcool (我沒有霸氣了)》之銘言: : 經使用者檢舉 : 板主rbaggio近來幾乎不再整理精華區 : 也沒有處理版務的跡象 : 經檢察屬實 : 在此先行進行第一次提醒 : 後若仍未整理將擇期進行第二次提醒 : 依照組務板212篇公告之組規 : 提醒兩次將予以退休 呃… 謝謝小組長的 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2003-05-29T23:09
經使用者檢舉 板主rbaggio近來幾乎不再整理精華區 也沒有處理版務的跡象 經檢察屬實 在此先行進行第一次提醒 後若仍未整理將擇期進行第二次提醒 依照組務板212篇公告之組規 提醒兩次將予以退休 - ...