[威家] Steffi Graf on Williams sisters - 網球

By Quintina
at 2009-01-07T01:00
at 2009-01-07T01:00
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※ [本文轉錄自 Williams 看板]
作者: VWilliams (VStarr) 看板: Williams
標題: [威家] Steffi Graf on Williams sisters
時間: Thu Jan 1 02:19:26 2009
Q: Who would you say was the toughest opponent, and who do you think was the
most talented?
你認為誰對你而言是最難打的對手 誰有是最有天份的選手?
Most difficult player, toughest to play against, Monica Seles. Just a fierce
fighter. Doesn’t let up the whole match. Not where you can feel like if you
stay with her for a certain amount of time [you know you’ll get your looks].
With her you knew the intensity was high, her ball-striking immense, the
power she had, the left-handed serve. She had, for me, overall the toughest
game. Talentwise I look at [Venus and Serena] Williams and just the
possibilities with their physical abilities and their court coverage and
athleticism. I think they would’ve had the most potential of being the best
players out there.
最難打的對手是Monica Seles 他是個傑出的鬥士
他從來不放棄比賽 他不會給你太多讓你覺得跟上他節奏的機會
他的擊球手感 他的力量 他的左手發球 對我而言他是最難打的
至於以天份來看 我認為是威廉絲姐妹 他們有身體素質 場地覆蓋面積 運動天份
Q: But you don’t think they’ve reached that potential?
At times. They just haven’t shown the consistency. You look at someone like
Navratilova who worked on every aspect of her game and her physical side. Or
a Justine Henin who literally [used] every talent and everything she [had].
[The Williams sisters] have not gotten to the point where they could.
有些時候是 他們還沒有展示出那種持久性
如果你看Navratilova 他從每個方面都深入的去發展球技以及身體
或是Justine Henin 他簡直用盡了所有天份以及所有他擁有的條件
Q: Since you’ve retired there hasn’t been a consistent, dominant champion on
the women’s tour. Why do you think that’s been the case?
自從你退休之後 女子網球還沒有出現一個長期主宰的冠軍 你認為原因是什麼
I think just the game in general has so many more top players. The field has
gotten a lot stronger, wider. That makes it always tough on the top players.
Tough to be consistently on top of the game. You have the Williams sisters,
you have Maria Sharapova, and all the Russian players, there are so many
great players out there.
我認為現在的頂尖選手更多了 陣容更強大 競爭更開放
很難長期持久的保持頂尖 我們有威廉絲姐妹 我們有Maria Sharapova
還有其他的俄羅斯選手 現在有太多好球員了
作者: VWilliams (VStarr) 看板: Williams
標題: [威家] Steffi Graf on Williams sisters
時間: Thu Jan 1 02:19:26 2009
Q: Who would you say was the toughest opponent, and who do you think was the
most talented?
你認為誰對你而言是最難打的對手 誰有是最有天份的選手?
Most difficult player, toughest to play against, Monica Seles. Just a fierce
fighter. Doesn’t let up the whole match. Not where you can feel like if you
stay with her for a certain amount of time [you know you’ll get your looks].
With her you knew the intensity was high, her ball-striking immense, the
power she had, the left-handed serve. She had, for me, overall the toughest
game. Talentwise I look at [Venus and Serena] Williams and just the
possibilities with their physical abilities and their court coverage and
athleticism. I think they would’ve had the most potential of being the best
players out there.
最難打的對手是Monica Seles 他是個傑出的鬥士
他從來不放棄比賽 他不會給你太多讓你覺得跟上他節奏的機會
他的擊球手感 他的力量 他的左手發球 對我而言他是最難打的
至於以天份來看 我認為是威廉絲姐妹 他們有身體素質 場地覆蓋面積 運動天份
Q: But you don’t think they’ve reached that potential?
At times. They just haven’t shown the consistency. You look at someone like
Navratilova who worked on every aspect of her game and her physical side. Or
a Justine Henin who literally [used] every talent and everything she [had].
[The Williams sisters] have not gotten to the point where they could.
有些時候是 他們還沒有展示出那種持久性
如果你看Navratilova 他從每個方面都深入的去發展球技以及身體
或是Justine Henin 他簡直用盡了所有天份以及所有他擁有的條件
Q: Since you’ve retired there hasn’t been a consistent, dominant champion on
the women’s tour. Why do you think that’s been the case?
自從你退休之後 女子網球還沒有出現一個長期主宰的冠軍 你認為原因是什麼
I think just the game in general has so many more top players. The field has
gotten a lot stronger, wider. That makes it always tough on the top players.
Tough to be consistently on top of the game. You have the Williams sisters,
you have Maria Sharapova, and all the Russian players, there are so many
great players out there.
我認為現在的頂尖選手更多了 陣容更強大 競爭更開放
很難長期持久的保持頂尖 我們有威廉絲姐妹 我們有Maria Sharapova
還有其他的俄羅斯選手 現在有太多好球員了
All Comments

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at 2009-01-08T16:21
at 2009-01-08T16:21

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at 2009-01-10T07:42
at 2009-01-10T07:42

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at 2009-01-11T23:03
at 2009-01-11T23:03

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at 2009-01-13T14:24
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at 2009-01-15T05:45
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