威姊妹母親決賽前在twitter嚴厲抨擊Kim 引發爭議 - 網球 Tennis

By Hazel
at 2011-01-29T22:46
at 2011-01-29T22:46
Table of Contents
Serena and Venus' mom blasts Kim Clijsters on Twitter
By Chris Chase
威廉斯姊妹的母親在twitter上嚴厲抨擊Kim Clijsters
(寫自 Chris Chase評論員)
Oracene Price, mother of Venus and Serena Williams, is rooting for Li Na in
Saturday's Australian Open final, both because she likes the idea of someone
new winning a Slam and because she doesn't like the idea of Kim Clijsters
winning one. During a succession of tweets on Thursday night, Oracene bashed
Clijsters, calling her dubious and comparing her to the mythological beast,
威廉斯姊妹的母親在賽前表態支持李娜奪冠,有兩個原因, 其一是喜歡大滿貫有新的冠軍,
其二是她不喜歡Kim拿下冠軍. 在週四晚上威媽在twitter上嚴厲抨擊Kim, 說她很可疑,甚
She started:
Will some one tweet me who is in final on the women side?
Wouldn't it have been easier to go the Australian Open website or Yahoo!'s
tennis page (plug!) rather than tweeting the question to her followers?
Of course it would have. But then Oracene wouldn't have been able to show how
little she cares about tennis when her daughters aren't involved.
"Thank you. I hope Na is not to nervous to kick some butt."
"謝謝. 我希望李娜別太緊張踢某些人的屁股"
Somebody evidently tweeted her the answer and Oracene reveals she's pulling for
Li Na. That works. I think I am too, if we're being honest. She then explains
"I agree is would be cool for a Chinese to win. I like first timers. Also I
don't want My vision blurred! That tought made me LOL."
The first two sentences make sense. It would be cool for a Chinese player to
win a Slam and it is nice to see first-timers winning. That's why I expect to
be rooting for Li Na when she takes the court against Clijsters at 3:30 a.m.
ET on Saturday. But what's with the "I don't want my vision blurred" statement,
you ask? We'll get to that in a bit.
In response to the above tweet, a follower of Oracene asked whether she was
pulling for Li Na (in case it wasn't obvious). The response:
"Lets say I'm not pulling for the other one. I dislike dubious people."
因為我不支持另一位決賽選手(指Kim), 我討厭可疑的人.
She thinks Clijsters is dubious? Does she mean morally suspect or not to be
relied upon or doubting? Was there a previous run-in with either Venus or
Serena that we don't know about? Is she still mad about Serena's infamous foot
fault against Clijsters in the 2009 U.S. Open? Oracene doesn't make it clear.
It's a strange insult regardless of the reason.
威媽認為Kim很可疑? 對她有道德上的懷疑? 還是Kim和大威或小威有過節? 還是威媽還
對2009年小威vs Kim的美網四強賽的腳誤判決感到不滿? 威媽沒有明確說明. 不管怎樣
"Did you peep that eyes of hers It gives you the Madusah scare and turns you
into solid stone. Don't look that eye."
你有偷看過Kim的眼睛嗎? 那簡直是和梅杜莎一樣恐怖(威媽把梅杜莎拼錯字),看了之後你
會變成石頭. 別看Kim的眼睛.
"The Madusah scare" sounds like a band playing the tent at Coachella, so I'm
guessing Oracene means the Medusa stare, a reference to the mythological
maiden who was robbed of her beauty by Athena and made so hideous that you
turned to stone simply by looking at her face. That must mean Oracene either
thinks Clijsters is ugly, has snakes for hair or will be beheaded by Perseus
in an attempt to rescue his mother from the evil grips of King Polydectes.
I'm guessing it's the third one.
Madusah的驚恐聽起來像是樂團在表演. 所以威媽應該是指梅杜莎(Medusa), 希臘神話中的
海怪,梅杜沙的美麗被雅典娜奪走, 所以長的十分醜陋, 看到她的臉就會立刻變成石頭.只
有年輕的英雄Perseus能砍下梅杜莎的頭顱.這或許表示, 一來威媽認為Kim很醜, 頭髮就是
纏繞的蛇, 二來就是希望有一個人來解決梅杜莎(決賽打敗Kim?)
On one level, I appreciate Oracene's straightfoward style. She thinks what she
thinks and doesn't care what anyone says about it. It can be refreshing. On the
other hand, taking shots at Clijsters for no apparent reason is the definition
of classless. Oracene says she doesn't like dubious people, but is fine with
her own insolence?
麼。它可以提神。另一角度來看, 沒有明顯理由就攻擊Kim是不妥的。 對外威媽說她不喜
歡可疑的人, 卻又可以容許自己的傲慢態度?
Kim 加油!!
By Chris Chase
威廉斯姊妹的母親在twitter上嚴厲抨擊Kim Clijsters
(寫自 Chris Chase評論員)
Oracene Price, mother of Venus and Serena Williams, is rooting for Li Na in
Saturday's Australian Open final, both because she likes the idea of someone
new winning a Slam and because she doesn't like the idea of Kim Clijsters
winning one. During a succession of tweets on Thursday night, Oracene bashed
Clijsters, calling her dubious and comparing her to the mythological beast,
威廉斯姊妹的母親在賽前表態支持李娜奪冠,有兩個原因, 其一是喜歡大滿貫有新的冠軍,
其二是她不喜歡Kim拿下冠軍. 在週四晚上威媽在twitter上嚴厲抨擊Kim, 說她很可疑,甚
She started:
Will some one tweet me who is in final on the women side?
Wouldn't it have been easier to go the Australian Open website or Yahoo!'s
tennis page (plug!) rather than tweeting the question to her followers?
Of course it would have. But then Oracene wouldn't have been able to show how
little she cares about tennis when her daughters aren't involved.
"Thank you. I hope Na is not to nervous to kick some butt."
"謝謝. 我希望李娜別太緊張踢某些人的屁股"
Somebody evidently tweeted her the answer and Oracene reveals she's pulling for
Li Na. That works. I think I am too, if we're being honest. She then explains
"I agree is would be cool for a Chinese to win. I like first timers. Also I
don't want My vision blurred! That tought made me LOL."
The first two sentences make sense. It would be cool for a Chinese player to
win a Slam and it is nice to see first-timers winning. That's why I expect to
be rooting for Li Na when she takes the court against Clijsters at 3:30 a.m.
ET on Saturday. But what's with the "I don't want my vision blurred" statement,
you ask? We'll get to that in a bit.
In response to the above tweet, a follower of Oracene asked whether she was
pulling for Li Na (in case it wasn't obvious). The response:
"Lets say I'm not pulling for the other one. I dislike dubious people."
因為我不支持另一位決賽選手(指Kim), 我討厭可疑的人.
She thinks Clijsters is dubious? Does she mean morally suspect or not to be
relied upon or doubting? Was there a previous run-in with either Venus or
Serena that we don't know about? Is she still mad about Serena's infamous foot
fault against Clijsters in the 2009 U.S. Open? Oracene doesn't make it clear.
It's a strange insult regardless of the reason.
威媽認為Kim很可疑? 對她有道德上的懷疑? 還是Kim和大威或小威有過節? 還是威媽還
對2009年小威vs Kim的美網四強賽的腳誤判決感到不滿? 威媽沒有明確說明. 不管怎樣
"Did you peep that eyes of hers It gives you the Madusah scare and turns you
into solid stone. Don't look that eye."
你有偷看過Kim的眼睛嗎? 那簡直是和梅杜莎一樣恐怖(威媽把梅杜莎拼錯字),看了之後你
會變成石頭. 別看Kim的眼睛.
"The Madusah scare" sounds like a band playing the tent at Coachella, so I'm
guessing Oracene means the Medusa stare, a reference to the mythological
maiden who was robbed of her beauty by Athena and made so hideous that you
turned to stone simply by looking at her face. That must mean Oracene either
thinks Clijsters is ugly, has snakes for hair or will be beheaded by Perseus
in an attempt to rescue his mother from the evil grips of King Polydectes.
I'm guessing it's the third one.
Madusah的驚恐聽起來像是樂團在表演. 所以威媽應該是指梅杜莎(Medusa), 希臘神話中的
海怪,梅杜沙的美麗被雅典娜奪走, 所以長的十分醜陋, 看到她的臉就會立刻變成石頭.只
有年輕的英雄Perseus能砍下梅杜莎的頭顱.這或許表示, 一來威媽認為Kim很醜, 頭髮就是
纏繞的蛇, 二來就是希望有一個人來解決梅杜莎(決賽打敗Kim?)
On one level, I appreciate Oracene's straightfoward style. She thinks what she
thinks and doesn't care what anyone says about it. It can be refreshing. On the
other hand, taking shots at Clijsters for no apparent reason is the definition
of classless. Oracene says she doesn't like dubious people, but is fine with
her own insolence?
麼。它可以提神。另一角度來看, 沒有明顯理由就攻擊Kim是不妥的。 對外威媽說她不喜
歡可疑的人, 卻又可以容許自己的傲慢態度?
Kim 加油!!
All Comments

By Jake
at 2011-02-03T16:31
at 2011-02-03T16:31

By Candice
at 2011-02-08T10:15
at 2011-02-08T10:15

By Mason
at 2011-02-13T04:00
at 2011-02-13T04:00

By Callum
at 2011-02-17T21:45
at 2011-02-17T21:45

By Anonymous
at 2011-02-22T15:30
at 2011-02-22T15:30

By Noah
at 2011-02-27T09:15
at 2011-02-27T09:15

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-03-04T03:00
at 2011-03-04T03:00

By Queena
at 2011-03-08T20:45
at 2011-03-08T20:45

By George
at 2011-03-13T14:30
at 2011-03-13T14:30

By Franklin
at 2011-03-18T08:15
at 2011-03-18T08:15

By Eden
at 2011-03-23T01:59
at 2011-03-23T01:59

By Ethan
at 2011-03-27T19:44
at 2011-03-27T19:44

By Noah
at 2011-04-01T13:29
at 2011-04-01T13:29

By Heather
at 2011-04-06T07:14
at 2011-04-06T07:14

By Necoo
at 2011-04-11T00:59
at 2011-04-11T00:59

By Todd Johnson
at 2011-04-15T18:44
at 2011-04-15T18:44

By Victoria
at 2011-04-20T12:29
at 2011-04-20T12:29

By Delia
at 2011-04-25T06:14
at 2011-04-25T06:14

By Eden
at 2011-04-29T23:58
at 2011-04-29T23:58

By Edward Lewis
at 2011-05-04T17:43
at 2011-05-04T17:43

By Lucy
at 2011-05-09T11:28
at 2011-05-09T11:28

By Lucy
at 2011-05-14T05:13
at 2011-05-14T05:13

By Poppy
at 2011-05-18T22:58
at 2011-05-18T22:58

By Zora
at 2011-05-23T16:43
at 2011-05-23T16:43

By Jack
at 2011-05-28T10:28
at 2011-05-28T10:28

By Todd Johnson
at 2011-06-02T04:13
at 2011-06-02T04:13

By Elvira
at 2011-06-06T21:58
at 2011-06-06T21:58

By John
at 2011-06-11T15:42
at 2011-06-11T15:42

By Isabella
at 2011-06-16T09:27
at 2011-06-16T09:27

By Cara
at 2011-06-21T03:12
at 2011-06-21T03:12

By Hazel
at 2011-06-25T20:57
at 2011-06-25T20:57

By Hedwig
at 2011-06-30T14:42
at 2011-06-30T14:42

By Oscar
at 2011-07-05T08:27
at 2011-07-05T08:27

By Ida
at 2011-07-10T02:12
at 2011-07-10T02:12

By Susan
at 2011-07-14T19:57
at 2011-07-14T19:57

By Megan
at 2011-07-19T13:41
at 2011-07-19T13:41

By Eden
at 2011-07-24T07:26
at 2011-07-24T07:26

By Irma
at 2011-07-29T01:11
at 2011-07-29T01:11

By Hamiltion
at 2011-08-02T18:56
at 2011-08-02T18:56

By Yedda
at 2011-08-07T12:41
at 2011-08-07T12:41

By Steve
at 2011-08-12T06:26
at 2011-08-12T06:26

By Genevieve
at 2011-08-17T00:11
at 2011-08-17T00:11

By Puput
at 2011-08-21T17:56
at 2011-08-21T17:56

By Hedwig
at 2011-08-26T11:41
at 2011-08-26T11:41

By Donna
at 2011-08-31T05:25
at 2011-08-31T05:25

By Isabella
at 2011-09-04T23:10
at 2011-09-04T23:10

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at 2011-09-09T16:55
at 2011-09-09T16:55

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at 2011-09-14T10:40
at 2011-09-14T10:40

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at 2011-09-19T04:25
at 2011-09-19T04:25

By Vanessa
at 2011-09-23T22:10
at 2011-09-23T22:10

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at 2011-09-28T15:55
at 2011-09-28T15:55

By Sandy
at 2011-10-03T09:40
at 2011-10-03T09:40

By Charlie
at 2011-10-08T03:25
at 2011-10-08T03:25

By Robert
at 2011-10-12T21:09
at 2011-10-12T21:09

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at 2011-10-17T14:54
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By Liam
at 2011-10-27T02:24
at 2011-10-27T02:24

By Candice
at 2011-10-31T20:09
at 2011-10-31T20:09

By Hazel
at 2011-11-05T13:54
at 2011-11-05T13:54

By Carolina Franco
at 2011-11-10T07:39
at 2011-11-10T07:39

By Tracy
at 2011-11-15T01:24
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By Harry
at 2011-11-19T19:08
at 2011-11-19T19:08

By Sarah
at 2011-11-24T12:53
at 2011-11-24T12:53

By Lily
at 2011-11-29T06:38
at 2011-11-29T06:38

By Emily
at 2011-12-04T00:23
at 2011-12-04T00:23

By Jacob
at 2011-12-08T18:08
at 2011-12-08T18:08

By Kama
at 2011-12-13T11:53
at 2011-12-13T11:53

By Kelly
at 2011-12-18T05:38
at 2011-12-18T05:38

By George
at 2011-12-22T23:23
at 2011-12-22T23:23

By Susan
at 2011-12-27T17:08
at 2011-12-27T17:08

By Faithe
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By Joe
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By Ida
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at 2012-02-22T14:06
at 2012-02-22T14:06

By Elizabeth
at 2012-02-27T07:51
at 2012-02-27T07:51

By Elma
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at 2012-03-03T01:36

By Brianna
at 2012-03-07T19:21
at 2012-03-07T19:21

By Necoo
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at 2012-03-12T13:06

By Puput
at 2012-03-17T06:51
at 2012-03-17T06:51

By Agnes
at 2012-03-22T00:35
at 2012-03-22T00:35

By Ingrid
at 2012-03-26T18:20
at 2012-03-26T18:20

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-03-31T12:05
at 2012-03-31T12:05

By Ursula
at 2012-04-05T05:50
at 2012-04-05T05:50

By Anthony
at 2012-04-09T23:35
at 2012-04-09T23:35

By Zenobia
at 2012-04-14T17:20
at 2012-04-14T17:20

By Xanthe
at 2012-04-19T11:05
at 2012-04-19T11:05

By Bethany
at 2012-04-24T04:50
at 2012-04-24T04:50

By Faithe
at 2012-04-28T22:34
at 2012-04-28T22:34

By Ursula
at 2012-05-03T16:19
at 2012-05-03T16:19

By Edwina
at 2012-05-08T10:04
at 2012-05-08T10:04

By Zora
at 2012-05-13T03:49
at 2012-05-13T03:49

By Kama
at 2012-05-17T21:34
at 2012-05-17T21:34

By Selena
at 2012-05-22T15:19
at 2012-05-22T15:19

By Una
at 2012-05-27T09:04
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By Dinah
at 2012-06-01T02:49
at 2012-06-01T02:49

By Charlie
at 2012-06-05T20:34
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By Ingrid
at 2012-06-10T14:18
at 2012-06-10T14:18

By Doris
at 2012-06-15T08:03
at 2012-06-15T08:03

By Selena
at 2012-06-20T01:48
at 2012-06-20T01:48

By Charlie
at 2012-06-24T19:33
at 2012-06-24T19:33

By Wallis
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By Selena
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By Harry
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By Hazel
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By Edwina
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By Susan
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By Isla
at 2012-07-27T23:47
at 2012-07-27T23:47

By Cara
at 2012-08-01T17:32
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By Callum
at 2012-08-06T11:17
at 2012-08-06T11:17

By Margaret
at 2012-08-11T05:02
at 2012-08-11T05:02

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at 2012-08-15T22:47
at 2012-08-15T22:47

By Linda
at 2012-08-20T16:32
at 2012-08-20T16:32

By Ivy
at 2012-08-25T10:17
at 2012-08-25T10:17

By William
at 2012-08-30T04:01
at 2012-08-30T04:01

By Todd Johnson
at 2012-09-03T21:46
at 2012-09-03T21:46

By Daniel
at 2012-09-08T15:31
at 2012-09-08T15:31

By Jake
at 2012-09-13T09:16
at 2012-09-13T09:16

By Noah
at 2012-09-18T03:01
at 2012-09-18T03:01

By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-09-22T20:46
at 2012-09-22T20:46

By Gilbert
at 2012-09-27T14:31
at 2012-09-27T14:31

By William
at 2012-10-02T08:16
at 2012-10-02T08:16

By Kama
at 2012-10-07T02:01
at 2012-10-07T02:01

By Rachel
at 2012-10-11T19:45
at 2012-10-11T19:45

By Adele
at 2012-10-16T13:30
at 2012-10-16T13:30

By Rosalind
at 2012-10-21T07:15
at 2012-10-21T07:15

By Mia
at 2012-10-26T01:00
at 2012-10-26T01:00

By Michael
at 2012-10-30T18:45
at 2012-10-30T18:45

By Hardy
at 2012-11-04T12:30
at 2012-11-04T12:30

By Anthony
at 2012-11-09T06:15
at 2012-11-09T06:15

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-11-14T00:00
at 2012-11-14T00:00

By Ursula
at 2012-11-18T17:44
at 2012-11-18T17:44

By Lucy
at 2012-11-23T11:29
at 2012-11-23T11:29

By Annie
at 2012-11-28T05:14
at 2012-11-28T05:14

By Caroline
at 2012-12-02T22:59
at 2012-12-02T22:59

By Margaret
at 2012-12-07T16:44
at 2012-12-07T16:44

By Kristin
at 2012-12-12T10:29
at 2012-12-12T10:29

By Puput
at 2012-12-17T04:14
at 2012-12-17T04:14

By Heather
at 2012-12-21T21:59
at 2012-12-21T21:59

By Agnes
at 2012-12-26T15:44
at 2012-12-26T15:44

By Barb Cronin
at 2012-12-31T09:28
at 2012-12-31T09:28

By Sarah
at 2013-01-05T03:13
at 2013-01-05T03:13

By Iris
at 2013-01-09T20:58
at 2013-01-09T20:58

By Ethan
at 2013-01-14T14:43
at 2013-01-14T14:43

By Delia
at 2013-01-19T08:28
at 2013-01-19T08:28

By Sarah
at 2013-01-24T02:13
at 2013-01-24T02:13

By Carolina Franco
at 2013-01-28T19:58
at 2013-01-28T19:58

By Robert
at 2013-02-02T13:43
at 2013-02-02T13:43

By Olivia
at 2013-02-07T07:27
at 2013-02-07T07:27

By John
at 2013-02-12T01:12
at 2013-02-12T01:12

By Edward Lewis
at 2013-02-16T18:57
at 2013-02-16T18:57

By Liam
at 2013-02-21T12:42
at 2013-02-21T12:42

By Rebecca
at 2013-02-26T06:27
at 2013-02-26T06:27

By Candice
at 2013-03-03T00:12
at 2013-03-03T00:12

By Dorothy
at 2013-03-07T17:57
at 2013-03-07T17:57

By Quanna
at 2013-03-12T11:42
at 2013-03-12T11:42

By Michael
at 2013-03-17T05:27
at 2013-03-17T05:27

By Adele
at 2013-03-21T23:11
at 2013-03-21T23:11

By Yuri
at 2013-03-26T16:56
at 2013-03-26T16:56

By Jessica
at 2013-03-31T10:41
at 2013-03-31T10:41

By Callum
at 2013-04-05T04:26
at 2013-04-05T04:26

By Hardy
at 2013-04-09T22:11
at 2013-04-09T22:11

By Susan
at 2013-04-14T15:56
at 2013-04-14T15:56

By Caroline
at 2013-04-19T09:41
at 2013-04-19T09:41

By Mary
at 2013-04-24T03:26
at 2013-04-24T03:26

By Mary
at 2013-04-28T21:11
at 2013-04-28T21:11

By Jacob
at 2013-05-03T14:55
at 2013-05-03T14:55

By Oscar
at 2013-05-08T08:40
at 2013-05-08T08:40

By William
at 2013-05-13T02:25
at 2013-05-13T02:25

By Connor
at 2013-05-17T20:10
at 2013-05-17T20:10

By Irma
at 2013-05-22T13:55
at 2013-05-22T13:55

By Una
at 2013-05-27T07:40
at 2013-05-27T07:40

By Leila
at 2013-06-01T01:25
at 2013-06-01T01:25

By Ula
at 2013-06-05T19:10
at 2013-06-05T19:10

By Rosalind
at 2013-06-10T12:54
at 2013-06-10T12:54

By Andy
at 2013-06-15T06:39
at 2013-06-15T06:39

By Elma
at 2013-06-20T00:24
at 2013-06-20T00:24

By Bennie
at 2013-06-24T18:09
at 2013-06-24T18:09

By Tom
at 2013-06-29T11:54
at 2013-06-29T11:54

By Rebecca
at 2013-07-04T05:39
at 2013-07-04T05:39

By Selena
at 2013-07-08T23:24
at 2013-07-08T23:24

By Edith
at 2013-07-13T17:09
at 2013-07-13T17:09

By Anonymous
at 2013-07-18T10:54
at 2013-07-18T10:54

By Catherine
at 2013-07-23T04:38
at 2013-07-23T04:38

By Yuri
at 2013-07-27T22:23
at 2013-07-27T22:23

By Odelette
at 2013-08-01T16:08
at 2013-08-01T16:08

By Harry
at 2013-08-06T09:53
at 2013-08-06T09:53

By Oscar
at 2013-08-11T03:38
at 2013-08-11T03:38

By Noah
at 2013-08-15T21:23
at 2013-08-15T21:23

By Dorothy
at 2013-08-20T15:08
at 2013-08-20T15:08

By Dorothy
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By Olive
at 2013-08-30T02:37
at 2013-08-30T02:37

By Todd Johnson
at 2013-09-03T20:22
at 2013-09-03T20:22

By Agnes
at 2013-09-08T14:07
at 2013-09-08T14:07

By Ingrid
at 2013-09-13T07:52
at 2013-09-13T07:52

By Gary
at 2013-09-18T01:37
at 2013-09-18T01:37

By Dinah
at 2013-09-22T19:22
at 2013-09-22T19:22

By Megan
at 2013-09-27T13:07
at 2013-09-27T13:07

By Elvira
at 2013-10-02T06:52
at 2013-10-02T06:52

By Eden
at 2013-10-07T00:37
at 2013-10-07T00:37

By Olivia
at 2013-10-11T18:21
at 2013-10-11T18:21

By Emily
at 2013-10-16T12:06
at 2013-10-16T12:06

By Bethany
at 2013-10-21T05:51
at 2013-10-21T05:51

By Skylar Davis
at 2013-10-25T23:36
at 2013-10-25T23:36

By Wallis
at 2013-10-30T17:21
at 2013-10-30T17:21

By Ingrid
at 2013-11-04T11:06
at 2013-11-04T11:06

By Emma
at 2013-11-09T04:51
at 2013-11-09T04:51

By Mary
at 2013-11-13T22:36
at 2013-11-13T22:36

By Odelette
at 2013-11-18T16:20
at 2013-11-18T16:20

By Steve
at 2013-11-23T10:05
at 2013-11-23T10:05

By Robert
at 2013-11-28T03:50
at 2013-11-28T03:50

By Sandy
at 2013-12-02T21:35
at 2013-12-02T21:35

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-12-07T15:20
at 2013-12-07T15:20

By Carolina Franco
at 2013-12-12T09:05
at 2013-12-12T09:05

By Jacky
at 2013-12-17T02:50
at 2013-12-17T02:50

By Jacob
at 2013-12-21T20:35
at 2013-12-21T20:35

By Leila
at 2013-12-26T14:20
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By Steve
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at 2013-12-31T08:04

By Kyle
at 2014-01-05T01:49
at 2014-01-05T01:49

By Madame
at 2014-01-09T19:34
at 2014-01-09T19:34

By Candice
at 2014-01-14T13:19
at 2014-01-14T13:19

By Lauren
at 2014-01-19T07:04
at 2014-01-19T07:04

By Xanthe
at 2014-01-24T00:49
at 2014-01-24T00:49

By Damian
at 2014-01-28T18:34
at 2014-01-28T18:34

By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-02-02T12:19
at 2014-02-02T12:19

By Sandy
at 2014-02-07T06:04
at 2014-02-07T06:04

By Skylar Davis
at 2014-02-11T23:48
at 2014-02-11T23:48

By Elizabeth
at 2014-02-16T17:33
at 2014-02-16T17:33

By Damian
at 2014-02-21T11:18
at 2014-02-21T11:18

By Xanthe
at 2014-02-26T05:03
at 2014-02-26T05:03

By Elvira
at 2014-03-02T22:48
at 2014-03-02T22:48

By Elma
at 2014-03-07T16:33
at 2014-03-07T16:33

By Adele
at 2014-03-12T10:18
at 2014-03-12T10:18

By Isabella
at 2014-03-17T04:03
at 2014-03-17T04:03

By Lauren
at 2014-03-21T21:47
at 2014-03-21T21:47

By Mia
at 2014-03-26T15:32
at 2014-03-26T15:32

By Barb Cronin
at 2014-03-31T09:17
at 2014-03-31T09:17

By Adele
at 2014-04-05T03:02
at 2014-04-05T03:02

By Queena
at 2014-04-09T20:47
at 2014-04-09T20:47

By Elizabeth
at 2014-04-14T14:32
at 2014-04-14T14:32

By Jack
at 2014-04-19T08:17
at 2014-04-19T08:17

By Delia
at 2014-04-24T02:02
at 2014-04-24T02:02

By Puput
at 2014-04-28T19:47
at 2014-04-28T19:47

By William
at 2014-05-03T13:31
at 2014-05-03T13:31

By Jacky
at 2014-05-08T07:16
at 2014-05-08T07:16

By Audriana
at 2014-05-13T01:01
at 2014-05-13T01:01

By Zenobia
at 2014-05-17T18:46
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By Lucy
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at 2014-05-27T06:16
at 2014-05-27T06:16

By Margaret
at 2014-06-01T00:01
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at 2014-06-10T11:30
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