奇爾維爾:保四成功,但不是以我們想要的方式 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2021-05-28T09:03

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Chilwell: Not the way we wanted to do it

24 May 2021

Ben Chilwell gave an honest assessment of an Aston Villa defeat that was
not as damaging as it could have been on Sunday afternoon.

The 2-1 reverse at Villa Park coupled with Liverpool winning their game
meant we lost the third place in the league table in which we started the
day but thanks to Spurs' success at Leicester, we dropped down only one
position. It was Chilwell who scored the Chelsea goal after the home side
had gone two ahead and he came the closest to adding an equaliser but
ended up on the losing side.

'We are in the Champions League next season so we have to be happy but we
were nowhere near good enough,' admitted the defender, who revealed it was
only in the final couple of minutes of the game that the players knew
Leicester were heading for defeat so fourth place was ours.

'So we were fighting for the whole of the second half just to get back
into the game,' he added. 'We were angry with ourselves as we should have
been winning the game.

'You have to give Villa credit, it was their first game back here with the
fans and they played really well and their fans were good for them.


'We created chances the whole game but we did not put the game to bed when
we should have, and it feels like they scored with two of the only chances
they had, but they played well. Their keeper made a few good saves, we
maybe should have had a penalty, but we weren't good enough overall.

'It has been a difficult long year for every team and we have managed to
secure top four, not how we would have wanted, we were nowhere near our
best, but we take it.'


"We believe the same thing."

"Maybe there is hope."
- 9x20 The Truth

Tags: 足球

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