太陽老闆被指控(7) - NBA

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2021-11-18T11:25

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MULTIPLE CURRENT AND former employees told ESPN that members of the Suns' executive team contributed to the workplace toxicity of the organization.

多位現任與前員工告訴ESPN , 高層營造了一個不友善(有毒)的工作氣氛。

In 2017 two former employees said that a white male executive repeatedly called a Black co-worker "Carlton," in reference to the character from the '90s TV show "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." In at least one instance, he jokingly told the co-worker to "do the Carlton" for him.

The employees said the Black co-worker on multiple occasions told the white executive to stop calling him by that name and that he was not going to dance for him. "Super racist," one former employee said.

2017年時,兩位前員工稱一位白人高官常對一位非裔下屬說「 做卡爾頓」






The executive, when reached by ESPN, denied telling the employee to dance and said he was never asked to stop calling the employee "Carlton," describing their relationship as "jovial" and "one of friendship and respect."



One female former employee said that after being physically assaulted by a male co-worker outside of the office, a female co-worker went to HR out of concern for the employee's safety. The two told ESPN that HR spoke with the alleged victim, ultimately deciding that simply moving her desk would resolve the issue. At that time, the alleged victim said there were two rows of desks -- with partitions separating each one -- and that hers was right next to the male co-worker's. They moved her to the second
row. "I couldn't escape," she said, adding that if she stood up, he was right there, probably less than 10 feet away. "It was a joke. An absolute joke."
As far as the employee is aware, there was no investigation. The Suns told ESPN they could "take no action because both employees declined to speak with HR and because neither employee expressed an interest in having the Suns intervene concerning the dispute." The Suns denied ever instructing "either employee to 'move [their] desk' to resolve the domestic issue they were having."
In all, three people told ESPN the employee's desk location had indeed been moved.


而HR給的荒誕建議就是- 請她換個位置




他們的距離大概有10尺,而且站起來就看的到,以保護隔離來說 這就是一個笑話。


但總共有三個人告訴ESPN 桌子確實被移動了

A number of employees, especially women, described to ESPN being subjected to or witnessing verbal barrages from male executives.


"I think as women, when we come into sports, unfortunately, we're resigned to the fact that we'll be sexually harassed at some point," the female former marketing employee said. "But the part that was the worst for me is the verbal abuse and feeling like I wasn't human."


These public examples of mistreatment and disregard were a consistent source of concern for many women throughout the organization; female employees reported inappropriate comments by managers, according to multiple former employees.
One female former sales employee said a former Suns vice president, who appeared intoxicated, asked her how many members of her department she had slept with and about a specific coworker's penis.
"It was terrible because I had not had sexual interactions with anybody on [the staff], so that was very weird," she told ESPN. "And [it] also made me uncomfortable because my VP is asking me about my sexual history with other co-workers? That kind of thing was almost normal."


「這非常糟糕,因為我沒有跟任何一個同事發生這種關係,這非常噁心(奇怪)。」「這讓我非常不適,”我的VP問我與同事間的性事? 天啊” 但這種事在這裡是正常的」

When contacted for comment, the executive said such questions were never raised with any employee.


One female former marketing employee describes sitting in meetings with senior leaders and hearing sexist remarks made about women, including the need to have women at certain events in low-cut tops. "And then I would say, 'This isn't a productive meeting for me. And I'm uncomfortable,'" the former employee said. "They would say, 'It's just a joke; get over it.'"

而當我提出不適與抗議時,他們會說這是玩笑 , 並叫我要習慣。

Current and former employees said women often did not feel valued and were ignored when they said so, a sentiment that led to frequent departures.


"Especially with the younger girls, I felt like I was abandoning them," said one female former employee. "I felt bad for leaving. It was hard. And so I was happy when [I learned] all of them are out of there."


"It breaks you," said another female former employee. "I'm hard to break, and it broke me."


"It wrecked my life," said a third female former employee. "I was contemplating suicide."
A current executive is among nearly a dozen who acknowledges seeking professional help to cope with anxiety, sleep loss and overall declining well-being working for the Suns.


"When I went to the psychologist, I cried a bucket of tears," the executive said. "And it's like that with a lot of us. It's just sad."


Even with the team's recent success, one current staffer said the team's culture has continued to decay.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Robert Sarver 這次會下台嗎?
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2021-11-18T16:16
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2021-11-18T03:27
David avatar
By David
at 2021-11-18T16:16
這跟Owner沒什麼關係吧 跟營運總裁和經理比較有關
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2021-11-18T16:16
應該可以開除一些人 讓某些人收斂 對太陽應該是好事
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2021-11-18T03:27
??? 不去報警 還能怎樣???被暴力相向不是報警抓人嗎 黑人問號
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-11-18T16:16
, 我原本以為是跟殺反映他沒改,但如果只是到高管,換人就安全下莊了
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2021-11-18T16:16
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2021-11-18T16:16
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2021-11-18T16:16
所以這篇有毒的是高管 不是老闆啊
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2021-11-18T03:27
打球也是被一堆黑人叫我姚明跟Jeremy Lin啊
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2021-11-18T16:16
直接宣布以後不再聘用黑人 現職全部資遣 毛真多
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2021-11-18T16:16
Una avatar
By Una
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2021-11-18T16:16
John avatar
By John
at 2021-11-18T03:27
這個問題是真的蠻嚴重的 Sarver必須處理但不是他本人下台
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-11-18T16:16
看起來是太陽很爛 但老闆消失了@.@?
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2021-11-18T16:16
John avatar
By John
at 2021-11-18T03:27
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2021-11-18T16:16
這個跟 $arver的關係挺薄弱的


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