[外絮] Yao nominated for Hall of Fame as co … - 籃球

John avatar
By John
at 2011-08-12T18:10

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1EGWiDIG ]

作者: ripmelo (猿猴兄) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Yao nominated for Hall of Fame as contributor
時間: Wed Aug 10 12:37:28 2011

HOUSTON (AP)—Retired Houston Rockets center Yao Ming(notes) could enter the
Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame as early as next year—not as a player, but as
a contributor to the game.

John Doleva, the president and CEO of the Hall, said Tuesday that Yao has been
nominated by a member of the Chinese media and his credentials will be
considered by an international panel. As a contributor, Yao would bypass the
usual five-year waiting period for retired players.

The 7-foot-6 Yao retired in July after leg and foot injuries ended his
eight-year NBA career. The eight-time All-Star averaged 19 points and 9.2
rebounds in the NBA.

He’ll also be remembered for his global impact on the league, almost
single-handedly expanded its reach throughout Asia.

Doleva said a panel of seven “experts on the international game” will
consider Yao’s credentials, and six of the seven will have to approve Yao’s
election. The panel is only allowed to select one individual, and Doleva said
Yao will be facing about 12-15 other candidates for induction next year.

The deadline for nominations is Nov. 1. Doleva says a member of the Chinese
media contacted him to ask about the categories available for individuals, and
submitted a formal application this week on Yao’s behalf.

“It has to go through the process,” Doleva said. “There is no guarantee when
someone is nominated that they will be elected in their first year. That’s
kind of what makes the process work. The committee takes a look at the pros and

Yao can certainly make a compelling argument.

His charisma and popularity helped spike merchandise sales and prompted record
TV ratings for games after the Rockets made him the top overall pick in the
2002 draft. NBA commissioner David Stern called Yao “a transformational player
and a testament to the globalization of our game.”

Yao also donated $2 million to set up a foundation to rebuild schools destroyed
by the earthquake in Sichuan province in May 2008. He carried the Olympic torch
through Tiananmen Square and his country’s flag during the opening ceremonies
at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

deserves Hall of Fame consideration, not just for his statistics, but for his
unprecedented impact on the game. Van Gundy coached Yao from 2003-07.

“He’s been one of the greatest ambassadors to ever set foot on an NBA floor,”
Van Gundy said. “This guy touched so many people, and really opened doors in
China, not only for himself, but for so many others.”

Doleva said Yao could make more history if he’s inducted as both a contributor
and as a player. He’ll first be eligible as a player with the class of 2017.

“There are examples of people who have been elected as players, and then
elected as coaches,” Doleva said. “But there has never been anyone elected as
a contributor, and then elected as a player or a coach. That’s not to say it
can’t be done, there are no rules against it. But it would be the first time.”

名人堂主席John Doleva昨天說,明年姚明可能就能進名人堂,並非以球員身份,而是表彰他對


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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-08-12T17:58
現在對到日本的話 加上沒有大房東 可能會輸個10分吧 日本那隻白人根本就是高中時期的壘哥 加上有一隻大中鋒 越打越好 昨天中華鋒線全面熄火 楊敬敏真的打得很悶 貢獻還比呂政儒少 不過選毛加恩怎麼都沒上場?? - ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-08-12T17:47
這是我這幾天看球下來的看法: 中華隊似乎永遠不知道自己的問題所在? 到底是戰術有問題還是球員執行力不夠,沒人知道? 總之就是訓練不夠~~~ 許多人總是說中華隊的問題是身高不夠 當然有許多長人會占有一定優勢,但不代表就可以打出好球 世界上仍有許多一級強隊是靠後場為主,為啥我們不能學習他們的特點? 我 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-08-12T17:07
韓菲伊中 一看中華就是老四命 球評跟教練團心理想歸想,但是不能說 問題是這三隊中華隊在今晚就能都交手過了 瓊斯杯四強好像也有個交代了 起碼不會被罵到臭頭 理由也想好了 由於頻繁出賽導致球員過於勞累,故換上年輕球員累積經驗並與球員磨合 反正心裡面想打不贏也不是只有一個 何必把主力操到掛呢? ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-08-12T17:04
剛剛伊朗跟約旦實在精采 但我發現有一點 兩隊打的雖然難分難捨 卻沒有火氣 最後伊朗高個子還跟約旦大三元哥擁抱 約旦光頭教練也到場中跟伊朗球員交流 看起來是稱讚伊朗球員 反觀中華對約旦打的小動作不斷 想問一下 這屆賽事 有哪些是兩邊都打的很快樂的球賽呢? - ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-08-12T17:02
中韓伊都晉級了 看完等等日菲對決 搶門票之後 晚上中韓戰會很無聊 四強賽有可能 出現 and#34;中日之戰嗎?and#34; 要在什麼前提之下才可能出現? 或 不會出現? 不太會算說 - ...