塞爾維亞能在八強賽阻止阿根廷的持續不敗嗎? - 籃球

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-09-10T19:25

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Will Serbia halt Argentina's unbeaten run in the Quarter-Finals?

09/09/2019 PREVIEW 3 MIN TO READ

DONGGUAN (China) - Argentina have looked sharp in all their five wins at the
FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019, but their biggest test is yet to come as they
are set to have a Quarter-Finals encounter with a Serbian team coming off a
surprise loss to Spain in the Second Round.


The last time these two countries went head-to-head at the FIBA Basketball
World Cup was nine years ago in Ankara, Turkey. It was a nip-and-tuck affair
between Argentina and Serbia, with Luis Scola's mesmerizing 32-point
explosion not enough to sink the Serbians, who escaped with an 84-82 win.

伯仲之間的比賽,Luis Scola的32分爆量表現不足以讓他們打敗塞爾維亞,塞爾維亞以84

Now Scola is back to headline Argentina's charge, but opposing him will be a
new generation of Serbians hoping to thwart the Argentines once more. Scola's
contemporaries like Dusko Savanovic and Nenad Krstic are no longer around,
replaced by even more dangerous and versatile players in Nikola Jokic,
Nemanja Bjelica and Boban Marjanovic. Needless to say, Scola & Co. will have
their work cut out for them when they play Serbia at the sprawling Dongguan
Basketball Center.

爾維亞球員。Scola同期的對手如Dusko Savanovic和Nenad Krstic已經不在陣中,取而代
之的是更危險更多才多藝的Nikola Jokic、Nemanja Bjelica和Boban Marjanovic等人。


Team Overview Argentina: Coach Sergio Hernandez has steered this well-oiled
Argentine quintet to five convincing wins, but it can be argued that they
haven't been really tested yet. They've beaten opponents by a difference of
18.6 points per game behind the sublime play of Scola, fantastic floor
general Facundo Campazzo and the ever-improving Marcos Delia.

阿根廷:Sergio Hernandez教練在這五連勝中執教表現出色,但也可以說他們尚未遇
場上將軍Facundo Campazzo及不斷進步的Marcos Delia。

Team Overview Serbia: For much of the World Cup, Serbia have looked like and
carried themselves as the title favorites. They've demolished pretty much
every team they have faced, winning their first four assignments by an
eye-popping difference of 40.8 points per game. That mantle of invincibility,
however, was shattered to pieces by their 12-point loss against Spain, and
it'll be interesting to see how Serbia will bounce back from this, their
first loss since the team was assembled months ago.


Key Matchup: Argentina's Luis Scola v Serbia's Nikola Jokic. While it's
tempting to choose the backcourt battle between Facundo Campazzo and Bogdan
Bogdanovic - and it will surely be a great matchup, too - the stakes are much
higher in the frontcourt, where Serbia's prized big man Nikola Jokic has a
lot to prove after his meltdown against Spain. Jokic has been in cruise
control for much of the World Cup, relying on his terrific footwork and court
vision, but he ran into a rock-solid defense against Marc Gasol & Co. in
their previous game. Things won't get any easier against Scola (and Delia) in
the Quarter-Finals, so this is the moment the Serbian star center really
needs to shine.

關鍵對決:阿根廷的Luis Scola v 塞爾維亞的Nikola Jokic。雖然可以選擇Facundo
Campazzo和Bogdan Bogdanovic之間的後場對決─肯定也會是一組很精采的對決─但
前場的決戰賭注要高得多,當塞爾維亞的大個子Nikola Jovic要在前一場的對西班牙的
優秀的視野,但上一場遇到Marc Gasol等人的堅若磐石的防守。在八強面對Scola(以及

X-Factor: Depth. Both Argentina and Serbia are among the most skilled teams
here in China, but in a game that could be very physical and could end up as
a battle of attrition, do not be shocked if Serbia's depth proves to be the
most critical element. With talent that goes 12-deep, coach Sasha Djordjevic
can potentially have no drop in production no matter which combinations he
uses on the floor.


Stats Don't Lie: Turnovers will be crucial here, especially after Serbia had
an error-prone performance against Spain. Coach Djordjevic's wards registered
17 turnovers in that defeat, and that's something Argentina head coach Sergio
Hernandez is certainly keying on in his team's preparations. Serbia, despite
their size, skill and depth, are entering this game as the team with the
second-highest number of turnovers per game, and, fittingly, Argentina have
the highest steals average in the tournament with 11.4 per contest. If
there's a chink in Serbia's armor, it's their occasional recklessness, which
Argentina would do well to pounce on.

Djordjevic教練的陣容在這球出現了17次失誤,這就是阿根廷總教練Sergio Hernandez

They Said: "We learned a lot and just need to continue competing, It's not
easy playing at this level against some of the best teams in the world. We
have to come up with the aggressiveness in our next game and that's it." -
Serbia center Miroslav Raduljica

球隊並不容易。我們在下一場比賽必須保持侵略性。"塞爾維亞中鋒 Miroslav

"We're not losing focus. The competition is still here. We need to make
ourselves aware that we have to play together. We only play best when we
share the ball, and now we were not that team. Maybe some players wanted to
take individual responsibility, but we don't need that. We have to play our
basketball, which we know we will play. We have to raise our heads and move
forward." - Serbia head coach Sasha Djordjevic

教練Sasha Djordjevic這麼說。

"Our philosophy from here to the future will be that of defensive
aggressiveness, the energy, transmitting those emotions on the court. Right
now, we are a very happy team, the whole team, not just the five players on
the court. It is something we are achieving game by game, we know that there
is a lot of work, that this is not the end. Despite the joy for what we did,
we know that a very hard battle is coming." - Argentina forward Patricio

到艱困的比賽即將到來。"阿根廷前鋒Patricio Garino這麼說。

"Having no loss is a product of a lot of work and a lot of preparation. We
are very happy our work paid off, and we want to keep working and winning. We
want to go step by step. There are a lot of teams better than us like USA,
Serbia or Spain. We just want to compete, and don't really think about first
place or second place or whatever just yet." - Argentina guard Facundo

阿根廷後衛Facundo Campazzo這麼說

FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y3ltdshm

Tags: 籃球

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