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Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2005-09-12T10:04

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I am not able to enjoy Rogi's win too much because at the end I saw in
andre's face, his eyes, when he so graciously congratulate Roge at the net, I
saw so much sadness. It was heartbreaking.
The one thing he should know is that Roge had to win this with the best
things he has, this was not handed to him. Tiebreak became so crucial, much
more important to agassi thatn to Roge. andre was already so tired adn then
lose TB found it was so difficult to come back.

Congratulations to Andre Agassi! We will see him I hope in Melbourne

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Agassi's spectacular run comes to an end

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2005-09-12T09:43
By NANCY ARMOUR, AP National Writer September 11, 2005 NEW YORK (AP) -- Andre Agassiand#39;s run sure was fun while it lasted. The oldest finalist at the ...

Open-Agassi says he has no plans to …

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2005-09-12T09:19
其實我本來就不覺得他會因為這場比賽後就退休 我非常有信心 因為Andre曾經說過 如果有哪一天,當他已經無法對世上最頂尖的球員帶來威脅感時 就是他退休的日子 而今天,雖然他輸了 但很明顯他並不是從頭輸到尾 反而他在前兩盤+第三盤中段 都帶給Federer無與倫比的壓力 這從Federer之前眉頭常深鎖的表情及 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2005-09-12T08:58
雖然你在今天決賽還是失利 但我一點都不想責怪你 因為你真的已經表現得很棒了 35歲還能在球場上奔馳到這種地步 而且一路上還打了三場五盤大戰 如果是我 到35歲都不知道還能不能跑咧 其實之前一直希望你可以在今年拿下一座大滿貫然後光榮退休 倒也不是要刻意追求和山普拉斯一樣的道路 只不過就是希望可以在生涯畫上一個 ...

Open-Agassi says he has no plans to retire

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2005-09-12T08:47
NEW YORK, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Andre Agassi has no plans to retire from tennis after pushing Roger Federer hard before losing 6-3 2-6 7-6 6-1 in the U.S. Op ...

一樣迷人的單手飛吻 (^.^)╯

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2005-09-12T08:44
即使到了末盤5:0 我心底還是一直吶喊:Comand#39;on Anrde!! 再來一盤!! 比賽結束後感覺很沮喪 眼睛濕濕的 在Andre向全場揮手離開的那剎那 一幕幕過去的比賽畫面在腦海倒帶重現 20年來 Andre在同一個場地呈現不同的光景 Ashe的硬地上 曾經迴盪著年少輕狂的叫囂 ...