唯一的驚喜:RVP不是在國際賽受傷 Orz - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Rachel
at 2010-09-09T20:30
at 2010-09-09T20:30
Table of Contents
The only surprise is that RVP’s injury isn’t the fault of International
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2540
Injuries to key squad members are like London buses: depressing.
Yesterday afternoon we were delivered the news that Robin van Persie would be
out until mid-October. It’s disappointing, but not surprising. His
injuries are something one has to take in to account. He can never, ever be
relied on to be a regular member of the squad.
昨天下午得知 Robin van Persie 會缺席直到十月中旬。實在夠令人失望的,但也不感到
(官網新聞 http://goo.gl/1J2W )
We’ve been here before, but it remains such a shame for Robin, who is 27 now
and must be wondering if his the glory his talent deserves will elude him in
a career dogged by injuries. This is by no means a ’serious’ injury, but
it has interrupted his season before it ever really hit its stride, and is
likely to mean that of our first eleven games of the season he’ll have
started just one.
我們曾談論過,但至今對於 Robin 仍感到令人可惜。他已經27歲了,該考慮是否他那足球
Perhaps even more disappointing was the sight of Theo Walcott being stretched
off early on in England’s game against Switzerland last night. Walcott had
started the season, and indeed the England game, in good form, and seeing him
so clearly in pain was a real worry. The latest prognosis is better than
first feared, but I’m not going to be counting any chickens - Theo’s claim
that he’ll be back within two weeks sounds a little optimistic, especially
when you look at arseblog’s picture of the nasty twist.
或許最令人傷心的是,昨晚 Theo Walcott 在英格蘭對上瑞士的開始就倒下來了。Walcott
Theo 自己宣稱會在兩週內回歸有點過於樂觀,特別是你看了 arseblog 裡那令人作嘔的腿
(圖片真相:http://www.twitpic.com/2m76d8 不喜勿入,看上去很不輸湖( ̄ー ̄;))
Sandwiched in between all the doom and gloom was the news that Samir Nasri
will be back in full training this week. Even so, I suspect the game with
Bolton may come a little too soon for him.
就在這許多的厄運和無望之下,好消息是 Samir Nasri 這週開始進行完整訓練。即便如此
,我仍認為這週對上 Bolton 的比賽對他來講還是太趕了。
Elsewhere, Cesc Fabregas played 45 minutes in Spain’s 4-1 defeat against
Argentina, whilst Andrey Arshavin captained Russia to a demoralising 1-0 loss
at home to Slovakia. Apparently Arshavin was tested for
performance-enhancing drugs after the game, which is at once hilarious and
pointless. Wee Jack Wilshere made an impact as a sub for the U-21s, after
Stewart Pearce made a point of leaving him out of the side. The telegrams
reporting the likely deaths of the remainder of our squad have, it seems, yet
to arrive.
另一邊,Cesc Fabregas 踢了45分鐘國際友誼賽,但西班牙以 1-4 不敵阿根廷;而Andrey
Arshavin 戴上隊長袖標,仍洩氣地在主場以 0-1 輸給 斯洛伐克。賽後 Arshavin 被測出
使用增效藥品,但顯得既可笑又無意義。我們的 Jack Wilshere 在 U-21 替補上場後帶來
貢獻,而先前(教練) Stewart Pearce 曾表示不會讓他在陣容裡。《電訊報》甚至認為
U-21 目前的陣容只能等著被淘汰,看來,時辰未到吧。
※Stewart Pearce 應該是叫作 Stuart Pearce,可能打錯字了吧?
Sebastian Squillaci made an appearance for the Reserves in their 4-3 win over
Blackburn last night. You can check out a few clips of him pointing and
shouting in this free video, which looks as if it was lovingly compiled by an
obsessive stalker sat behind the goal.
Sebastian Squillaci 昨晚以預備隊身分登場,4-3險勝 Blackburn。(法比...Orz)你可以
Hopefully by tomorrow the misery of the interlull will have begun to lift,
and we can start looking forward to some proper football once again.
最近懶了一點,( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
※ 編輯: changyg 來自: (09/09 20:31)
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2540
Injuries to key squad members are like London buses: depressing.
Yesterday afternoon we were delivered the news that Robin van Persie would be
out until mid-October. It’s disappointing, but not surprising. His
injuries are something one has to take in to account. He can never, ever be
relied on to be a regular member of the squad.
昨天下午得知 Robin van Persie 會缺席直到十月中旬。實在夠令人失望的,但也不感到
(官網新聞 http://goo.gl/1J2W )
We’ve been here before, but it remains such a shame for Robin, who is 27 now
and must be wondering if his the glory his talent deserves will elude him in
a career dogged by injuries. This is by no means a ’serious’ injury, but
it has interrupted his season before it ever really hit its stride, and is
likely to mean that of our first eleven games of the season he’ll have
started just one.
我們曾談論過,但至今對於 Robin 仍感到令人可惜。他已經27歲了,該考慮是否他那足球
Perhaps even more disappointing was the sight of Theo Walcott being stretched
off early on in England’s game against Switzerland last night. Walcott had
started the season, and indeed the England game, in good form, and seeing him
so clearly in pain was a real worry. The latest prognosis is better than
first feared, but I’m not going to be counting any chickens - Theo’s claim
that he’ll be back within two weeks sounds a little optimistic, especially
when you look at arseblog’s picture of the nasty twist.
或許最令人傷心的是,昨晚 Theo Walcott 在英格蘭對上瑞士的開始就倒下來了。Walcott
Theo 自己宣稱會在兩週內回歸有點過於樂觀,特別是你看了 arseblog 裡那令人作嘔的腿
(圖片真相:http://www.twitpic.com/2m76d8 不喜勿入,看上去很不輸湖( ̄ー ̄;))
Sandwiched in between all the doom and gloom was the news that Samir Nasri
will be back in full training this week. Even so, I suspect the game with
Bolton may come a little too soon for him.
就在這許多的厄運和無望之下,好消息是 Samir Nasri 這週開始進行完整訓練。即便如此
,我仍認為這週對上 Bolton 的比賽對他來講還是太趕了。
Elsewhere, Cesc Fabregas played 45 minutes in Spain’s 4-1 defeat against
Argentina, whilst Andrey Arshavin captained Russia to a demoralising 1-0 loss
at home to Slovakia. Apparently Arshavin was tested for
performance-enhancing drugs after the game, which is at once hilarious and
pointless. Wee Jack Wilshere made an impact as a sub for the U-21s, after
Stewart Pearce made a point of leaving him out of the side. The telegrams
reporting the likely deaths of the remainder of our squad have, it seems, yet
to arrive.
另一邊,Cesc Fabregas 踢了45分鐘國際友誼賽,但西班牙以 1-4 不敵阿根廷;而Andrey
Arshavin 戴上隊長袖標,仍洩氣地在主場以 0-1 輸給 斯洛伐克。賽後 Arshavin 被測出
使用增效藥品,但顯得既可笑又無意義。我們的 Jack Wilshere 在 U-21 替補上場後帶來
貢獻,而先前(教練) Stewart Pearce 曾表示不會讓他在陣容裡。《電訊報》甚至認為
U-21 目前的陣容只能等著被淘汰,看來,時辰未到吧。
※Stewart Pearce 應該是叫作 Stuart Pearce,可能打錯字了吧?
Sebastian Squillaci made an appearance for the Reserves in their 4-3 win over
Blackburn last night. You can check out a few clips of him pointing and
shouting in this free video, which looks as if it was lovingly compiled by an
obsessive stalker sat behind the goal.
Sebastian Squillaci 昨晚以預備隊身分登場,4-3險勝 Blackburn。(法比...Orz)你可以
Hopefully by tomorrow the misery of the interlull will have begun to lift,
and we can start looking forward to some proper football once again.
最近懶了一點,( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
※ 編輯: changyg 來自: (09/09 20:31)
推 yuhtarng:希望小老虎踝關節夠軟Q...別有大礙才好 09/09 21:07
→ Nvboy:腳踝韌帶傷,六週 09/09 21:23
推 thomas34:..................真的很無言 09/09 22:14
推 tliu223:我廠的玻璃人真的太多了 真不知是隊醫問題還是選材問題 09/09 22:16
→ GigiBuffon:.......對這種消息不意外應該難過嗎.....? 09/09 22:27
推 sagax:教授:我們有足夠的球員..... 09/09 22:34
All Comments

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