哈扎德:我和薩里理念相同、我也熱愛倫敦 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2019-02-10T02:44

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騰訊體育 2019-02-09 19:23






At 14, he moved to Lille to develop his talent. It was quite a step.
“Lille is a small club compared to Chelsea,” he says. “When we go to
Asia or America, you can see people who know you because I play for
Chelsea. It's a big club. Chelsea won the Champions League. Chelsea won
the Europa League. The last 12 years they are the best club in England in
terms of trophies. Top players, great managers. So that's why I'm loving
it. I love to play for Chelsea because it's one of the best clubs in the

He knows there is renewed speculation about his leaving for Real Madrid.
When asked whether he is happy at Chelsea, Hazard unhesitatingly replies:
“Yes.” He may well move, of course, as the lure of Real is strong, but
what is not in doubt is his love for Chelsea. “Stamford Bridge is
different to other stadiums because the stands are close to the pitch. I
like this feeling, you can almost touch the fans. I can hear everything
the fans say, 'Come on Hazard!' 'Do some magic, please!' That's why I love
to play there. I score a lot of goals there, and I will score more this

He loves to play. “It is more passion than a job,” he says. “It will
always be a passion. And the day I don't think like this, I stop playing.
Sometimes, the training is a bit boring, but football's my life. I eat
football, I talk football, I play football. My happiness? To be on the

He now works with another legend of the game, Gianfranco Zola, who assists
Sarri in implementing the coach's philosophy of possession-driven
Sarri-ball. “To be with Gianfranco as a legend of Chelsea is like in
Belgium with Thierry,” Hazard says with a smile. “I look at videos of
them. We can learn a lot from them. Gianfranco is like a big brother.”


So what's Sarri like? “Possession! Possession! The manager likes
possession! He's a lot about statistics. Numbers. Possession. Shooting.
Goal opportunity. In the past we used to play more counterattack. It is
different with Sarri than with Conte and Mourinho. Sometimes we keep
possession, and I understand the fans want us to go forward [more
directly], but it is part of the football. We are still learning about his
concept. We are doing well. I like this kind of football.




Chelsea needed a ruthless finisher. “We had Diego Costa. Diego was one of
them,” he says. “I understand when people want a striker to score all
the time.” But there's more to the role, Hazard argues. “I give you an
example: at the World Cup, [Olivier] Giroud didn't score one goal but at
the end France won, and I think [Antoine] Griezmann liked to play with
Giroud. I liked to play with Giroud, because he gets a lot of attention
from the defender and I have more freedom.”

Sarri-ball has brought the arrival of Jorginho from Napoli into deep
midfield and the controversial repositioning of N'Golo Kante into a more
attacking midfield role. The problem comes when opposing sides succeed in
closing down Jorginho, cutting off the supply upfield. “If one guy is
marking him all the time, we need to adapt also,” Hazard says. “Jorginho
is always trying to be free to take the ball to create something. He's a
fantastic player.”

As for Kante's switch, Hazard says, “N'Golo's a clever guy, one of the
best in his position, maybe the best in the world. N'Golo now plays six
months in the different position. He needs to adapt. When we win, everyone
will say, 'Yes, he plays in his [best] position, and if we lose everyone
will say, 'No, he needs to go a bit behind'. Depends only on the result.”

With that, Hazard heads out into the Fulham Road, driving to training,
leaving the merry mass of pupils behind, waving. “I love the people in
London and where I live in Cobham,” he says. “My kids love London. I
like that I'm left alone, not just for me but also my family. It is a bit
different than in Belgium. Since two or three years, it's hard to go to a
restaurant [in Belgium] because people know me, and everyone is crazy when
you go somewhere. In England, they respect [privacy] a lot.”

His idea of relaxing is time with the family, “playing football in the
garden, going to a restaurant, watching a movie altogether. Now I have
three kids, so I'm never alone! I'm always with people, kids, family,
cousins.” That sharing again. “Like on the pitch, we play a collective
game!” It is why Hazard is campaigning for more togetherness, for people
to be more inclusive.

(飛翼) 責任編輯:lyancowang


Eden Hazard: The way Maurizio Sarri thinks is the same way I think about

Henry Winter - The Times, February 8 2019, 5:00pm


When it comes to a crisis, still keep on running.

You believe in power. It's mental power.


All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2019-02-12T17:11
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-02-15T07:39
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2019-02-17T22:07
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-02-20T12:35
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2019-02-23T03:03
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2019-02-25T17:31
備案不外乎Isco,Dybala,Coutinho 如果左路決定扶正奧
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2019-02-28T07:58
多伊 那錢可以拿去砸前鋒 EX: Icardi
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2019-03-02T22:26
HAZARD真的走了邊路一定要買個即戰力的 奧多伊還不夠
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2019-03-05T12:54
買了即戰力 奧多伊就不會續約了
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2019-03-08T03:22
即戰力也是可以輪換的 難道拜仁真的會押寶奧多伊嗎??
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2019-03-10T17:50
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2019-03-13T08:18
不是拜仁壓不壓寶奧多伊 是奧多伊的情況就是他認為去
拜仁他可以先發 我們這邊沒有辦法給他這樣的承諾
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2019-03-15T22:46
不知道拜仁是灌甚麼迷湯藥 不然奧多伊不會這麼急著走
夏天假設哈炸走 我甚至覺得威廉也要離開 奧多伊才會留下
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-03-18T13:13
換個說法好 HAZARD離開後的實力缺口 奧多伊真的補得上嗎
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2019-03-21T03:41
那就要接受最壞的打算 兩個都離開就是了
倒是不擔心 高層不買人 只是要買甚麼人 或者留下誰而已
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2019-03-23T18:09
PEDRO威廉這麼老了 靠一個PULISIC補得上嗎??
不可能真的哈炸威廉都走了還不補人 至少要補個成名的球星
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2019-03-26T08:37
想不到能代替哈炸的 上面三位性質好像不太一樣
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2019-03-28T23:05
我們家的進攻三箭頭 扣掉哈渣有誰能扛大旗的???
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2019-03-31T13:33
這賽季就想辦法回歐冠吧 沒歐冠甚麼都不用談了
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2019-04-03T04:01
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2019-04-05T18:28
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2019-04-08T08:56
靠奧多伊+pulisic兩個20小夥+威廉佩刀二老 要撐一季風險高
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2019-04-10T23:24
那隻不太可能皇馬會放 反而要高興說不定有那支皇馬買
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2019-04-13T13:52
歐冠真的是底線 有歐冠買人好買 沒歐冠要買人太難
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-04-16T04:20
美國人應是鎖定開季先發rw了 威廉應會走找最後一張大約
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2019-04-18T18:48
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2019-04-21T09:15
以高層個性哈炸走絕對會簽人交代的 覺得魯本也能輪右邊
不是 這季提拔爆發的18歲巴西左邊鋒 黑人
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2019-04-23T23:43
魯本這季的定位很飄忽阿 很擔心太子爺平庸化下去
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-04-26T14:11
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2019-04-29T04:39
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2019-05-01T19:07
當初沒趁木鳥還在的時候弄來馬球王現在覺得好可惜啊 哈哈

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By Christine
at 2019-02-09T22:47
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