台南足球聯賽志願者 - 足球

By Liam
at 2012-09-04T21:19
at 2012-09-04T21:19
Table of Contents
台南聯賽再找一些"志願者" 來跟我玩組織 足球比賽!
1) 訪問者 (每場前,中,後 訪問參加比賽的隊長/教練,還是球員)(1-2位)
2) 攝像師 (攝影每一場比賽)(1-2位)
3) 視頻技術員 (剪影片)(1位)
4) 評論員 (評論每一場的highlights 10分鐘左右)(2位)
TFL is looking for some volunteers to have fun organising the league with us!
Who's wanna become our:
1) Interviewer (interview captain, coach or player before, at half time and at the end of each game) (1 or 2 people)
2) Cameraman (record the games) (1 or 2 people)
3) Video Technician (to make the highlights) (1 person)
4) Commentators (to comment the highlights which are bout 10 minutes or less) (2 people)
It is possible that I can give some money for some of these activities.
1) 訪問者 (每場前,中,後 訪問參加比賽的隊長/教練,還是球員)(1-2位)
2) 攝像師 (攝影每一場比賽)(1-2位)
3) 視頻技術員 (剪影片)(1位)
4) 評論員 (評論每一場的highlights 10分鐘左右)(2位)
TFL is looking for some volunteers to have fun organising the league with us!
Who's wanna become our:
1) Interviewer (interview captain, coach or player before, at half time and at the end of each game) (1 or 2 people)
2) Cameraman (record the games) (1 or 2 people)
3) Video Technician (to make the highlights) (1 person)
4) Commentators (to comment the highlights which are bout 10 minutes or less) (2 people)
It is possible that I can give some money for some of these activities.
All Comments

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at 2012-09-09T18:24
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at 2012-09-11T06:22

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at 2012-09-11T15:24
at 2012-09-11T15:24
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