只要報價合理 Arsenal 願意放人 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-06-28T10:22

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Nvboy:不過BBC說某位槍手資深高曾透漏如果價格談好,法布可賣06/27 23:22

Arsenal board ready to sell Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona

By Dan Roan
BBC sports news correspondent


Arsenal are prepared to sell Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona if the two clubs can
agree a price for the Spanish midfielder, BBC Sport has learned.
據悉 Arsenal 已備好賣出 Cesc Fabregas 給 Barcelona 的程序,只要雙方談妥費用即

The Premier League club have rejected an initial bid for their captain but
are now bracing themselves for an improved offer.
英超俱樂部 Arsenal 已經拒絕 Barca 第一次對槍手隊長的報價,現在雙方將洽談更進一

A senior Arsenal official said: "The offer was made formally in writing to
our chief executive (Ivan Gazidis), and we said no straight away."
一名 Arsenal 資深官員表示:『第一份正式報價合約直接送交我們的首席執行官 (Ivan

When asked if the club expected an improved offer this week, the source said:
"Possibly yes, and if it's enough then I expect we'll have to sell."

Arsenal's stance appears to have shifted since last season when they rejected
two offers from Barcelona for Fabregas, a former trainee at the Nou Camp, and
stated they had no intention of selling him at any price.
Arsenal 目前的立場可能有所改變,即便上賽季 Barca 兩次對曾在 Nou Camp 青訓的
Fabregas 報價都被回絕,且曾說過不接受任何報價。

Since then, American billionaire Stan Kroenke has taken control of the London
club and now faces the first major decision of his reign.
自那之後,美國億萬富翁 Stan Kroenke 取得這家倫敦俱樂部的控制權,並面臨執掌後第

Barcelona's president Sandro Rosell said last week that Fabregas was trying
to pave the way for a return to the club he left as a 16-year-old, but that
the heavily indebted Spanish giants would not pay more than £35m for him.
Barcelona 總裁 Sandro Rosell 上週曾表示,Fabregas 正努力地規劃如何回到他16歲時
離開的俱樂部,但也指出高負債的壓力使得他們不會為他出價超過 3,500萬英鎊。

Barcelona's latest bid is reported to be around £27m, well short of
Arsenal's valuation of more than £40m.
Barcelona 前次的報價約莫在 2,700萬英鎊,遠低於 Arsenal 認定的 4,000萬英鎊身價

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger may still object to any sale, and Kroenke will
rely on his manager's guidance when making a decision.
Arsenal 主教練 教授 依然拒絕賣出,Kroenke 要做出決定前也會根據主教練的指示。

But Arsenal's board, consisting of Kroenke, Gazidis, chairman Peter Hill-Wood
and directors Ken Friar, Sir Chips Keswick and Lord Harris of Peckham are
aware of the difficulties of keeping the 24-year-old against his will.
但是 Arsenal 的高層,由 Kroenke、Gazidis、主席 Peter Hill-Wood 和 監督 Ken
Friar、Chip Keswick 爵士 和 Harris of Peckham 勛爵 這些人,都知道阻止這名24歲

His recent injury problems, combined with the emergence of Jack Wilshere, and
the likely arrival of Argentinian Ricardo Alvarez, may also have influenced
their thinking.
Cesc 近日的傷病困擾,加上 Jack Wilshere 的崛起,再則 阿根廷人 Richardo
Alvarez 可能加盟,無一不影響高層的決定。

Fabregas is in Barcelona this week on a holiday, and his former club would
like to complete a deal before he has to return to pre-season training in
London next Tuesday ahead of a tour to the Far East.
Fabregas 這週會待在 Barcelona 休假,而他前任俱樂部 Barca 希望能在他下週二回去

Sources in Spain say that Barcelona have already begun talks with one of
Europe's leading sports agencies over maximising the commercial opportunities
of Fabregas' potential homecoming, suggesting a degree of confidence the deal
can be finalised.
西班牙有消息指出,Barca 已和一家歐洲著名的運動員經紀公司討論如何發揮 Fabregas

Meanwhile, former director Lady Bracewell-Smith, who made millions of pounds
selling her 15.9% stake in the club to Kroenke this year, enabling him to
take control of Arsenal, has rejected calls from some fans for the return of
former vice-chairman David Dein, who was sacked in 2007.
同時,前任總監 Bracewell-Smith 女士,今年曾賣出 Arsenal 的 15.9%股份給
Kroenke 而賺進百萬英鎊,使得 Kroenke 得以持有 Arsenal 的掌控權,拒絕球迷呼籲
讓前任副主席 David Dein 的回歸,一個曾在 2007年被解雇的高層官員。

On her Twitter account, Lady Bracewell-Smith said: "No Dein. Root cause of
all the troubles at AFC. Unable to work with other board members."
Lady Bracewell-Smith 在她的 Twitter 如是說:『這裡不會有 Dein。他才是 Arsenal


據傳這週會有新報價,衛報(The Guardian)指出可能出價£35M(€40M)。

Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !

Tags: 英超

All Comments

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-07-02T05:05
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-07-05T23:49
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-07-09T18:32
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-07-13T13:16
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-07-17T07:59
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-07-21T02:43
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-07-24T21:26
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-07-28T16:10
反正就接受報價阿 要不要賣又是另外一回事
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-08-01T10:53
John avatar
By John
at 2011-08-05T05:37
賣的話溫格自打嘴巴 口口聲聲說法布會是gunner一陣子
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-08-09T00:20
在職業運動裡面 要一輩子待在某球隊 是有但是極少數
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-08-12T19:04
昨天看goal的新聞說法布打算自掏腰包去補差額 可能嗎?
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-08-16T13:47
如果以上屬實 真是悲哀
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-08-20T08:31
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-08-24T03:14
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-08-27T21:58
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-08-31T16:41
如果交易勢在必行麻煩快點 我們還要趕快去買球員
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-09-04T11:25
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-09-08T06:08
早就被吃豆腐吃到無感了 只希望歹戲不要拖棚 呵呵呵...
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-09-12T00:52
《鏡報》指出,Barca 提出新報價:£34m
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-09-15T19:35
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-09-19T14:19
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-09-23T09:02
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-09-27T03:46
George avatar
By George
at 2011-09-30T22:29
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-10-04T17:13
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-10-08T11:56
Barcelona lodge new £35m bid http://tinyurl.com/3upqskt
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-10-12T06:40
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-10-16T01:23
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-10-19T20:07
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-10-23T14:50
先進再出 不然都免談
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-10-27T09:33
小法只賣35m 那我們真的是腦殘了
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-10-31T04:17
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-11-03T23:00
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-11-07T17:44
Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-11-11T12:27
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-11-15T07:11
如果真的只有35m 溫格要怎麼對球迷交代?!

阿森納標價6000萬鎊售小法 下周或連簽三大猛星

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-06-25T16:22
英國各大媒體均於昨天透露,巴薩官方正式報價2700萬英鎊被阿森納駁回,接下來巴薩 打算將報價提升至3000萬英鎊。然而就目前情況來看,巴薩想用最小的代價得到小法鐵定 沒有可能,因為英國與西班牙媒體均於日前指出,阿森納指定會讓巴薩知難而退。   西班牙媒體《馬卡報》在昨天的相關報導中稱,阿森納肯定不會接受以5 ...

溫格獲6000萬轉會預算 此時不砸更待何時

John avatar
By John
at 2011-06-21T23:40
http://www.espnstar.com.tw/news/football/2011/0621/207143.htm 經歷連續6年顆粒無收的阿森納,從球員到教練再到球隊高層,全隊上下每一個人都再也 經不起失敗的折磨了。據《世界新聞報》爆料,阿森納準備放棄之前準備已久的「昆士蘭 路發展計劃」,目的正式為 ...

阿森納購15+10冠軍先生談判已啟動 溫格稱小法將留隊

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-06-15T14:52
消息來源:http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2011-06-15/14395620148.shtml 阿森納俱樂部首席執行官加茲迪斯稱,今年夏天槍手在轉會市場上將會非常繁忙,俱樂部 將為打破多年零冠的尷尬出手買人。 而據法國里爾俱樂部透露,阿森納已經在和科特迪 瓦前鋒熱爾維尼奧商談 ...

教授希望法國同胞留下 槍手夏天必須出手

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-06-13T19:38
http://www.espnstar.com.tw/news/football/2011/0613/206579.htm 最近頻頻傳出消息稱阿森納中場納斯裡有可能離開球隊,投靠佛格森麾下加盟紅魔曼聯。 許多人都認為對於已經經歷了連續第六年顆粒無收的阿森納,法國人納斯裡是時候做出選 擇了。畢竟這位23歲被 ...

納斯裡走近紅魔啟談判 槍手補防爭紅中衛

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-06-12T01:33
http://www.espnstar.com.tw/news/football/2011/0610/206303.htm 就在接近完成艾緒利楊價值2000萬鎊交易的同時,《每日郵報》、《太陽報》和《每日鏡 報》等多家英國媒體紛紛傳出消息稱曼聯冒著激怒阿森納的鋒線,為中場納斯裡提出了一 次試探性的報價,讓 ...